Tears for eyes health

Vision is a unique gift that nature gives to a person from birth.

But the modern rhythm of life rarely allows people to maintain good vision until old age.

Eyes are sufficiently weak and vulnerable organs, which need constant protection and nutrients filling with useful substances.

That's why physicians often prescribe to their patients various vitamin complexes to maintain vision. One of such complexes is Slezavit. Let's consider it in detail in our article.

Contents of
    • 1. Instructions for use
    • 2. Side effects and contraindications to
    • 3. Storage terms and conditions
    • 4. Price
    • 5. Analogues
    • 6. Reviews
    • 7. Conclusion
    • 8. Video

Instruction for use

Slezavit is a combined preparation, which includes a complex of plant carotenoids, vitamins and trace elements. It has a supporting effect on the tissues of the organs of vision.

Slezavit acts as a biologically active supplement to the daily menu and is a valuable source of biomicroelements, anthocyanins, vitamins, zeaxanthin and lutein.

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Indications for use

It is advisable to use it in such cases:

  • excessive fatigue of the eyes after being at the computer, reading or using contact lenses, as well as overvoltage of vision as a result of transport control or the influence of bright light;
  • for the prevention of cataract and glaucoma, macular degeneration and various retinal pathologies
  • during the rehabilitation period after surgical interventions in the field of vision;
  • for the prevention of structural disorders and retinal function due to aging, degeneration processes and refractive failures;
  • during the period of accelerated growth of children;
  • in order to prevent retinopathy in people with diabetes or hypertension;
  • to prevent complications in case of incorrect or too long use of ophthalmic lenses, as well as disturbances of eye addiction to conditions of lack of light;
  • to prevent the appearance of keratomalacia, as well as to prevent the development of myopia and hyperopia.

How to use

It is recommended that sore should be taken to patients aged three years, one capsule once a day during meals. If necessary, the attending physician can increase this dose to three capsules per day.

The average duration of the therapeutic course is one month, but it can also be increased at the discretion of the physicians.

If the patient does not get to swallow the whole capsule, it must be opened and poured from the powder into the spoon, then mix it with a small amount of liquid.

Form release, composition

The described preparation is issued in the form of solid capsules of gelatin weighing 538 grams of , having a matt brown color. Inside each capsule is a brown-red powder with whitish impregnations, which has a uniform consistency.

Capsules are packaged in 15 blister packs and sold for two blisters in a carton. They can also be found on sale in plastic bottles containing thirty capsules.

In each capsule of the preparation, Sleawit contains:

Weight Name
Up to 60 milligrams Ascorbic acid or vitamin C
Up to 3 milligrams Riboflavin or vitamin B2
Up to 2 milligrams Pyridoxine or vitamin B6
Up to 1.5 milligram Thiamine or vitamin B1
Up to 10 milligrams Vitamin E
Up to 1 milligram Vitamin A
Up to 60 milligram Blueberry extract
Up to 50 μg Chromium
Up to 25 μg Selenium
Up to 8 milligrams Zinc oxide
Up to 10 milligrams Lutein
Up to 1 milligram Zaakantin
Up to 0.4 milligrams Copper sulfate
Complementary substances Corn maltodextrin, microcrystalline cellulose, silicic colloidal anhydrous dioxide, magnesium stearate

Let's see what gives the body the composition of the drug:

Ascorbic acid or vitamin C regulates the processes of oxidation and reduction in the body, triggers blood circulation and reduces intraocular pressure, has an antioxidant effect and prevents damage to the tissues of the organs of sight by free radicalss. This vitamin has a regenerative and antimicrobial effect, strengthens the immune system.

Riboflavin or vitamin B2 takes part in the metabolism, as well as the production of erythropoietin and hemoglobin. This element is needed by man for the full functioning of the organs of sight.

Pyridoxine or vitamin B6 takes part in the metabolism of carbohydrates and amino acids. This element regulates the activity of the nervous system, strengthens the immune system, improves the appearance of the skin and increases efficiency.

Thiamine or vitamin B1 takes part in the process of passage of the nerve impulse through the nerves and is responsible for the successful course of energy metabolism, and also coordinates the functioning of the nervous, endocrine and cardiovascular system.

Vitamin E has rejuvenating properties and prevents the appearance of cataracts, maintains the stability of red blood cells and participates in the respiration of cells. It has a beneficial effect on the activities of the genitourinary, muscular and nervous system.

