Duphaston with ovarian cyst: how to make the treatment of the disease

Follicular cyst of ovary - one of the most common gynecological pathologies. Diagnosed condition in many women. Meets the disease, and in girls.

Treatment of the disease is carried out by assigning hormonal drugs. Duphaston with ovarian cyst most often recommended.



  • Summary of product characteristics
  • Instructions for use
  • Indications for
  • Diagnosis before prescribing
  • Side effects and contraindications
    • Contraindications
    • Side effects of
    • Treatment during pregnancy
  • drug analogues

Summary of product characteristics

Duphaston - the medicinal product is an artificial substitute for natural progesterone. Active ingredient acting means acts dydrogesterone.

Application duphaston justified with a deficit of own progesterone. In this case, the woman is a violation of hormonal background, which leads to abnormalities in the menstrual cycle. Dydrogesterone helps shift the endometrium from the first phase to the second MC, preventing abnormal growth of the mucous membrane and the development of a dangerous gynecological disease - endometrial hyperplasia.

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Dydrogesterone, not being a derivative of testosterone, it causes the development of characteristic of androgenic side effects of progesterone, that is worried about the appearance of masculine traits do not need.

Increasing the size of the ovarian follicle and the transition to the formation of cystic caused by hormonal disorders. During reception duphaston is its normalization, cyst size significantly decreases, up to its complete resorption.

Instructions for use

The dosage regimen and dosage for diagnosing functional cysts are assigned individually in each case.

Treatment starts on a specific day of the menstrual cycle. Most often, this 11-25-th day. Course duration biodiversity and reaches an average of three to six months.

Duphaston tablet intended for oral administration. Wash down the drug must be a sufficient amount of pure water.

Taking the recommended daily hormone dose should be at one and the same time, since the active ingredient is excreted from the body in a rather short period of time along with the urine. Regular intake can help to provide the necessary concentration of progesterone in the blood.

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Indications for

Indications for use are any conditions accompanied by progesterone deficiency. It:

  • endometriosis;
  • infertility due to insufficient luteal phase;
  • risk of miscarriage;
  • PMS symptoms;
  • menstrual disorders, accompanied by irregular periods;
  • dysmenorrhea;
  • disruptions of the hormonal nature;
  • dysfunctional uterine bleeding.

Diagnosis before prescribing

To begin treatment of tumors on the ovary Duphaston without a diagnosis is impossible.

gynecological examination

Mandatory procedures the appearance of cysts and the appointment of therapy are:

  1. Survey of the gynecologist. In the presence of abnormal bleeding is carried out to study the uterine endometrium.
  2. Mammography - assessment of the state of the mammary glands.
  3. Hormonal analysis. The main task of the drug - an increase in the amount of progesterone, so before his admission is necessarily spent biochemical blood. It is necessary to determine the current hormonal levels. Appointment duphaston possible only after the results of the analysis and decoding.

Blood for laboratory testing must be treated strictly in the 19-21-th day of the menstrual cycle, because during this period there is a maximum hormone. Delivery of biomaterial is performed on an empty stomach in the morning.

If necessary, the woman can be assigned to additional tests that help identify / eliminate existing contraindications.

Side effects and contraindications

Djufaston with ovarian cysts has contraindications. One such drug is idiosyncrasy. In addition, during the treatment can be formed quite unpleasant side effects.


Duphaston Contraindications to the use in the treatment of ovarian tumors are:

  • intolerant component of the formulation, including the active substance;
  • worsening of the disease;
  • severe violations of liver function capacity;
  • deviations in terms of blood clotting.
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When conducting hormone replacement therapy - the combined use duphaston estrogensoderjath preparations and - medication assigned with caution when diagnosing pathologies such as:

  • diabetes;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • migraine;
  • seizures;
  • malfunction of the kidneys.

Side effects of

The treatment Duphaston women may develop the following side effects:

  • headaches, migraines;
  • hypersensitivity (from the immune system);
  • Hemolytic anemia form - is characterized by a reduction of red blood cells life cycle;
  • allergic response - rashes, hives, itching, angioedema (in rare cases);
  • uterine bleeding, increased sensitivity (up to pain) breast;
  • disorders of the liver - expressed in the development of unexplained malaise, general weakness, it is possible the formation of jaundice;
  • peripheral edema (occasionally).

The emergence of adverse symptoms is not an indication for discontinuation of the drug. But on the development of pathological conditions must be reported to the attending doctor.

Physician, focusing on the effect of symptoms, or adjust the dosage of medication or replace its analogue. It is worth paying attention to release when receiving duphaston.

Treatment during pregnancy

Duphaston can be taken during the period of gestation of the child, but only for the purpose leading pregnancy physician. During this period, the means used in case of lack of progesterone in a woman's body because this hormone is essential for the conservation of gestation and prevent miscarriage.

During lactation treatment Duphaston must abandon as active substance can penetrate into breast milk. The action of progesterone on the young organism has not been studied, because breast-feeding a baby for the duration of therapy should be stopped.

drug analogues

Treatment of ovarian cysts is also carried out and analogues duphaston. Full structural substitutes in preparation does not exist, that is. to find a way in which the active principle acts dydrogesterone, it will not work. But the doctor can choose the tools, characterized by similar effects.

Similar pharmacological properties are the following formulations:

  • utrozhestan;
  • Ingest.

The main analogue duphaston is Utrozhestan. In its structure contains natural progesterone derived from plants. The drug is produced in the form of suppositories and tablets.

Sometimes the reception immediately appointed two means: and Duphaston and Utrozhestan. Concomitant use of drugs helps to achieve maximum effect and to prevent the development of a miscarriage or endometriosis.

Both drugs have the same indications for use. Utrozhestan But, unlike duphaston comprises natural progesterone obtained from plant material.

Djufaston - one of the drugs used in the treatment of ovarian cysts. Independent appointment of hormonal agents is unacceptable, since unnecessary intake can lead to severe hormonal disorders.

In addition, we recommend to read the application Duphaston with polycystic ovaries.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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