Spotting between periods in the middle of a cycle without pain: causes of blood

Even small amount of bleeding between periods should not be ignored. Often these symptoms indicate a serious threat, which can be identified only with the help of a doctor. When the brown liquid or mucous mixed with blood in the middle of the cycle need to be examined by a gynecologist and determine the cause of these changes in the body.

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  • When blood separation is no sign of disease
  • The causes of spotting between periods
  • The dangerous bleeding between periods

When blood separation is no sign of disease

Blood between periods without pain sometimes occurs in perfectly healthy women and does not cause any concern in these situations:

  • within a few days after menstruation completion. During this period, there are brown discharge. The reason for their appearance - the cleansing of the uterus on the blood that remains in it;
  • a few days before menstruation - allocation signal of upcoming critical days;
  • if a woman has resorted to receiving oral contraceptives. In this case there is a slight amount of precipitates in the middle of the cycle;
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  • after allocation of intimacy - there is a little blood as a result of damage to the mucous membrane;
  • from the first stand and tear hymen. You may receive a small amount of bloody fluid.

In all other situations, such a change between the phases of menstruation is considered to be pathological.

woman holding her stomach

The causes of spotting between periods

Intermenstrual bleeding are caused by physiological and pathological reasons.

Among physiological factors are the following:

  1. Increased estrogen levels and hormone lyuteinstimuliruyuschego responsible for removing an egg from the ovary. Discharge with blood, in this case indicate readiness for fertilization.
  2. Stormy love life, chose the wrong posture in the process of sexual intercourse or genital high resolution partner. The result is a cervical lesion and the mucosa. If metrorrhagia during intercourse are constantly appearing, the need to consult a gynecologist. It is possible that they signal the development of diseases such as cervical cancer and erosion.
  3. Successful fertilization. Often, this is indicated by spotting mid-cycle. In the process of attachment of the egg to the endometrium may cause a small amount of bloody fluid.

Small allocation blood normally visible only under podmyvanii and do not leave stains on the underwear.

If it is not seldom appearing droplets and abundant red or brown intermenstrual metrorrhagia occurring regularly, your doctor need to go urgently.

Such abnormal discharge to indicate the significant changes in the body and may be one of the earliest signs of disease of the reproductive system.

woman at the gynecologist

Metrorrhagia in the middle of the cycle often suggests the development of such diseases:

  1. inflammation of the endometrium. The uterus penetrate pathogens that provoke inflammation its inner layer. This process may begin as a result of manipulation in the uterine cavity, including scraping, sounding, mini-abortion, but only in cases where they were held without complying with all sanitary and epidemiological standards. Often pathology develops after birth. When endometritis release are bloody and purulent, have an unpleasant odor. Among the clinical manifestations also note pyrexia, pain in the abdomen, increased sweating, shivering, and weakness.
  2. Endometrial polyps. Their formation is due to curettage of the uterus or cesarean section.
  3. Hormonal disruptions. menstrual cycle depends on the hormone levels, each of which is responsible for a certain phase. At their monthly imbalance can occur much earlier than the due date. One of the causes of hormonal failure and metrorrhagia is a medication, such as oral contraceptives (When the dose is correctly matched).
  4. Infectious processes. As a result of cervical lesions and infections of the vagina, blood can not freely go outside and continues to stand out even in the period between the phases of menstruation.
  5. Endometriosis. Foci of the endometrium during the development of this disease appear on the walls of the vagina, the external organs of the reproductive system and the cervix.
  6. The use of intrauterine contraceptive (helices). The chances of inflammation starts in the endometrium while significantly increased.
  7. The presence of tumors (benign or malignant).

Provoke metrorrhagia in the intermenstrual period may be a lot of stress. Thus there is a hormonal failure, and on its background are exacerbated chronic diseases of the genitourinary system.

girl covers her eyes with hands

In allocating the blood in between periods, particularly if there are pains, the reasons for such changes must figure out a doctor. Only after all the diagnostic procedures will be able to make an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

The dangerous bleeding between periods

Spotting between periods are not necessarily dangerous. Often, their appearance is due to physiological factors and not indicative of disease progression. Despite this, when such changes should seek medical advice. Only with his help can find out why there are not abundant, scanty bleeding, and how to resolve this issue.

Wake-up call is considered to be the blood of scarlet, signaling the start of the bleeding. In this case, you need immediate medical assistance.

The appearance of bleeding between periods, especially the abundant nature, is strictly forbidden to leave unattended. They are at risk of serious blood loss.

Upon detection of even a small amount of fluid mixed with blood is necessary to consult a gynecologist. Such changes often indicate the development of serious diseases that threaten the health and even the life of a woman.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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