White clots in the secretions of women, lumps: the causes of

Mucus from the vagina is allocated for all women. Such secret provoked pathological and physiological processes in the body. In many ways, the scope and nature depend on hormonal levels. White clots in the secretions in women can occur under the influence of many factors. Most importantly, on time to distinguish the normal secretion from the one that points to the development of diseases.

allocation clotted


  • physiological causes
  • Causes of abnormal discharge
    • infection
    • Thrush
  • diagnosis of the disease
  • Preventive actions
  • proper treatment

physiological causes

Allocation in the form of lumps of white - this is a normal physiological phenomenon, but only if they They have no disagreeable odor and are not accompanied by additional symptoms (burning, itching, pain Feel). Such changes may occur in the middle of the cycle, when ovulation occurs.

Often, such symptoms are observed after intimacy. Especially in cases where condoms are used. When contacting the natural and synthetic lubricants stems from the vagina sufficiently thick liquid, which may be small lumps.

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Causes of abnormal discharge

Normally thick clear discharge are observed after ovulation and intercourse. Symptomatology is not accompanied by burning and itching. If the background of the secret nature of the changes observed other clinical manifestations, it is possible to suspect the development of pathology.

What is the cause of white discharge, can accurately identify only a doctor. To this end, a number of diagnostic procedures, allowing to obtain reliable information about the health of women. Most often, a white discharge with lumps observed during the development of infection or thrush.

Girl and doctor


Normally the woman has a white discharge, which do not cause a burning sensation and pain. If the clots are observed, marked accompanying symptoms, such changes are pathological. Many infectious diseases can cause profuse secretion with lumps. Among the main are the following:

  1. Chlamydia. Bewley in this disease gradually acquire green tint. In addition, there is the appearance of pain in the lower back and abdomen.
  2. Gonorrhea. Secretion in the process of developing the disease becomes thick, yellowish. Pathology manifests itself in an acute form, accompanied by hyperthermia and pain, localized in the area of ​​the inside of the thighs, waist and abdomen. The infection is spreading rapidly and affects all the organs of the reproductive system. Because fluid accumulation occurs sticking fallopian tubes, and therefore comes infertility.
  3. Trichomoniasis. Bewley in this pathology foam and have a very unpleasant odor. Also noted the appearance of itching, pain and burning sensation. In the absence of proper treatment of a pathological process proceeds to urinary canal.
  4. Bacterial vaginosis. The secretion becomes abundant, it appears goo with an unpleasant odor rotten fish. Disease develops due to violation of the vaginal microflora and active bacteria to grow. Often this disease is accompanied by candidiasis.
infection in the uterus


This disease is characterized by abundant white discharge with lumps and clots that have a sour smell. Developing candidiasis due to Candida active reproduction of fungi, which are in the body of every woman, and under certain conditions, are activated, rapidly increasing in numbers.

The main symptom of thrush - cheesy discharge. In addition, there may be in the process of developing the disease pain, itching and burning in the intimate zone, which is amplified in the evening. In case a chronic pathology clinical manifestations become ill-defined. Noted only uncharacteristic curdled secretion.

Among the causes of candidiasis are the following:

  • immunosuppression;
  • antibiotics or oral contraceptives;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • frequent douching;
  • bad organization of diet;
  • excessive body weight.

Favorable background for the development of thrush is considered diabetes. Elevated blood sugar triggers intense multiplication of fungi, and the further spread of the pathological process. The impetus for the activation of pathogenic microorganisms can also be wearing underwear made from synthetic materials, excessive consumption of coffee drinks, the use of soap as a means of intimate hygiene.

causes thrush

diagnosis of the disease

Independently determine the reason for the separation lumps appear, it is impossible. A diagnosis can only be a doctor after diagnosis, which includes a number of activities:

  1. Anamnesis. Gynecologist listens to complaints women know about the presence of chronic diseases.
  2. Inspection using mirrors. In this way it is possible to identify inflammatory processes, assess the condition of the mucous membranes of the vagina and examine the nature of the secretion.
  3. Bimanual study. Doctor probes fingers vagina, genital organ and appendages while pressing his other hand on the wall of the peritoneum. As a result, unable to determine the size and structure of the reproductive system.
  4. Bacterial seeding. It allows to determine the level of sensitivity to various pathogenic microorganisms to antibiotic agents.
  5. PCR diagnostics. Held with suspected presence of infection, sexually transmitted diseases.
  6. Colposcopy. With this method it is possible to eliminate erosion and cervical dysplasia.
  7. Smear on the flora and examination under a microscope.
  8. US.
examination by a gynecologist

After receiving the results of all studies a doctor makes an accurate diagnosis and to select the optimal course of therapy. Treatment is usually carried out comprehensively. Medications and their dosage gynecologist appointed on an individual basis, taking into account what kind of pathology has provoked the appearance of uncharacteristic secretion.

Preventive actions

In many ways, the nature of the secret depends on the lifestyle of women and respect for the intimate hygiene. To prevent occurrence of white lumps in the mucus can be through prevention measures, the main ones are the following:

  1. Podmyvanii performed in the morning and evening, using intimate hygiene products.
  2. Minimize douching.
  3. Avoid casual intimate relationships. The ideal option is considered to be one regular sexual partner.
  4. To correctly choose the means of oral contraception.
  5. Lead an active lifestyle with moderate exercise.
  6. Avoid stressful situations and avoid burnout.
  7. Timely treat any emerging disease.
  8. To organize diet. The menu should be a sufficient amount of herbs, vegetables, fruits and dairy products.
hygiene of intimate areas

proper treatment

In the process of selection of the therapeutic course has several goals with the appearance of mucus with white lumps Gynecologist:

  1. Elimination of the causes of this symptom. The most commonly used in the treatment of candles. Sometimes medications can be administered in tablet form.
  2. Restoration of normal microflora in order to prevent recurrence.
  3. Strengthening of protective functions.
  4. Tissue repair.
  5. Improvement of microcirculation and blood supply.

Selection of drugs and therapies carried out on an individual basis, taking into account the characteristics of the body, the woman's age, the presence of comorbidities and the propensity to allergic reactions.

If used in the treatment of hormonal medications, further recommended to consult with the endocrinologist.

The most common cause of discharge with clots is considered thrush, but not only it manifests similar symptoms. At the slightest suspicion of the disease should be done in the yeast test and get expert advice.

In some cases, these changes are considered to be a normal option. If there are accompanying clinical manifestations, there is a high likelihood of developing disease. In this case, we need medical care. Self-treatment is unacceptable measure.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 15
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