Vitamin A is a constituent element of the visual pigment of rhodopsin and participates in providing a visual function, it makes possible the proper operation of the eye analyzer and the sensitivity of the eyes to light. He is involved in the restoration of mucous membranes and skin.

Blueberry extract accelerates the synthesis and restoration of the visual pigment of rhodopsin, which leads to improved vision clarity and quicker eye adaptation to low light, and reduced fatigue of the visual organs.

Chromium is a participant in the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism and glucose levels in the blood. It contributes to the normalization of cholesterol and fat metabolism, and also enhances the susceptibility of cells to insulin. Chromium is needed to prevent the development of diabetes mellitus and ailments accompanied by impaired vision.

Selenium has a powerful antioxidant effect and promotes an increase in immunity, as well as enhancement of adaptive abilities of the organism in conditions of the presence of harmful factors.

Zinc oxide accelerates the absorption of vitamin A by the eye retina. It provides eyes with protection from the harmful effects of bright light, ultraviolet rays, as well as other types of oxidative stress. Zinc is also involved in the production of sex hormones and insulin. This micronutrient supports the normal functioning of the lymphoid system.

Lutein and zeaxanthin are carotenoids, without which the retina of the eye can not function fully.

They are the constituent elements of the shielding and antioxidant defense system of the visual organs from the adverse effects of ultraviolet radiation, and also protect photoreceptors from damage by free radicals.

Copper is a participant in the synthesis of melanin, that is, the pigment of the ocular iris, performs the most important function in the formation of elastin and collagen , and is also a constituent element of the iron metabolism.

The capsule shell consists of the following components:

  • titanium dioxide;
  • gelatin;
  • iron oxide is red and black.

Interaction with other drugs

Use of Slezavita should not be combined with the use of other multivitamin complexes, as this may lead to an overdose of certain constituent components of these drugs.

Side effects and contraindications

Tears in the overwhelming majority of cases are well tolerated by patients, but sometimes they develop allergic reactions due to excessive sensitivity to the main substances of this drug. Due to the fact that the composition of the described drug includes riboflavin, during the period of its intake urine can take an intense yellow color.


Tear-off is not allowed in the following cases:

  1. Age to three years.
  2. Excessive susceptibility to the components of the drug described. Period of gestation and lactation.

During pregnancy

The waiting period for the child is included in the list of contraindications to the use of the described drug.

Storage conditions and storage times

The biodiesel must be stored in the original packaging at a temperature of 15 to 25 degrees above zero. This drug should be put in a place protected from sun rays and infiltration of small children. Shelf-life is two years.

As we wrote above, Sleawit suits the people who work at the computer a lot. If you treat them, then the following material will also be useful to you:

  • Exercises for the eyes when working on a computer
  • How to choose glasses for working with a computer?
  • Massage for vision improvement


Average price in Russia

In pharmacies that are located on the territory of the Russian Federation, the approximate cost of the above drug is 620 rubles .

Average cost in Ukraine

Residents of Ukraine today can buy Slezavit in local pharmacies for about 200 hryvnia .


To the preparations, which can be called analogues of Slezavit, it is necessary to relate:

  • Ascorutin;
  • Lutein Forte;
  • Anthocian Forte;
  • Vitalux Plus;
  • Visiobalance Opti;
  • Lutein-Complex;
  • Vitrum Vision.


Most reviews on the Slezavit product can be called positive. According to patients who have to work long hours at a computer or wear contact lenses, the use of Slezavit significantly helped to improve the condition of the eyes. Patients claim that thanks to this drug, they have become less tired and blush their eyes, and vision has become more acute.

Virtually no patient complained of side effects, and the only drawback of this drug people called it a high cost. If you would like to get acquainted with more detailed views on Slezavite, you can find reviews about this product at the end of the article.


  1. Slezavit is a vitamin and mineral complex for the eyes.
  2. It is manufactured in the form of capsules and is used to prevent various diseases of the organs of vision and to remove symptoms of fatigue.
  3. Tear can be taken in patients older than three years.
  4. This drug is not allowed for pregnant and lactating women.
  5. Sleazit has virtually no side effects.
  6. Patients responded positively to the above formulation.


And you know what vitamins are needed for the body, so that vision is always like an eagle?

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