Itch in an intimate area in women with no discharge, odor: causes, how to cure

Itch in an intimate area in women without discharge - a very common phenomenon. The reason for its occurrence can be covered in the development of pathology. Often these changes occur under the influence of external factors. In any case, if the itching in the genital area, you need to see a gynecologist. After all diagnostic measures doctor can determine whether to treat or eliminate enough provocation necessary.



  • Aggravating factors
  • noncommunicable diseases
  • Internal causes of itching
    • hormonal imbalance
    • Malignant tumors of the reproductive system
    • General pathology of the body
    • Allergy
  • external pathogens
    • Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules
    • Hair removal and hair removal
    • Sanitary napkin
    • Using in the process of personal hygiene of special equipment
    • supercooling
    • Admission medicines
    • food rejection
    • pubic lice
  • Prevention and Treatment
  • How to relieve itching folk remedies

Aggravating factors

Itching in the vagina without discharge may occur under the influence of a number of factors. Among the main ones are the following:

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  1. Neglect of personal hygiene. Often the discomfort caused by irritation of the intimate zone that appears as a result of illiteracy care of external sexual organs or no.
  2. Allergy. Provoke its appearance capable hygiene products, toilet paper, with flavors and underwear made of synthetic materials. It is not only itchy labia, but also noted redness of the genitals.
  3. Overly tight underwear. This creates a greenhouse effect, and the skin rubbed.
  4. Overheating or undercooling.
  5. The use of barrier contraceptives. Unpleasant symptoms may appear due to intolerance to the materials of which are made of condoms.
  6. The use of drugs having local effect. Ointments, creams and suppositories can lead to what is itching without isolation.
  7. Exposure to stress.
  8. Improperly organized diet.

Provoke the emergence of such symptoms may also aging. For women, the age of maturity is characterized by dryness of mucous and thinning.

noncommunicable diseases

The occurrence of unpleasant sensations without emissions and odor can trigger the following pathologies:

  1. Helminthiasis. Parasites are able to move from the intestine to other organs. The intensity of all itch in an intimate area at night. Reveal their presence is possible by depositing feces analysis.
  2. Genital warts. These are small growths of benign character, appearance is due to the defeat of the body by the human papillomavirus. For a long time while a person may think that he is completely healthy, itch with immunosuppression and activation of the virus. Body growths begin to appear, causing discomfort.
  3. Diabetes. Discomfort appears in women with diabetes of type II. With a view to eliminating drug therapy is appointed.
  4. Dysbacteriosis. It arises as a result of receiving the antibiotic drugs and malnutrition. If untreated, this background can develop coleitis, candidiasis and vaginosis.
  5. Kraurosis vulva. Mucosal surface of the vagina undergoes a series of changes that provoke the appearance of unpleasant symptoms.
  6. Malignant and benign tumors in the reproductive organs.
  7. Fistula. His education in an intimate area due to a resolution of pregnancy by cesarean section. Often fistula connecting vagina with bowel or urinary organs, occurs after childbirth and surgery.
  8. Mental disorders. Stress, depression and abnormalities in the central nervous system provoking the emergence of such symptoms.
  9. Hemorrhoids.
  10. Cystitis. Quite often, this pathology occurs in conjunction with other diseases of the genitourinary system, quite often thrush and cystitis at the same time.

If this occurs, treatment should be started without delay. Competent scheme of therapy can only choose a doctor.

Internal causes of itching

Strong vaginal itching can be triggered by factors lurking inside a woman body. Symptomatology is often pronounced. Possible clinical manifestations associated. Sometimes, after a month in addition to marked itching and discharge thick odorless. Leave such a change can not be ignored. It is necessary to carry out a full diagnosis and eliminate the provocation.

hormonal imbalance

Itching and large labia minora no discharge and odor are often observed due to hormonal fluctuations. Such changes occur during pregnancy, during menopause, the time of ovulation. Women often complain that itching occurs during menstruationThey have itching in the genital area. Genitals at hormonal races become dry, and it provokes unpleasant symptoms.

Malignant tumors of the reproductive system

Discomfort in the perineum are often observed on the background lesions of the mucous membranes of the reproductive system malignant tumors. It is extremely important to identify the disease at an early stage of development.


For this reason, we must systematically undergo checkups at the gynecologist. When time begun treatment on the chances of recovery are greatly increased.

General pathology of the body

Unpleasant sensations in the perineal region and vulva, accompanied by pain and burning may be due to the development of some diseases. Similar changes were observed in diabetes, disturbances in the activity of the thyroid gland, liver pathologies and gall bladder, cystitis, and leukemia.


A burning sensation in the vagina - is a response to the stimulus of the mucous membranes. Can provoke an allergic reaction:

  • means of personal hygiene, which are used in podmyvanii;
  • detergent;
  • tablets and intrauterine device;
  • underwear and bedding made from synthetic fabrics;
  • Food;
  • tampons and pads;
  • pollen, fur of pets;
  • dust.

