Brown, dark isolation during menstruation: in the end, on day 3, the causes of

Menstruation - a phenomenon familiar to every healthy woman of reproductive age. Menstrual bleeding marks the completion of one of the hormonal cycle and the beginning of a new one. The duration and flow characteristics of this period, individual, they may vary significantly among different representatives of the weaker sex. But there are signs that should alert the appearance - for example, if the monthly allocation of become brown.

brown discharge of the girl


  • Brown discharge during menstruation
  • The main causes of brown monthly
    • puerperium
    • Pregnancy
    • age-related changes
    • contraceptives
    • hormonal disorders
    • gynecological diseases
    • Anomalies in the structure of the uterus
  • Diagnosis of possible diseases

Brown discharge during menstruation

Critical days (or menstruation) - is a short period when the output of the uterus sloughed endometrium. normal characteristics this process are:

  • duration from 3 to 7 days;
  • red spotting volume of 50-60 ml per day;
  • no sharp odor;
  • the absence of severe pain.

Brown allocation in monthly days may also be considered the norm one, when observed at the beginning or at the end of this period. In this case, an unusual color can be easily explained - the amount of blood is small, it is mixed with vaginal secretions, oxidized. The result is a brownish structure, which can be seen on underwear or sanitary facilities. However, not all the color change caused by regular innocuous reasons, it may be a sign of a serious disease.

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The main causes of brown monthly

If, during the monthly allocation of brown - is cause for seeking medical attention. Only a specialist gynecologist will be able to name the exact cause of the deviation on the basis of the survey results.

girl at the gynecologist

A variety of gynecological pathology during menstruation may show a change in color, density and intensity of the discharge. The most frequent causes of brown monthly include:

  • inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system, infection;
  • period following surgery or childbirth;
  • lactation;
  • menopause;
  • external influences - physical overload, stress, climate change, use of certain medications or undergoing chemotherapy;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • contraception using hormone preparations;
  • the beginning of pregnancy;
  • formation (early) menstruation;
  • undernourishment (rigid diet);
  • especially sex life - or lack of excessive activity.

Pinpoint the cause of the unusual occurrence month can only be a doctor, he decides whether there is a need for treatment.


Childbirth - a traumatic process for the female reproductive system to restore it takes a few weeks. The inner surface of the uterus during this period (after separation and exit placenta) is an open wound surface. If immediately after birth appear brown discharge, it may indicate infection, incomplete output of the placenta from the uterine cavity or other pathology. About these symptoms is an urgent need to inform the gynecologist.

isolation after childbirth

The healing of the uterus and the restoration of its normal size accompanied by bloody discharge - lochia. In the first weeks of their color is bright red, but after about a month after giving birth, they take on a brown color. Then highlight fade, becoming scarce and after about 1.5 months after the birth of a child is completely terminated. It tells about the restoration and healing of the uterine mucosa.

During the period of lactation periods may be completely absent (the so-called lactation amenorrhea). The menstrual cycle after birth It not immediately restored, so in the first months may cause irregular spotting a dark color. If the process is not accompanied by other symptoms - itching, burning, pain, unpleasant odor, it is not an aberration. But a preventive visit to the gynecologist does not hurt.


The appearance of dark brown mucus instead of menses may indicate the beginning of pregnancy, but not always, this is a dangerous symptom. The phenomenon can be considered the norm, if instead of monthly short-term there is a slight spotting. When implantation embryo is allocated a small amount of blood that can give such an effect. If brown discharge in pregnant Woman expression and continued for some time, their appearance can be a sign of pathology:

  • detachment of the placenta, endometrium;
  • threatened miscarriage;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • hormonal disorders, threatening nurturing.
risk of miscarriage

Not knowing about the pregnancy can be mistaken isolation that sometimes appear, with the scanty menses. When in doubt, it is better to do the test and see a specialist. Timely visit to the gynecologist can prevent miscarriage or eliminate serious complications during gestation.

age-related changes

Start and end of the reproductive period is accompanied by a number of changes in the body. Thus, during the first year of menstruation scarce allocation brown girls can be considered as the norm. They testify to the formation cycle, women start functions. If such a character is stored monthly for a long time, it shows deviations and requires medical intervention. At the discretion of the gynecologist for correction may be used methods of hormonal therapy.

The onset of menopause is also accompanied by violations of the cycle, instead of menstrual bleeding may cause smearing brown allocation. This is due to the gradual ovarian failure. Under the influence of varying hormonal uterus forms a thin layer of the endometrium, which affects the nature of menses.

