Spotting before menstruation: one week, 10 days, the causes of

female reproductive system depends on both the external and internal factors. The menstrual cycle is changed due to fluctuations hormonal and emotional state. Spotting before menstruation are familiar to many. It is necessary to distinguish between normal physiological phenomenon of gynecological pathology.

girl thinks about spotting


  • Signs of normal secretions
  • The main signs of pathology
  • The causes of bleeding before menstruation
  • gynecological diseases
    • Ectopic pregnancy
    • Hormonal drugs
    • possible diseases
  • diagnostic measures

Signs of normal secretions

Isolation of vaginal secretions - normal for women of reproductive age. According to its color, character, texture and profusion can judge the state of health of the internal organs.

During monthly released the secret of red, which is based on the blood, release of blood vessel ruptured in the process of rejection of the endometrium. A woman can not worry if her menses meet the following criteria:

  • no severe pain;
  • not accompanied by itching and burning of the external genital organs;
  • instagram viewer
  • color - from light red to brownish;
  • no swelling of the labia and vagina;
  • are less than a week;
  • no unpleasant odor.

Is the norm, where for the first 1-2 days of menstruation appear brownish discharge. They should go to a normal bleeding.

If bloody mucus is not related to menstruation, occurs systematically, it is necessary to visit a doctor. This phenomenon may indicate the development of gynecological diseases.

the doctor talks about spotting

The main signs of pathology

Understand why there bloody dischargeNot associated with the onset of menstruation, it is difficult without a medical examination. To be attentive to their own well-being, it is possible to determine the warning signs.

The presence of pathological processes in the body of a woman talking spotting the following characteristics:

  • persist for a long time;
  • blood contains too much liquid or clots;
  • a lot of selections, although it is not monthly;
  • pain during intercourse;
  • general deterioration of health;
  • discomfort in the crotch and waist;
  • unpleasant smell of cervical mucus.

Allocation of brown may be accompanied by fever. Blood one week prior to menstruation - an unfavorable sign, the appearance of which is better to discuss with the gynecologist.

Some women find that a drop of blood on the underwear in between menstrual periods should not cause anxiety. However, such minor symptoms may be alarming sign of internal pathologies requiring adequate emergency treatment.

pain and bleeding

The causes of bleeding before menstruation

Spotting before menstruation - a common phenomenon, which is facing a third of all women. Scarlet slime about a week before menstruation is often a symptom of ovulation occurred.

In the process of oocyte from the follicle yield, some of the blood vessels may be damaged. As a result, the woman noticed a few drops of blood. Most often this occurs when there has been a lack of progesterone. Due to the deficiency of the hormone mucosa of the fallopian tubes it becomes more vulnerable, which increases the risk of tissue damage.

Bloody spotting caused by ovulation, is not dangerous. You may need correction of hormonal background.

The doctor can accurately determine the cause of bleeding in between periods, it is necessary to describe in detail all the symptoms emerged. It is particularly important to specify day of the cycle, plentiful or scanty allocation, what color they are.

gynecological diseases

Spotting before menstruation - a sign of many diseases gynecological. This phenomenon may continue for several days. The occurrence of abnormal mucus rarely occurs without associated symptoms. If we pay attention to them, you can just visit a doctor and get professional help.

symptoms of gynecological diseases

One can not ignore the following events:

  • abdominal pain;
  • rotten, putrid smell or acid of the perineum;
  • itching, redness, burning and swelling of the labia and vagina;
  • overall fatigue;
  • discomfort during sex.

The appearance of spotting along with an unpleasant smell indicates the development of an infectious process. This can provoke symptomatic gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis, candidiasis. Minor bleeding, but they are caused by a strong inflammation in the genital tract.

For chronic endometritis characteristic not only of brownish slime. The woman notices the pain in the abdomen, which practically do not pass, but the characteristic offensive odors. The discomfort is amplified before menstruation, after physical overload and during sex.

Outside the menstrual discharge may occur during such a serious disease such as cancer of the cervix. Slime dark brown color with a characteristic putrid odor. Communication between the uterus and the ovaries are very close. Lack of timely treatment of cancerous disease leads to the need to remove all of the reproductive system.

cervical cancer

Ectopic pregnancy

Ectopic pregnancy - a condition that carries a serious risk. Saving the fetus is impossible, and the mother's life is threatened.

About the beginning of pregnancy may indicate a positive test or a blood test for hCG. However, when ectopic embryo conception not fixed in the uterine cavity, and in the fallopian tubes. They are unable to expand, and therefore the growth of the fertilized ovum leads to the rupture of the pipe that causes severe bleeding, due to which a woman could die.

Spotting a week before menstruation - one of the symptoms of ectopic pregnancy. secret color is usually bright red. If you understand that blood to the monthly shows consolidation of the embryo in the fallopian tube, and in time to go to the hospital, the sad consequences for the mother can be avoided.

Hormonal drugs

Shortage or excess of hormones in the body does not go unnoticed. Even a slight deviation from the norm is always a violation. Hormonal drugs is carried out strictly according to medical prescription, but even in this case there are unexpected reactions.

Hormonal disorders in which increased estrogen result in premature rejection of the endometrium. Before menstruation bleeding of unknown etiology may be related to this imbalance.

girl is drinking hormonal pills

At deficiency of progesterone is disturbed full development of the corpus luteum. The woman may notice appearance yellowish or brownish secretion. Depending on the day of the monthly cycle, it can confuse this phenomenon with menstruation begins. On the problem becomes known only after a pregnancy is planned.

Allocation when taking contraceptives may vary, so please read more information on this topic.

possible diseases

Red allocation before menstruation may be a consequence of various diseases. Provoke this phenomenon can the following pathologies:

  • education multiple cysts in the ovaries;
  • polyposis;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • cervical erosion.

All these diseases are not just a cause spotting before the onset of menstruation, but also capable of provoking more severe disorders, including cancer growths. The sooner treatment is started, the better the chance to preserve the health of the reproductive system.

inspection at the gynecologist

diagnostic measures

Treatment is carried out on the basis of the cause of the change in the secretions before menstruation. Without prior examination, the doctor can not find treatment.

The following methods are used for diagnosis:

  • examination of women in the gynecological chair using special mirrors;
  • bacteriological sowing smear on flora and infection;
  • ultrasound examination of the reproductive organs.

When the anxiety symptoms during pregnancy, you should not delay. If you come ectopic conception, require urgent surgery, and failure to provide assistance leading to the death of both mother and fetus. It is important to as quickly as possible to visit a gynecologist.

If a woman is sensitive to their own health, it will be able to conceive, carry and give birth to a healthy baby.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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