Mucosal secretions during pregnancy (as snot stretching) in the early stages, the second, third trimester

Mucous discharge appears during pregnancy due to hormonal changes in the body of the expectant mother. If they are not accompanied by discomfort and pain, that are considered the norm. Pregnant woman and a doctor should monitor the color, texture, and profusion of scent substances separated. Because of the way change their character selection, it is possible to conclude on the state of mother and baby, and if there are deviations, the time to notice them and fix.

The patient asks the doctor about the allocation


  • Features secretion during pregnancy
    • In the early stages
    • The later stages
  • Different shades of mucous secretions
    • White
    • Yellow
    • Brown and red
    • Green
    • Pink
  • Treatment of infections that cause separation
  • When to seek medical advice

Features secretion during pregnancy

Abundant whitish or clear discharge in early pregnancy - one of its main satellites. The character of discharge from the vagina with the passage of gestation varies and often depends on the individual characteristics of the body of the future mother. However, it is necessary to closely monitor any changes due to the color of the mucus in advance to determine the inflammatory process has begun.

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In the early stages

During the first 12 weeks influenced generate large amounts of the hormone progesterone woman often disturb abundant viscous mucus. And that's fine.

On the 13th week of progesterone and estrogen is added. Therefore mucous secretion in the second trimester of pregnancy becomes thinner and can be produced abundantly former. The aid in this case will come daily sanitary pads.

Thus, transparent allocation of pregnancy are the norm. The reason for the reference to the doctor is the secret:

  • greenish,
  • brown,
  • cheesy,
  • bubbling,
  • with an unpleasant pungent odor.

This kind of mucus from women with early pregnancy indicates an infection or inflammation. In this case, there may be itching, a burning sensation in the genital area and painful urination. Treatment in this case appoint a specialist, so as soon as he put the correct diagnosis, and select the appropriate therapy.

the patient complains of spotting

The later stages

Mucus during pregnancy in the third trimester of normal resemble egg white. Whether they are thick or liquid - any of these options is characteristic of the normal course of pregnancy.

About premature detachment of the placenta can secrete mucus to speak with blood streaks. This phenomenon is very dangerous. It is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, and the secretion of blood splashes turns into bleeding. In such a situation required urgent hospitalization.

It happens that a rich secret is an indication of leakage of amniotic fluid. This condition is dangerous for the baby and the expectant mother. To diagnose the pathology of pregnancy, it is necessary to pass generated for analysis.

Based on study results, the doctor will choose further tactics. If you find that the water actually leaking, the pregnancy period is not able to save up to 22 weeks. In other cases, a woman will put in the hospital, to accelerate the maturation of the respiratory baby, who will have to be born prematurely.

By the end of the third trimester of mucus may become reddish or pink hue. This secretion is considered physiologic and indicates approaching childbirth. The woman simply moves a cork, which reliably protects the entrance to the cervix entire pregnancy.

Different shades of mucous secretions

Allocation as snot, pregnancy - is the norm for tunable under the influence of hormones of the female body. The main thing is to separate the secret was white or transparent color and looked like raw egg whites.

Thick viscous secretion of a protective function. It protects the fetus against the penetration of harmful bacteria to it. Emerging outward normal allocation entrain all foreign, which may pose a threat to the baby.

But if the color of the discharge of substances changes, gets an unpleasant smell, the vulva swollen and itchy, then it is a serious cause for concern.

itching of the genitals


Thick white mucus accompanied by a woman from conception almost up to the birth. And in the last weeks of pregnancy the amount of mucus secreted especially increases.

But in some cases the secretion of white color - a sign of the disease. Mucus, resembling cottage cheese - a thrush. This disease is caused by the presence of the fungus in the vagina. It is accompanied by itching, burning and sometimes painful urination. This frequent disease should definitely be treated. Therapy can be prescribed only by the doctor.