According to statistics, about a third of women older than 45-50 years, go to the doctor with complaints of heavy or dark brown discharge instead of menses. This phenomenon is explained by the age reorganization of the endocrine system.

However, one can not exclude the pathological nature of the discharge, besides the probability of development of a number of dangerous diseases increases with age. So it makes sense to report unpleasant symptoms gynecologist and get tested.


Features monthly flow is closely related to the work of the endocrine system. Therefore, hormonal contraceptives (COCs) often leads to the fact that menstrual discharge becomes too sparse or abundant, acquire a brown color. The same effect can cause inserting an IUD (intrauterine device).

intrauterine device

Getting used to the drug can take up to 3 months, then monthly should be normalized. If it does not, consult your doctor.

Menstruation after helix and may take an unusual character in the case of suspected pathology is recommended to consult a specialist.

hormonal disorders

The menstrual cycle is governed by the action of sex hormones. If their balance is disturbed, it can lead to abnormalities in the reproductive organs of all, to provoke a number of serious diseases in the field. But first and foremost an imbalance affects the monthly flow.

Brown, instead of the monthly allocation in gynecology called gipomenoreey. Disruptions to the endocrine system - the pituitary, thyroid, ovaries are often the cause of the deviation. When significant decrease in estrogen levels elongation cycle occurs (the systematic delay of menstruation) and instead go bleeding smearing brown allocation. This condition requires correction, as long imbalance of hormones can lead to infertility or development of hormone-dependent diseases.

gynecological diseases

Isolation brownish clots and mucus instead of monthly accompanied by serious pathologies of the reproductive sphere. This can be of oncological diseases, or hormone-dependent inflammatory nature. An accurate diagnosis can only physician on the basis of the survey results. Possible reasons for rejection:

  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • endometriosis;
  • dysplasia or cervical cancer;
  • erosion;
  • endometrial hyperplasia;
  • endometrial adenocarcinoma;
  • polyps in the uterine cavity;
  • myoma;
  • fibroma;
  • inflammatory and infectious diseases of the reproductive system.
classification gynecological diseases

This is not a complete list of diseases, which can be a sign of change in the color of menstruation. The problem may manifest itself in the background of a number of other disorders - anorexia, hormonal disorders, sarcomas.

Especially should alert the presence of additional symptoms - sharp odor, lower abdominal pain, deterioration of the general condition. In this case, you must consult your doctor immediately.

Anomalies in the structure of the uterus

Sometimes the cause of an unusual discharge at the end of month or throughout the entire cycle are abnormalities in the structure of the reproductive organs. To congenital structural abnormalities of the uterus are:

  • hypoplasia of the uterus;
  • saddle, or horned bicornuate uterus;
  • presence in body cavity walls.

In addition to variations in the structure of the uterus, there are congenital disorders in the structure of the vagina - atresia and aplasia. You also can not exclude the possibility of improper formation of ovaries or cervix. Similar anomalies bodies structure may impede the free removal of blood and fragments of the endometrium during menstruation. To get rid of such problems is possible only with the help of surgery.

uterine malformations

Diagnosis of possible diseases

Given the variety of possible reasons for this deviation, for their identification will require a comprehensive examination. At the discretion of the gynecologist it can be the following procedures:

  1. Standard inspection on the chair (if there is no confirmation of pregnancy). It allows you to define the visible pathology, trauma, or the beginning of pregnancy.
  2. Simple smear on flora.
  3. Cytological smear of the cervix.
  4. Blood tests - clinical and biochemical. Indicate the presence of inflammation and other pathological changes.
  5. The blood test for antibodies to different infectious agents.
  6. A study of hormonal background - to make this a special blood test for levels of sex and thyroid (thyroid) hormones.
  7. Pelvic ultrasound. Reveals structural abnormalities in the reproductive organs.
  8. Hysteroscopy - a visual examination of the uterine cavity by means of a compact camcorder.
  9. Mucosal biopsy with cervical or uterine cavity (allows to confirm or rule out cancer change).

Brown vaginal discharge - a symptom that should not be ignored. In some cases, it can signal a serious disease, which poses a threat to the health and even the life of a woman. Therefore, finding a deviation in the normal operation of the reproductive system, do not put off a visit to the gynecologist. Timely diagnosis and treatment can help maintain health and avoid serious complications.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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