Allocation at pessaries, after installation, removal of: yellow, brown, bloody

Pregnancy - a special period in the life of every woman. Not always, this process proceeds without problems and related diseases. In the presence of certain pathologies require the installation of special obstetric devices. A woman should prepare for any allocation under pessaries are, when to consider them normal or abnormal, what are the characteristics of this procedure.

Pregnant and pessary


  • Features of the application pessary during pregnancy
  • Purpose and contraindications
  • Secretions when wearing the retaining ring
    • normal
    • pathological
  • Secretions after removal device

Features of the application pessary during pregnancy

There are many factors and pathologies in which the whole period of pregnancy is stored at increased risk of premature opening of the cervical canal and the onset of labor. Due to such a state, many women long to carry and give birth to a child.

Relatively recently invented a special obstetric tool - pessary. Though after a while there are characteristic selection, the device has allowed many women to successfully bear healthy children.

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The invention is a gynecological ring which is installed and fixed to the cervical canal. Due to the adaptation of the risk of premature opening of the cervix is ​​minimized, and the pregnancy is maintained.

Earlier surgical uterine stapling device was used instead. However, such measures have been very painful, carried out under general anesthesia and had an unpleasant complications. The installation procedure of the ring is much easier and takes only a few minutes. It is carried out in a gynecological chair, is not considered surgery.

The doctor holds a pessary

Purpose and contraindications

In pregnancy, the installation of the ring is assigned not all patients. The procedure is performed only in the presence of the following factors:

  • multiple pregnancy;
  • the presence of cervical disease;
  • transferred miscarriage in the past;
  • decreased tone of the cervical canal.

If there is some of this testimony, the woman need to install rings. This item will protect the child and herself from unwanted pregnancy complications.

Contraindications to the use of devices include the following conditions:

  • long running cervical incompetence;
  • frequent uterine bleeding in the second half of gestation;
  • autoimmune disease, due to which the ring will start rejection of both the foreign element;
  • intrauterine death of the embryo in history;
  • missed abortion in the past;
  • diagnosed detachment of the placenta;
  • infectious diseases of the reproductive system.

In order not to provoke the serious complications, obstetric pessary does not apply if there are any restrictions.

Do not install the pessary

Secretions when wearing the retaining ring

Allocation after installing pessary - a normal physiological response to the presence of a foreign object. About 80% of women noticed a change in the state of health after undergoing the procedure.

Mucus with pessaries characterized profusion. Genital distinguished white, transparent or brownish secret.
Allocation with pessaries are different from those that were in the patient prior to the procedure. Some are considered normal and does not endanger health.

Watery discharge after setting obstetric rings on a large scale may be a reason for immediate treatment to the doctor.

Mucus in pregnant women may occur for various reasons, so please find more information on this topic.


Normal isolation after setting pessary have the following features:

  • do not cause itching and irritation of the mucous membrane;
  • They do not contain impurities;
  • do not change color;
  • no odor;
  • no discomfort in the vagina;
  • no pain in the abdomen or lower back.
Normal discharge during pregnancy

Norma mucus after setting ring - transparent allocation of water, but in small quantities. Outside negative symptoms should not be.


Abnormal discharge after the procedure are as follows:

  • yellow with splashes of pus;
  • having abundant in nature, as in the discharge of water;
  • bloody or brown discharge for 2-3 day, testifying to the detachment of the placenta;
  • pink slime, as in the inflammatory process.

If a woman is found unfavorable signs that require urgent examination.

Secretions after removal device

Secretions after removing the pessary gradually returned to normal. It may take several days. With early discharge of water removed immediately device.

After removing the spotting device may be gynecologic only during the first day, a further appearance of blood - pathological symptom. The device is removed on the 38-39 th week. In the reproductive system is time to get back to normal, muscles relax and prepare for the start of labor.

After using this invention gynecological many women give birth to healthy children, and mucus - this is only a temporary phenomenon, which is easy to handle.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 88
  • 151