Secretions when taking contraceptive pills (Brown, spotting, smearing) midcycle

Oral contraceptives are composed of hormones, which are actively involved in the regulation of menstruation. So sometimes there are unusual discharge when taking birth control pills, which can be an indicator of normal health, or a sign of the development of sexual organs with problems. If a woman starts to smear after starting birth control, you need to contact your doctor to find out the cause of this phenomenon.

girl holding the tablet


  • What are the selection at reception OK
    • normal selection
    • abnormal discharge
  • The causes of bleeding when receiving OK
    • Not suitable dose hormone
    • inflammatory diseases
    • After the cancellation OK
  • What should the doctor do to avoid these symptoms

What are the selection at reception OK

While birth control pills are often used to normalize the menses, which are irregular (ie, with a delay of a few days), on their background, you can also watch the selection or heavy bleeding that can not be attributed to the beginning of the next cycle. As a rule, they are different in nature and scope, which further causes a woman to worry about his health. Their color can be red or brown - it depends on the kind of OK.

instagram viewer

Sometimes spotting is a sign of a normal state of health, since oral contraceptives lead to serious changes in the work of female genital mutilation.

Often, however, a strange selection could be a sign of problems to solve that happens when you visit a gynecologist.

normal selection

Oral contraceptives are highly effective. As part of the preparation, there are hormones that cause the egg to stop development. This action is considered as interference in the natural processes in the body. Therefore, often can be seen allocation while taking contraceptives. To them it is important to pay special attention.

pills in hand

If a woman does not bother mucous leucorrhoea, and bleeding, you need to know which ones are normal and do not pose a health risk:

  1. Appearing in cycles. A woman may see blood in the middle of the cycle, but it does not always appear. Typically, the safe bleeding lasts no longer than 24 hours.
  2. Lasting no more than 2-3 months. So that the body used to the hormones that are artificial, it takes just such a time. If it occurs again after spotting is a significant occasion to visit a gynecologist.
  3. Appearing within 2-3 days after the menstrual period is completed. It occurs due to release of uterine blood residues. After the completion of these emissions occur in women over conventional light strokes.
  4. Do not cause pain. If spotting occurs, this should be done without any pain in the lower abdomen. As a rule, the occurrence of itching, pain or burning sensation - it is a sign of infectious diseases, which is not worth to leave unattended.

If soon after you start taking birth control pills began of bleeding, be sure to make sure they are not pathological character to avoid the development of a disease.

Sometimes spotting can be seen after the administration of the first pack of contraceptives if a woman has stopped taking them. This phenomenon is also considered normal if it will last for 3-5 days.

girl holding OK

abnormal discharge

Brown discharge when taking birth control pills say that the effect of the drug minimal and insufficient. In this case, a woman can get pregnant after unprotected intimacy.

If after starting the contraceptive pill appeared strange allocation, consider them as abnormal can be in the following cases:

  1. Spotting is observed on a daily basis until the completion of tablet packs. In this case, brown spotting tells that this kind of OK is not suitable. Typically, this occurs when contraceptives have low levels of hormones. The drug will not protect a woman from unwanted conception, so OK is recommended to replace more reliable. Until this happens, enter the unprotected sexual relations is not necessary.
  2. Brown spotting occurs because of delayed dosing or as a result of application of skipping tablets. Sometimes OK irregularity causes a decrease in the use of their effect and red or brown discharge. If you miss taking 2 or more capsules, the chances of conception are increased several times. Therefore it is better to read the instructions to understand how to act in such a situation.
  3. There was bleeding when taking birth control pills with alcohol. Alcohol lowers the efficiency of OK, and also leads to hormonal failure, strokes or so neobilnye bleeding often "attacked" a woman.
  4. Spotting appeared as a result of reception of a medicament. Many drugs reduce the effect of contraceptives. these drugs list is large, so before you start treatment, the doctor is required to ask whether it is possible to combine this treatment with OK.

If the reception of contraception began bloody discharge lasting longer than 3 days is required to see a doctor for examination, because normally they should not be.

