Secretions after scraping the uterine cavity (cleaning): can be much go

Allocation after curettage of the uterus - this is a normal and natural phenomenon. After this surgical procedure, the mucous membrane of the body is transformed into a continuous bleed, which explains the origin of the blood.

Scraping - is a surgical operation that is performed under general anesthesia with a view to an unwanted or abnormal pregnancy and dead fetuses removed from the uterus. The procedure can also be performed for diagnostic purposes. Secretions after operation similar to the periods, in the normal course they differ only in the amount of separated liquid.



  • Nature of the discharge after curettage of the uterus
    • Color
    • profusion
    • duration
    • character
  • Frequent complications of the procedure
    • Hematometra and bleeding
    • endometritis
  • How to avoid complications

Nature of the discharge after curettage of the uterus

After ovulation, if the egg is not fertilized by spermatozoa, its physiological evacuation occurs through the rejection of the functional layer endometrial lining of the uterus. Normal discharge of the menstrual cycle lasts from three to seven days, depending on the individual characteristics of the female body.

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When the operation is successful and no complications character precipitates after curettage coincides with that during the critical days. However, there are several nuances and characteristics uterine bleeding after curettage, in particular some are expanding the scope of its duration, changing the nature and volume, allowed some related symptoms.

So, uterine bleeding after miscarriage with cleaning a surgical abortion should be the duration of not more than 10 days, the average duration - 5-6 days. Such allocation characterized by a gradual decrease in intensity, from heavy to rare blood smears. it is often accompanied by pain, localized in the projections of the pelvic organs - the groin and lumbar regions.

There is a little trick that allows you to speed up the recovery process after surgery. The menstrual cycle involves alternating rejection and reparation processes the endometrium. In normal operation, pituitary and ovary as well as the absence of hormonal disturbances due to the reception of synthetic hormones and other biologically active substances it is advisable to carry out scraping the first day of the cycle, ie, when the start monthly.


Thus, the traumatic effect of exogenous origin, will coincide with the natural rejection process, and the subsequent recovery mechanisms will be actively followed than in any other period. A similar trick avoids double traumatic effect affecting the endometrium.

Markers indicating the norm and pathology regenerative processes are the following figures:

  1. Color selections.
  2. Profusion.
  3. Duration.
  4. Character.


Symptom correctly passing regeneration - the presence of brown discharge. Such shade indicates the beginning of blood coagulation due to the activation of physiological processes of coagulation factors.

However, after curettage missed abortion complications and frequent violations of reparative processes in the body. In this case, instead of dark brown discharge, signaling the normal ongoing process coagulation can be observed too abundant and watery uterine bleeding yellow with bad smell.

With time menses after cleaning missed abortion They bounce back. However, we recommend to read more information on this topic.

Such color is due to the release of wound exudate - inflammatory fluid. It is a mixture of water and of blood cells, preferably white blood cells, which is indicative of acute inflammation.


The presence of large amounts of fluid in the secretions making them watery and points to the complexity of the regenerative process in the uterine lining tissue. it is often infected by a variety of bacteria, a fair number of which lives in the natural microflora of the vagina.

Inflammatory liquid is a favorable environment for propagation throughout his life bacteria produce nitrogen compounds which cause unpleasant odor emissions. This is quite a serious complication requiring mandatory drug treatment. Bleeding with a yellowish tinge - a reason to see a doctor, which must appoint a broad-spectrum antibiotic course of action for at least 5 days.

fever and symptoms of intoxication of the body - a manifestation of infection, which came to the woman's body through the damaged mucosa. If this condition is accompanied by acute pain in the groin or lower back is a clear indication for hospitalization.

Selection pink show more often that the body's clotting system is not working fully, since secretions present fresh blood from the blood stream. In this case, you may need to consult a hematologist, who need to understand the origin of the pathology of the hemostasis system.


After cleaning the uterus in its profusion allocation (in the absence of pathological processes and complications) should not differ from those of ordinary menstruation.

