Beige selection at early pregnancy (cream, light beige, dark beige, scribble): Causes

Any deviations from the norm in women who are pregnant, should be a reason for treatment to the doctor. Expectant mother must understand what may indicate beige selection at early pregnancy and treat if necessary.



  • Allocation in early pregnancy
  • Variants of the norm in the early stages
  • Abnormal discharge in the first trimester
  • Allocation after ultrasound and gynecological examination
  • Isolation during the estimated monthly
  • Allocation as a symptom of inflammatory processes
  • Compulsory tests and examinations
  • Urgent Care

Allocation in early pregnancy

The first weeks of gestation - an important period. Embryo still is very vulnerable, as it continues the process of introduction into the bed of the endometrium.

Vaginal mucous is formed glands cervical cells and stratified epithelium. Beige release in early pregnancy - a phenomenon faced by many women. Soon the production of progesterone increases after conception. Under the influence of this hormone may appear creamy goo.

At the beginning of pregnancy the mucus plug is formed.

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It is a natural barrier between the external environment and place the embryo habitat. Because of this inside of the uterus does not penetrate bacteria and the child is safe.

Variants of the norm in the early stages

Not all types of mucus are abnormal. Sometimes it is a normal reaction to the changes taking place inside the mother.

During the first two weeks after fertilization, the egg in the uterus is moved and secured in the bed of the endometrium. During this process, the internal mucosa of the genital organs can be damaged, which leads to capillary bleeding. As a result, a woman finds spotting in early pregnancy beige or cream color.

Norm can be considered secret, which appeared on the background of hormonal changes in the body of the pregnant patient. In the blood dramatically increases the amount of progesterone. Secrete mucus promotes hydration of the external genitalia and is not dangerous. Hormonal changes - a natural process of pregnancy.

Cream separation can occur after the 20th week of gestation baby. During this period, the change is associated with increased secretion of the hormone estrogen.

She closed her nose

Distinguish physiological mucus or beige yellowish discharge in pregnant women pathological variations of it can be, considering the smell. If it does not, then fetus is not in danger and the pregnancy is proceeding normally. The presence of odor indicates the development of an infectious or inflammatory diseases of the genital tract of women.

Abnormal discharge in the first trimester

Beige release on the 6th week of pregnancy, have a distinctive unpleasant odor, indicate the development of an infectious disease. The cause of the disease may be a fungus, bacteria or viruses.

Dark Slime cream during pregnancy can prevent a woman about the following issues:

  • development of ectopic pregnancy;
  • bleeding cervical erosion;
  • detachment of the ovum.

When released creamy secretion during pregnancy, you should pay attention to the associated symptoms. With the threat of miscarriage or ectopic growth of the fetus a woman will feel the nagging pain in the abdomen, nausea. May open bleeding.

On beige discharge with an unpleasant odor of the patient should pay special attention. Even if the mother-nothing more worried about internal infectious process can cause harm to the fetus. There are cases when children were born with severe congenital abnormalities.

Allocation after ultrasound and gynecological examination

Some women are faced with the emergence of a secret after routine ultrasound examination or after a visit to a gynecologist's office. If the next day start discharge, the reason may be the increased sensitivity of organs of the reproductive system.

doctor makes ultrasound

During the ultrasound on the uterus and surrounding organs are affected by sound waves. The expectant mother may react advent cream selections. It is not considered a disease and does not require treatment.

For more information on secretions during pregnancy when ultrasound you can read in a separate article on our site.

Beige highlight on 8 week of pregnancy after a pelvic exam may be due to the fact that the doctor little hurt the cervix during the procedure. Condition does not require treatment. After a short period of time mucus returns to normal. The phenomenon does not threaten the development of the child.

Isolation during the estimated monthly

The appearance of discharge in the days when they had to be monthly, due to the hormonal activity. Increased production of progesterone secretion causes changes.

The first trimester is considered the most dangerous period with an increased risk of miscarriage. Doctors are advised to take the following precautions in the days when menstruation should be:

  • avoid stressful situations;
  • abstain from sexual intercourse;
  • limit physical activity.

Beige discharge in this period is not dangerous if no odor and impurities of blood and pus. Expectant mother should be careful not to cause harm to the baby.

Allocation as a symptom of inflammatory processes

Sometimes beige secret is a symptom of the inflammatory process. In this case, the state presents a danger to the fetus, and leave it unattended impossible. Allocation odorless and usual consistency is not a sign of illness.

Cream secret would be a sign of inflammation in the presence of the following associated symptoms:

  • sharp unpleasant odor;
  • discharge a lot of volume;
  • mucus purchased cottage cheese consistency;
  • Change the color of the secret;
  • It appeared itching and burning.
intimate problems

Infectious diseases may be caused by various microorganisms, which will depend on the clinical picture of the disease. If before pregnancy a woman's body was present gonokokk that causes gonorrhea, the infection can be activated during the childbearing. In the early stages is a high risk of miscarriage. In the baby can be infected during delivery process. A woman will feel a burning sensation when urinating, pain in the abdomen.

Due to infection by Trichomonas baby may be born prematurely underweight. A woman's genitals become swollen, there is itching and burning.

Bacterial vaginosis is characterized by a cream-colored mucus, itching, burning and swelling of the labia majora. There is a possibility of premature rupture of membranes.

Due to chlamydia can occur miscarriage or pregnancy fading. The fruit is no longer getting the required amount of oxygen, is the cause of his death.

Compulsory tests and examinations

If there is a suspicious beige spotting, a woman should see a gynecologist. the following laboratory tests will be carried out to clarify the patient's condition:

  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • swabs for the presence of pathogens;
  • ultrasound;
  • colposcopy.

After receiving the results of the survey the doctor will determine whether treatment is needed.

doctor and patient

Urgent Care

There are times when an urgent need to see a doctor. This is true, if there were beige release with the following features:

  • not tested for a long time;
  • changed color;
  • It appears greenish tint;
  • become more abundant;
  • It appeared after preparations.

Care of their health to help the woman to continue the pregnancy and bear a healthy child.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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