Girl at the doctor

The causes of bleeding when receiving OK

To understand why there were blood smears, it is necessary to know how the work of the genitals. Oocyte maturation, ovulation period and the removal from the female body cells takes place by adjusting the hormones. estrogen and progesterone levels in the body depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle. In other words, at a certain time their number increased significantly, which gives a chance to successfully conceive.

Before the onset of ovulation, maturation of the female cells occurs under the control of estrogen. Its maximum amount in the body during release of the egg from the ovary for fertilization. If this did not happen, the amount of this hormone decreases and progesterone, on the contrary, increased (namely under its influence cell derived from the body).

The OK hormone levels are much lower than in the female body, so it takes time to adapt to the effects of contraceptives. If the tablets are not appropriate, the reasons for heavy bleeding lies in the incompatibility of the drug from the body.

Not suitable dose hormone

Spotting at reception OK, that last for 2-3 months, and do not cause pain, are the norm. If menstrualnopodobnye allocation not get stronger, and the endometrium, which is the first layer of the uterus, is not trying to prematurely withdraw the female cell, then picked up the dosage OK right.

But when the woman has bleeding when taking birth control pills, it requires a mandatory adjustment of the drug or its replacement by another. If profuse discharge at reception do not stop, you must carry out a complete inspection of the genital organs.

It is important to note that the drug needs to be replaced and at frequent pains in the abdomen, causing severe discomfort. As a rule, it speaks of the incompatibility OK to the reproductive system.

girl holding her stomach

inflammatory diseases

Brown discharge when receiving the OK sometimes not associated with contraceptive use. If the following symptoms are present in addition to the strokes, it speaks about the course of diseases of the female reproductive system:

  • dryness of the genital organs;
  • bad smell discharge;
  • pain during sexual intimacy;
  • itching;
  • burning sensation when emptying the bladder.

Illness, during which there are abundant smears:

  • vaginosis caused by bacteria;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • gonorrhea;
  • chlamydia;
  • candidiasis.

If smears during the reception OK, you want to pay special attention to their health, to identify the symptoms of developing diseases of the genital organs.

After the cancellation OK

Separation after the cancellation of birth control pills have the same character as the blood spots that appear due to the action of contraceptives.

Evolution was observed after discontinuation of OK from the fact that the body has become accustomed to the flow of hormones, and this has led to a stabilization of estrogen and progesterone in the blood. In such a case required to wait until the previous job is restored organism caused by the disturbance in hormonal levels.

launched a pack OK

Also, brown discharge after canceling OK can occur if the woman started immediately take the following medications:

  • tranquilizers;
  • antibiotics.

Failure to comply with the dosage of these drugs can cause bleeding or diseases of female genitalia, so take remedies without prescription inadmissible.

Any hormonal disturbance, which appeared shortly after the completion of reception OK, can also result in blood smears, which will be after it is fully restored.

If month after OK is not startedWorth reading for more information on this issue and to consult a specialist.

What should the doctor do to avoid these symptoms

If a woman has started of bleeding after 3 months of taking the pills, it means that the drug has been chosen correctly. In this case, you want to use other methods of contraception to the body enough hormones to slow the development of the egg. Otherwise, the probability of conception.

The physician should be replaced before prescription drugs more effectively, then to warn a woman that will cause contraceptive daub in the early days of its reception.

Not everyone is suited hormonal contraceptives - doctors often observed intolerance OK. In addition, depending on the weight, growth, and reproductive system of women's sometimes difficult to find the right dose. To avoid mistakes, the doctor should carefully ask the woman about her health, and then choose the most appropriate medication, as well as talk about the character in detail menstruation at reception OK.

The use of oral contraceptives must be carried out strictly according to the schema. If it is broken, the effect of which will be small.

When you need a replacement OK, doctor must take into account the side effects of the drug previously written out to make a mistake again. Usually, to find a suitable contraceptive medication will need to change the 2-4.

If the reception of contraceptives appeared genital diseases, anti-inflammatory treatment requires discontinuation of the use of contraceptives.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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