Sticky (extending) recovering odorless women: Causes

On the work of the reproductive system suggests the vaginal secretion. Its intensity decreases with the onset of menopause. Women often notice a sticky discharge, odorless, doubting their physiology, and without knowing the reasons for their occurrence.

Girl in the lotus position


  • The composition and physiological characteristic of female secretions
    • Structure
    • Consistency
  • Communication with the menstrual cycle phases
    • During ovulation
    • During menstruation
  • Intercourse
  • during pregnancy
  • Hormonal drugs
  • allergy
  • Signs of developing disease
  • Treatment and prevention of abnormal discharge

The composition and physiological characteristic of female secretions

Adhesive release individual, their nature and amount depend on several factors, including:

  • age;
  • hormonal balance;
  • allergic reactions to contraceptives;
  • pregnancy;
  • phase of the menstrual cycle.

Lifestyle and improper hygiene too may affect the nature of whiter and odor.


Stretched allocation heterogeneous. They contain:

  • cervical secretion, Bartholin's glands and other sexual;
  • exfoliated particles mucosa;
  • instagram viewer
  • microflora of the vagina, and it presents both useful and a small part of the pathogenic bacteria.

If the discharge does not smell, no pain and other symptoms of genital diseases, woman enough to take the normal regular examination by a gynecologist.

doctor and patient


Transparent discharge appears girls about a year before the arrival of the first menstruation. In reproductive age his character is constantly changing, and the viscous fluid in women considered normal option. Sticky whites can be:

  • thin and watery;
  • thick and gelatinous.

The color scheme also varies from transparent, white, yellow and greenish. Unpleasant symptoms of pain, itching and irritation, cramps, or an increased urge to urinate indicates diseases of the genitourinary system.

girl on the toilet

Communication with the menstrual cycle phases

The cycle controller It goes through three phases: follicular, ovulatory and luteal. For each of them characterized by hormonal fluctuations. Sticky discharge from the vagina is indirect evidence of the ovulation. Within two days of estrogen and LH maximum high that imparts stickiness secretion.

During ovulation

In the early days of the cycle begins to increase the level of follicle-stimulating hormone. FSH promotes the production of estrogen, which in turn, stimulates the production of cervical mucus and causes stretching secretions in women in the second phase of the menstrual cycle. This material facilitates the path of sperm through the cervix. The inner shell of the uterus begins to prepare for the chance of pregnancy. Luteal phase of the cycle is dominated by progesterone, which reduces stickiness discharges and reduces their volume.

During menstruation

Some amount of mucus comes out during menstruation, a woman may not notice it on the background of menstrual blood loss. A significant increase in discharge indicates hormonal disorders.

Disease, sexually transmitted infections, and allergic reactions to hygiene products or drugs are capable of causing a change menstruation structure.


Sexual stimulation causes the blood flow to the pelvic organs. Adhesive release odorless, appear as a result of intensive work gonads.

male and female hand

Abundant secret intercourse - it is a natural lubricant. It not only facilitates the penetration and softens the friction, but also serves as protection against alien flora. In premenopausal and during menopause body stops producing lubricant that inconvenience during sexual intercourse. If male ejaculation occurred inside the vagina, release change color to yellow.

during pregnancy

The middle of the menstrual cycle is characterized by the highest fertility, the probability of conception increases. If fertilization has occurred, then a sticky discharge during pregnancy are typical for the first trimester of her, in the second they become thinner, and the harbinger of labor is abundant kleykoobraznaya viscous secretion, indicating a departure mucous traffic jams. If a woman feels a nagging pain abdomen, whites have red blotches or are heavily stained with blood - is evidence of incipient miscarriage or childbirth, if approached their deadline.

During pregnancy does not protect women from genital tract infections, development of thrush or bacterial vaginosis.

At birth, the baby can become infected by the mother. To protect the baby from infection, the woman should contact your gynecologist if mucus:

  • acquired a lumpy consistency;
  • It has an unpleasant odor uncharacteristic color and foams.

Swelling and redness of the genitals, burning sensation and itching indicate diseases intimate sphere.

girl sitting

Hormonal drugs

White sticky discharge without odor can occur in women while taking oral contraceptive or using hormone replacement therapy. These symptoms are due to an increase in estrogen levels. Do not engage in self and drink hormones without the recommendation of the gynecologist.

Only a doctor can prescribe pills with optimal content of active ingredient. If oral contraceptives for some reason could not find, you can use other means of protection against unwanted pregnancy.

During reception contraceptive isolation It may take an unusual character, so for more information for more information on this topic.


The organism is capable of giving any allergic reaction to an external stimulus. These include household products, intimate gels and barrier contraceptives. Do not use colored or flavored condoms, if after their use appear sticky like glue discharge. A similar reaction can occur at:

  • personal care products;
  • underwear;
  • medications;
  • house dust;
  • animal dander.

Can provoke allergic stress, poor diet and flowering of some plants. Elimination of the stimulus leads to the disappearance of symptoms. In order not to trigger a relapse, use hypo-allergenic lining and natural linen. In particularly serious cases, you should drink a course of antihistamines.

woman takes the pill

Signs of developing disease

Basis bacterial vaginal background 95% consists of lactobacilli. The effect of adverse factors on vaginal microflora vital activity products leads to an explosive growth of pathogens. One symptom - the appearance of dense greyish-white malodorous discharge. If the vagina is dominated by the fungus Candida begins to stand out white curd with the sour smell. Mucus, stretching from the blood can be a sign of cervical erosion. By breaking the balance of the microflora lead:

  • hormonal disruptions;
  • stress;
  • lowered immunity;
  • uncertainty in nutrition and hygiene;
  • microtrauma of the vaginal mucosa.

In addition to changes in the nature of the discharge may appear burning, itching and pain when urinating. Upon detection of such symptoms should be screened to prevent sexually transmitted diseases.

girl hurt

Early treatment of abnormalities of the reproductive system will preserve female fertility and overall health.

Treatment and prevention of abnormal discharge

As part of the article it is impossible to give general recommendations. Any change in health - an occasion to refer to a gynecologist. In each case, the doctor performs inspection and assigns treatment depending on the diagnosis. Measures preventing genital diseases are:

  • the use of barrier contraception;
  • in the knowledge and application of basic hygiene;
  • to undergo regular checkups.

Do not forget about balanced diet and healthy lifestyle.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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