To get rid of the unpleasant symptoms, you need only remove the irritant.

external pathogens

Often, burning, pain and discomfort caused by the influence of external factors. These can be items of clothing or personal hygiene products. Provoke such changes can hypothermia and immunosuppression. At the same time quite often it begins development of thrush, which is characterized by such symptoms.


Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules

Skin in intimate area have many features. There have large numbers of folds and sweat glands which are in contact with vaginal secretion, urine and feces. In addition, in this area the scalp sufficiently developed. For this reason, so it is important to observe all the rules of personal hygiene.

Failure of elementary manipulations results in active growth and proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms. As a result, women are scratched small lips. Severe discomfort may occur when the delayed replacement of tampons and pads, as well as if washing away not performed for several days.

Hair removal and hair removal

Itching in the vagina without discharge can occur in frequent shaving. Even in the case of hair removal using wax or cream skin damaged. There is a risk of developing an allergy. Ranki, which are formed as a result of these procedures have though miniaturized in size, but deliver considerable discomfort, aggravated by contact with underwear.

Recommended after such manipulation handle special skin lotions that contribute to the healing of damaged tissues. In addition, strictly forbidden to use other people's hygiene. Such actions could lead not only to unpleasant sensations, but also the development of serious diseases.

Sanitary napkin

The skin is very delicate and reacts in an intimate area for any negative impact. For this reason, it is recommended during the critical days to wash each time you replace the gasket. Blood that stands out in this period, is considered to be a breeding ground for bacteria. As a result, late means superseded hygiene can cause not only discomfort, but also the beginning of the inflammatory process.

pad in hand

Daily gaskets should not be used on an ongoing basis. Their use is allowed only in those periods, especially when the secretion is enhanced, and closer approximation to the regulator. Preference in this case is better to give hygiene items without flavorings.

Using in the process of personal hygiene of special equipment

Irritation and redness of the labia minora no discharge may occur due to the use of personal hygiene with enhanced pH. Fix this problem will be possible by eliminating the use of this type of cosmetics or replaced by other gels or lotions.

However, in some cases, may occur with itching in the vagina secretions. In this situation, put off a visit to the doctor is not necessary.


Sudden changes in temperature can also cause itching in the genital area. At the same time indicators of vaginal microflora changes, create a favorable environment for the development and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.

Admission medicines

A lot of drugs can lead to the development of allergies. Hormonal imbalances in patients receiving oral contraceptives also able to provoke similar clinical manifestations. In addition, the systematic use of moisturizers entails a change in the vaginal microflora.

food rejection

Malnutrition and weight loss have a negative impact on health, lead to hormonal disorders. The skin in the groin begin to itch the abuse of alcoholic beverages, as well as in the case of addiction to salty, spicy food and honey.

Causes a burning sensation and itching in the absence of fluid in women

pubic lice

Not only diseases of internal and external female organs and a variety of external factors can cause unpleasant symptoms. Similar changes are also seen in pubic lice. Lice are actively attacking the pubic area, leave small wounds and provoke formation of pustules.

Prevention and Treatment

To decide how to treat the pathology, provoke discomfort in the intimate area, the doctor prescribes the necessary tests. After receiving their results selects the appropriate treatment regimen.

In identifying allergies appointed antihistamines. As a rule, they resort to the use of funds in the form of tablets, but neglected injections. Most often, when it used Claritin, Diazolin and Suprastin. The course of treatment with these drugs varies within 7-14 days.

Treatment of STDs depends on their originator. Typically, the used antiviral, immunomodulatory and antibiotic medicines. The usefulness of all drugs is determined solely physician and only after a complete diagnosis.

To cure infectious diseases, whose appearance provoked by pathogenic organisms, appointed week therapeutic course of antibiotic drugs with a broad spectrum of action (or ceftriaxone Azithromycin).

Identified genital herpes treated with antivirals (acyclovir or Zovirax) and immune serum inhibitory activity of the virus.


Pubic lice can be cured by using special means in the form of pharmaceutical emulsions or sprays. One of the most effective among them is Medifoks. The solution is simply diluted in water, applied to the affected area and washed off half an hour later. Lice disappear after a single application means, but prevent relapse after a short processing time is performed repeatedly.

How to relieve itching folk remedies

Coping with an itch to help both medical and traditional remedies. Ointment, bought in a pharmacy, and a herbal decoction a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. The most effective will be the following methods:

  1. Douching water with soda. For the preparation of liquid agent per liter is added tablespoon baking soda and stir. Irrigation is performed twice daily. course of therapy is seven days.
  2. Make bath with herbs. Camomile or calendula spread in boiling water and insist at least half an hour. The resulting infusion is filtered and added to a basin of water. Duration of treatment is a quarter of an hour.
  3. Frequent washing using Furacilinum solution. 5 ml of this medium was diluted in 0.5 liters of water.
  4. Admission basil broth inside. Drink 100 mL daily.

Itching in the intimate zone may be influenced by external and internal factors. It does not always need to be viewed as a signal of disease development, but in any case, the reasons for the changes, you must check with your doctor. Only after a full diagnosis can be solved provocation - and unpleasant symptoms disappear.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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