Retention cyst of the ovary: what it is and how to treat the pathology

neoplasms proliferation in the female reproductive system - are not uncommon. Quite often diagnosed retention cyst of the ovary. A distinctive feature of this build-up is the presence of tumor filled with blood or fluid sinuses.

tells the story of ovarian cysts


  • Causes
  • symptoms
  • Diagnostics
  • Treatment
  • Pathology and Pregnancy
  • complications


The causes of sprawl retention cyst of the left ovary is set. The main role in this process is played by hormones. When you change the level of hormones released fallopian tubes secretion thickens, and this leads to their blockage. As a result of the accumulated liquid penetrates the appendages and provokes the formation of cysts.

Provoke a hormonal imbalance can the following factors:

  • excessive psycho-emotional overstrain;
  • chronic diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • rapid increase or reduction of body weight;
  • exhausting physical activity;
  • recently borne infections;
  • preparation for IVF.
hormonal disbalance


If the tumor has a small size, it is often abnormal cell proliferation are asymptomatic. In the event of an increase in tumor diameter, there is a feeling of discomfort in the abdomen. following the clinical manifestations observed during further growth cystic formation:

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  • lack of regulation or an increase in the volume of menses. Hormonal failure leads to disruption of menstruation;
  • acyclic allocation;
  • a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen;
  • discomfort during intercourse;
  • severe pain in the abdomen that become pronounced when driving.

Often, the growths sprouting there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract, including constipation and false urge to defecate. Also, infertility can occur. This is due to the fact that the follicle becomes denser, and its shell is not burst in due time. Accordingly, the egg is not able to get out of it and to penetrate into the uterine cavity.


In the process of diagnosing disease doctor examines the history, listens to complaints women, after which it inspects and assigns ultrasound.

To identify ovarian cyst is possible during the visual inspection. The size of tumors ranges from three to five centimeters. Localized, it is most often the side of the uterus.

In some cases, palpation reveal his genitals in front.

In order to confirm the diagnosis carried ultrasound. Thus it is possible to identify a single chamber cavity is filled with liquid. In a normal follicle thickness does not exceed three millimeters. With larger sizes, irrespective of the phase of the cycle, diagnose cystic formation.

sometimes shows laparoscopy procedure and subsequent histology. blood tests may be assigned to hormones and tumor markers.

Most often, the disease is diagnosed in women of reproductive age, but it is possible formation of cysts after menopause.


The course of treatment depends on the size of education and clinical features. At the initial stage of development of the pathology assigned reception of drugs. With their help it is possible to suspend the process of cell proliferation. The treatment duration varies from two to three months.

Hormonal therapy is performed using the following groups of drugs:

  • medicines based on estrogen. Most often appointed Sinestrol, CLIMAR or Ovestin;
  • containing progesterone. Among them are the use of Crinone and duphaston;
  • with dienogest. In order to prevent the development of endometriosis is applied Visan;
  • means of oral contraception. In order to normalize the ratio of hormones have resorted to the use of drugs Jess, Janine, or Marvelon Diane-35;
  • inhibits the synthesis of androgens. Medicines help to slow the disease process and prevent the formation of new structures. Most often used for this purpose Veroshpiron or Androkur.

Also, the following medications may be administered:

  • that reduce glucose levels. With their help, the process stimulated ovulation, menstruation cycle and normalize body weight. Among this group of drugs is isolated glucones, and Siofor Formetin;
  • anti-inflammatory medications. In the presence of inflammation prescribed Ibuprofen, Diclofenac or Ibusan;
  • antispasmodics and analgesics. With a strong pain syndrome have resorted to the use of spazmalgona, shpy or Drotaverinum;
  • sedatives. For example, Novopassit, mebicar and Afobazol.

The dosage of medication is chosen by the attending physician on an individual basis taking into account the results of diagnostic tests. Self-medication in this case is unacceptable. Such actions can significantly aggravate the situation.

Surgical removal of tumors is shown in the following cases:

  • cysts larger than 6 cm;
  • complications, life-threatening (build-up gap, abscess or twisting his legs);
  • suspect at the beginning of the malignant process.

If as a result of hormone therapy cystic education began to shrink in size, the medical treatment is extended up to complete regression of abnormal cells. The lack of effectiveness of such tactics resorted to surgery.

As a rule, the purpose of the excision of nodules used laparoscopy. During this procedure in the abdominal cavity are made small holes through which a laparoscope is inserted instrument, equipped with a video camera. Due to this the doctor can visually monitor the entire process.

Pathology and Pregnancy

A small tumor on the ovary in women of childbearing age does not lead to a breach of reproductive function. Germination of abnormal cells inside the appendage is not observed. Accordingly, there continues to mature follicles, ovulation occurs.

Large growths on female genital mutilation harmful effects on the reproductive system. Cortical layer appendages if any is compressed, local blood flow is disturbed, healthy cells slowly begin to die. As a result of these changes is diagnosed infertility.

Pregnancy in the early stages of development of pathology is quite possible, but is not known as cystic formation starts changing during gestation. In some cases, there is a reduction in its size and complete resorption. Sometimes it begins intense expansion of build-up, there is a characteristic of the disease symptoms. Pregnant women need to take a systematic ultrasound examination in order to prevent the development of complications.

uzi pregnant


Cystic formation can provoke serious complications. Among the most dangerous of them are the following:

  • torsion build-up legs. Condition serious enough, accompanied by blockage of blood vessels and tissue necrosis. It is noted severe pain in the abdomen, abdominal muscle tension, nausea and vomiting. When such changes urgently carried out surgery;
  • suppuration. In the case of infection of connection and start an inflammatory process of build-up is filled with pus. Pain in the lower abdomen, hyperthermia, tachycardia, vomiting and nausea. When such symptoms require immediate surgery;
  • cyst rupture. If such changes are possible severe hemorrhage, a pronounced pain, weakness, nausea, vomiting. Women showing urgent hospitalization.

the risk of cancer in this pathology is minimal. Neoplasms of the variety are not prone to malignancy.

Retention cysts appendages is a common type of tumors that affect the female reproductive system. In need of treatment, and can provoke serious complications. When timely initiated therapy is often possible to do without surgery. In running operation is assigned form, usually, in which the pathological tissue excised.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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