Polycystic ovaries: Treatment of folk remedies (upland uterus, sage, and other herbs, homeopathy)

A major factor in the development of polycystic ovaries is a genetic predisposition. The anomaly is inherited, but there are a number of diseases that can trigger the disease process.

Under the influence of hormonal and endocrine disorders complications extend to adjacent organs and affect the general condition of the body. For this reason, this pathology is often called polycystic ovary syndrome.

The most dangerous consequence of the disease - the formation of multiple cystic tumors. The ovary is significantly increased in size and loses its ability to ripen. Conception becomes impossible when such an anomaly. If the pathology is diagnosed early, a woman has a chance to restore ovulation and getting pregnant.

By surgery the doctors resort in rare cases. Primary polycystic ovary syndrome treated with folk remedies. In more complex disease course, accompanied by complications assigned hormonal correction.

talking with your doctor


  • The causes of disease
  • The main symptoms
  • Polycystic ovaries without hormonal therapy
  • Treatment folk methods
    • Red brush
    • Borovaya uterus
    • Sage
    • licorice
    • Mint
    • Chamomile
    • Flax seed
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The causes of disease

The ovaries are involved in the synthesis of estrogen and progesterone. This female hormone that balance can be broken under the influence of internal and external factors. With progressive polycystic in the body there is redundancy of androgens. The predominance of male hormones causes the gradual cessation of ovulation, cycle disorders and infertility.

There is no consensus about the emergence of hormonal imbalance and the associated development processes polycystic ovaries still does not exist. The clinical picture is well understood, but the main reasons were not identified.

Polycystic ovary is always increasing in size. Changing the appearance and the structure body formed kistoobraznye cavities filled with fluid.

Primary polycystic manifested in adolescence, attributed to hereditary diseases. In the secondary, which is formed during normal menstruation during the reproductive years, the reasons can be many.

Cause a rapid growth of male hormones can nerve shocks, climate change, endocrine disorders, respiratory diseases, chronic infections, irregular sexual life, obesity. Among the precipitating factors specialists identify insulin resistance.

This condition is characterized by a decrease in ovarian tissue sensitivity to insulin. Excess levels of this hormone stimulates the production of androgens.

The main symptoms

The main complaints of women with a diagnosis of "polycystic ovaries"Related to the violation of the menstruation and the inability to get pregnant. Among the symptoms are so many non-specific, which are marked with any hormonal failure. Typically polycystic process is accompanied by:

  • weight gain;
  • acne;
  • irregular blood pressure;
  • excessive hair growth or partial baldness;
  • skin pigmentation;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • seborrhea.

The disease manifests itself in different ways, it is very rarely painful symptoms are observed in full. More frequent partial symptoms, and the woman is not able to assess the severity of an existing pathology. In order not to bring the state to the treatment of infertility and other gynecological problems, seek medical assistance for any abnormal during the menstrual cycle.

pimples from polycystic

Polycystic ovaries without hormonal therapy

Polycystic ovary requires timely treatment and does not condone frivolous relationships. The choice of treatment methods depends on the health and neglect of the disease. By surgery the doctors have resorted to extreme cases. To normalize hormonal appointed hormone replacement therapy, but the response to such a correction can be different. The disease often recurs, returning symptoms, her condition worsens. In addition, hormonal stimulants that reduce the level of androgens, have an aggressive effect on the reproductive system, and many simply can not afford.

In the early stages conservative treatment of polycystic ovaries includes activities for power control. The diet is made with the expectation of weight reduction and normalization of hormonal levels. Diet for patients with polycystic It based on the use of low-carb products. It is important to pay attention not only on the content of the daily menu, but also on eating regime. There is a need small meals 4-5 times a day.

It is necessary to abandon the confectionery, cereals, starch, potatoes, white bread, honey, jam, tropical fruit, coffee and alcohol. For more information on the composition of the low-carbohydrate diet can be obtained from doctors.

experts often complementary treatment of folk remedies and recommend the correct and useful recipes. Power carbohydrate-free products, moderate exercise and avoiding harmful habits enhance the effect of herbal supplements.

Treatment folk methods

Most phytohormonal plants recommended for the treatment of polycystic ovaries, have a restorative effect on the body and have no side effects. It is best to help herbal infusions for oral administration, but courses and dosage of herbal remedies have different. Before taking you must discuss this with your doctor and check the ingredients of the recipes for allergenicity.

