Honey thrush in women: simple methods of treatment

Honey is often used in folk medicine, it has long proven itself, especially as a means to enhance immunity. It is used not only to combat the cold, women used the honey from yeast. bee product perfectly helps to relieve the symptoms of candida and combats the cause of the disease.

honey pot


  • The use of honey for thrush
  • Methods of treatment of honey
  • Production honey tampons
  • The combination of honey with aloe
  • Contraindications

The use of honey for thrush

Thrush - is a disease caused by the fungus Candida. About 20% of the population has shifted thrush at least once, 70% of them - women. That they have the disease occurs with pronounced symptoms: itching, discomfort in the groin area, cheesy discharge and unpleasant odor emitted secretionAll this is due to lesions of the mucous membranes of the genitals.

Men may be asymptomatic candidiasis due to a different physiology, most often they are simply carriers of the fungus. In this way, thrush is passed sexually.

However, this is not the only way the infection. Candida fungi are almost all, but not in every organism, they begin to actively proliferate, displacing useful flora. can start

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thrush due to stress, Hypothermia, antibiotics, which are known to destroy the flora and precipitating factor is the poor nutrition, especially abuse sweet. Delays in treatment or lack thereof can transfer disease in chronic stage candidiasis, Get rid of that would be even more difficult.

Treat the disease is recommended under the supervision of a doctor who will prescribe antifungal agents against Candida. But not everyone likes to resort to medical treatment, and sometimes it is unacceptable, for example, during pregnancy, when many drugs are contraindicated. In such a case it is possible to use honey, which has established itself as an excellent agent for yeast.

honey pouring

Medical research suggests that this product of beekeeping has anti-fungal, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory properties, and therefore able to fight both the symptoms and with cause the disease. Lechenie thrush honey tested over the years, it is not only effective, but also safe, because they are treated even babies.

Methods of treatment of honey

Treatment for thrush honey refers to the apitherapy, because it is the bee products used in it. In is based on the existing anti-fungal properties of honey, as well as the fact that it improves the immune system, which is important in the treatment of candidiasis. Folk recipes used for thrush include five categories:

  1. Compresses and lotions. 2 tbsp. l. honey stir 200 ml of warm water, impregnated with the obtained solution folded in several layers of gauze and applied to the affected area for half an hour.
  2. Application. This will require candied honey, a slice of which should be inserted into the vagina and leave until completely dissolved. If you can use a shallow administered during pregnancy, especially in the early stages.
  3. Hip baths. In 5 liters of warm water to dissolve the 2 tbsp. l. honey, and pour a glass of herbal infusion of chamomile, St. John's wort or oak bark. Antibacterial effect, enhanced by a combination of herbs, to quickly relieve unpleasant symptoms of thrush.
  4. Honey douching solution. You will need 2 tbsp. l. Raw glass of warm water, the resulting liquid with a blower should be rinsed vagina. It is forbidden during pregnancy as possible getting into the half-open the birth canal.
  5. Tampons. This requires clean liquid honey (or diluted with water in ratio 1: 1), in which it is necessary to dip the swab. Then put it into the vagina for a period of 2 hours.

All of these methods can be used 1-2 times a day for several weeks to complete deliverance from candidiasis. In case of discomfort during treatment, it is necessary to stop.

Before using apitherapy is desirable to consult a doctor, especially during pregnancy.

Production honey tampons

One of the most popular ways of honey from the application of yeast infection in women is the use of tampons. Produce them is quite simple, it is only necessary wet conventional sanitary tampon liquid bee honey or nectar solution (1: 1 proportions with water), then place it into the vagina.

Treatment time is 2-3 hours, it can be done 2 times a day. In carrying out the treatment once a day 1 honey swabs can be left on all night (no discomfort).

We do not recommend the use of apitherapy method while carrying a child, because honey can get into the birth canal through the open cervix. During this period it is better to confine trays or compresses.

The combination of honey with aloe

Aloe par with honey has proven itself in folk medicine, and its antibacterial properties and the ability to positively influence the microflora allow you to apply the juice of this plant in the treatment of candidiasis. To do this, 2 tbsp. l. aloe juice mixed with 0.5 hours. l. honey and 1 tbsp. l. warm water, the resulting solution wet tampon and put in the vagina for 2-3 hours or overnight.

honey and aloe

When the discomfort, burning, it is necessary to remove the swab and rinse well with slimy water.


Bee nectar is safe when used with only one limitation - idiosyncrasy. This product is an allergen, and thus, may provoke adverse reactions until angioedema. It should be very careful to use honey in pure form or in a high concentration and carefully observe the reaction of the organism. In general, the use of honey in girls with thrush lead to positive results in the absence of allergic reactions.

Proper use of the rich beneficial properties of bee products can help in the treatment of candidiasis: in first of all eliminate the unpleasant symptoms, and is due to the anti-fungal properties to fight the cause of disease. Apitherapy especially well helps at the first signs of yeast infection in more severe cases, or in chronic better to alternate the use of honey conventional treatments.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 36
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