The normal gradual decrease uterine bleeding intensity. So, by the end of the week after the operation, at best, little or no discharge, or there is a small daub. Physiological volume of lost blood in critically ordinary days, constituting 120-180 ml should not be exceeded by more than 1.2-1.5 times. Otherwise, you need to see a doctor because of the risk of anemic conditions.

If there is no discharge after surgery, it is cause for concern. Either procedure has not brought the expected results, and scraping was not made in the proper amount, or any escalated pathological process that affects the major organs of the endocrine system, the pituitary gland and ovaries that can change the hormonal balance and cause delay menstruation.


Another marker to judge the success of the regeneration process is the duration of bleeding. The normal discharge after curettage are limited to 10 days. Beyond this period, please contact your gynecologist for advice.

discharge duration


Considered normal mucous spotting on menstrual type having a specific smell meat, containing in its composition particles rejected by the endometrium, as well as, in addition to the blood, a large number of enzymes. Color is usually dark red, brown.

Sukrovichnye allocation of the corpus luteum indicate pathology and the possible onset of the disease. Yellowish fluid is exudate and says that the healing process is not flowing so well, as we would like, which may be associated with reduced immunity women or different exogenous factors. In any case, it is an alarming sign because the exudate - a favorable environment for growth of microorganisms. It can easily settle, for example, fungi of the genus Candida or Chlamydia. As a result, the operation will cause urogenital infections, require medical treatment, which will increase the period of treatment and further rehabilitation.

Frequent complications of the procedure

Any surgery, including curettage, the danger of possible complications. Any deviation from the clinical picture banal menses can be a symptom of disease. If after gynecological cleansing you have noticed at one of the manifestations of impending disease, consult a doctor, because any disease affecting the organs of the female reproductive system, can be fraught with infertility.

By the frequent complications of uterine curettage procedures include:

  • hemometra after cleaning;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • endometritis.

Hematometra and bleeding

The continuing isolation after curettage may soon acquire the character of extensive uterine bleeding. Such pathology caused by disturbance of hemostasis system of the body due to failure of one or more clotting factors.

If the selection does not stop for more than 10 days, it is fraught with the development of anemia with acute shortage of hemoglobin. As a result, the woman is suffering from hypoxia. Observed pale skin, drowsiness, fatigue, increase in heart rate.

The state in question is characterized by heavy and prolonged release. If you do not stop the bleeding, then 2 weeks will become acute hypoxia. Cells and tissues in conditions of oxygen deficit will undergo necrosis. The first will suffer the most sensitive brain cells. Therefore, to prevent this, after the operation should be organized monitoring of the state of their own.

In this particular case domestic diagnostic criterion of uterine bleeding is a number of hygiene products used daily (tampons and pads) - more than ten.


Hematometra - delay blood in the uterine cavity, which is formed by its neck spasm. Complication is rapidly developing immediately after the procedure. The body cavity is formed large blood clot, which is favorable breeding ground for microorganisms. To solve the problem, you must open the cervix. This can be done with medication (using drugs, antispasmodics) or surgically. After opening an additional channel to prevent prescribed a course of antibiotics.


endometritis called inflammation of the uterine mucosa. This pathological process caused by the penetration of the infection into the uterus of the natural microflora of the genital tract or by exogenous infection.

Signs of endometritis considered purulent discharge with an unpleasant odor, a woman develops pain in projections of the pelvic organs and fever appear. Pathology treated a wide range of antibiotics. When running the event there is a high risk of infertility and chronic inflammation of the female urogenital system.

How to avoid complications

The causes of complications are reduced immunity in the postoperative period and hormonal disorders due to damage to the reproductive system. In order to avoid dangerous consequences, follow the simple rules:

  • bed rest (at least one week after surgery);
  • avoid psycho-emotional and physical stress;
  • to prevent hypothermia;
  • strictly follow the instructions of your doctor;
  • perform reception multivitamin complexes and immunomodulators;
  • time to carry out repeated ultrasound to monitor the repair process.
  • Oct 19, 2019
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