We select the most useful and safe herbs that help to cope with unpleasant symptoms and to improve the condition without hormone therapy.

Red brush

Useful properties of this plant help to normalize the production of female hormones in imbalances caused by endocrine disorders. With plants infertility is not cured, but with proper use of red brush removes polycystic syndrome symptoms ovarian, uterine cavity allows you to prepare for embryo attachment and is involved in the restoration of the menstrual cycle.

red brush

From dried herbs can make a useful decoction. Tablespoon raw material is poured boiling water (1st.) And after taking 1 tbsp. l. 30 minutes before meals. If more trust tinctures, pour 80 g herb with 40% ethyl alcohol (100 g). Means shall be kept for at least a week and take 3 times in 1 hour. l.

Borovaya uterus

Using the upland uterus with polycystic ovary due to the favorable effect on plant hormones and the immune system. Useful elements normalize ovarian function, prevent the development of uterine bleeding, relieve inflammation and stimulate the synthesis of progesterone and estrogen. Androgenic effect helps to stabilize hormones and solve many of the problems associated with conception.

The infusion is prepared on the basis of 40% alcohol (or vodka): 0.5 l on 50 g of herbs. Within a month, the sealed container with the prepared agent is stored in a dark place. Take 4 times a day for 30-40 drops for 3 weeks. After this necessary break of at least 7 days.

upland uterus


Unique therapeutic properties help to restore the immune system, and menstrual irregularities. Phytohormones plants compensate for estrogen deficiency and increase the chances of conception. Sage is actively used in the treatment of uterine fibroids, cervical erosion, cystic neoplasms, thrush.

To prepare the broth 1 tbsp. l. sage is poured boiling water (1 cup). Take portions: 4 times a quarter cup.

Before use sage with polycystic ovaries need to take a pregnancy test. When child-bearing in the body should prevail progesterone. an overabundance of estrogen can harm.



Licorice is valued for its ability to reduce testosterone levels and stimulate ovulation. The plant contains glycyrrhetinic acid, and glabren glabridin. It metabolites that contribute to the production of the hormone estrogen and help in the treatment of polycystic ovaries.

The infusion is prepared from 2 tbsp. l. finely minced root and 0.5 liters of boiling water. Take half a cup twice a day.

Acceptance licorice requires caution. Overdosing increases blood pressure and decreases the amount of potassium in the female body, which leads to cardiac arrhythmia, and muscle weakness. Pregnant and lactating women receiving contraindicated.



Mint is recommended to drink with obesity, abnormal hair growth, nervous disorders, menstrual irregularities and other symptoms that characterize the hormonal imbalance. A full range of anti-androgenic properties of the plant are shown in the complex treatment.

Grass can be added to tea or making a decoction. Petals (50 g) is filled with water and heated for 15-20 minutes. Take 30-40 ml to eating.

mint broth


The antiseptic properties of chamomile are well manifested in polycystic, provoked inflammation. In the treatment of herb helps normalize menstruation, inhibits the growth of ovarian cysts, promotes stable ovulation.

The easiest way to use chamomile tea bags. Two pack poured a liter of boiled water and insist 1-1,5 hours. The resulting liquid may be added to the bath and be used for irrigation. The easiest way - to make a cotton bundle of cylindrical shape in the form of a tampon dipped in the infusion and administered into the vagina at night. Anti-inflammatory agent kills microbes has regenerating effect on the mucosa, relieves pain.

chamomile broth

Flax seed

In the popular treatment with polycystic ovarian flaxseed it is one of the most used herbal ingredients. It contains lignans. These are the elements of the plant tissue, which have antioxidant and anti-estrogenic effects.

Broths based on flax seeds reduces testosterone hormone, insulin normalize, stabilize monthly cycle and relieve symptoms of hirsutism.

flax seed

The seeds can be eaten whole or grind to add to beverages and foods. Safe dosage - 15 grams per day.

The use of medicinal plants has attracted no side effects, but get rid of the disease and help all they can. If polycystic ovarian traditional medicine should be used as an auxiliary member of the classical treatment and only under the supervision of doctors. The combined effect of herbs and efficient of drugs helps to quickly deal with the disease.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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