Mucus that color indicates purulent inflammation in the running stage. If a pregnant woman sees the laundry discharge material in various shades of yellow, then it is worth remembering that:

  1. The secret of dark yellow viscous consistency - it is a collection of pus. He appears for breeding aureus or E. coli in the vagina flora. From these harmful bacteria need to be sure to get rid of with the help of treatment.
  2. Bright yellow highlight indicates inflammation of the fallopian tubes or ovaries. This is also signaled by fever and abdominal pain.
  3. White-yellow discharge in pregnancy accompanied by itching, may be due to wear or too narrow synthetic underwear, allergic reactions to laundry detergent or additive in panty liners. In this case, it is necessary to remove the stimulus, and the symptoms go away themselves.

In any case, on the discharge of substances it is necessary to consult with your doctor to be sure to know the reason for its occurrence.

she complains of yellow discharge

Brown and red

At the early stages of a secret brown color often indicates:

  • in the detachment of the ovum. In this case, require immediate hospitalization;
  • ectopic pregnancy. This is also a very dangerous condition;
  • cervical erosion. Treat it will be possible only after delivery. It is not dangerous to the baby.

When the uncharacteristic for a normal pregnancy, heavy bleeding you should immediately consult a doctor. After all, they signal:

  • about the threat of miscarriage. In half of pregnancy can be saved if the emergency measures taken;
  • molar pregnancy. This terrible pathology must be removed surgically.

In the middle of pregnancy, red or brown secretion indicates a placental abruption. Such a condition can not be tolerated and urgently need to seek medical help.

Red-brown slime in a nozzle in the later stages becomes a precursor of sorts. So the cork leaves covering the cervix.

At any time during pregnancy bleeding may be caused by the development of inflammatory processes or diseases, sexually transmitted diseases. They may be accompanied by a pungent odor, discomfort in the abdomen and other symptoms. In any case, the diagnosis must put a doctor. And the treatment also appoints qualified personnel only.


bubbling green discharge substance or isolating resembling plenochki, with the characteristic fishy smell indicate acute vaginal infection or disease, sexually transmitted diseases.

types of abnormal discharge

Thrush or candidiasis can be accompanied by trailing secret greenish or cheesy discharge white.

Abundant green vaginal discharge is usually accompanied by itching, burning sensation in the genital organs and require treatment that the doctor prescribes.


Pink secreted secret becomes due to it getting blood. And when at the same time felt a nagging pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, it means that cervical os opens, and if you do not take urgent measures to preserve the pregnancy, it is possible to lose a child.

Selection pink pregnancy with the smell of blood - the most dangerous and alarming symptom of pregnancy. In this case, it is not necessary to seek advice on the forums, and it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance and go to the hospital.

In later pregnancy, pink hue of a discharge of mucus said plug, which means that women have to be ready at any moment to go to the hospital.

Treatment of infections that cause separation

Any infection detected during pregnancy, should be treated. If left unattended, it will hurt the child. He may develop pneumonia or sepsis. The disease is able to hit the liver, kidneys, and even the brain.

Yellow or green discharge with a pungent odor, accompanied by a drawing pains in the lower back and lower abdomen, indicate infection. There are various treatments that overcome the disease and will not harm the baby. The doctor will choose individual therapy for each case.

doctor discusses with the patient treatment

When as a result of treatment thick stretching allocation will become more liquid will be lost characteristic color, smell, and the other unpleasant symptoms, it would mean that the infection is defeated and the danger I passed.

When to seek medical advice

If the discharge is purulent material was yellow or green in color, it is accompanied by an unpleasant odor, itching and burning, these may be signs of inflammatory diseases or bacterial vaginosis. Both of these conditions should be treated, otherwise they will lead to serious complications.

When the above symptoms need to see a doctor, and he has accurately determine the rate it or pathology.

If earlier treatment of many diseases postponed for the period after the birth, but now enough drugs that can fight the infection and does not harm the fetus.

Therefore, if in doubt, do not put off consulting a doctor. The earlier treatment, the easier it is to cope with the illness.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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