Cyst of the ovary yellow body: Symptoms and Treatment, causes of disease

Cyst of the ovary yellow body develops regardless of age. A tumor is diagnosed in adult women and young girls during puberty. The main cause of the disease is a hormonal dysfunction. Excessive or insufficient production of hormones negatively affects the work of all bodies, it leads to deterioration of physical and psychological condition.

Cystic cavity formed in the second phase of the cycle, so anomaly often called "luteal cyst." It has the shape of a ball on the leg, which is filled with blood and lymphatic fluid. For several months, the formation dissolves, but there are complications when there is a progressive growth, twisting and cysts rupture. Such status requires immediate medical care, as life threatening.

I think to a cyst


  • Features corpus luteum cyst
  • Main reasons
  • symptoms
    • Diagnostics
  • Corpus luteum cyst during pregnancy
  • therapies
    • drug therapy
    • Surgical intervention

Features corpus luteum cyst

The corpus luteum is formed on the site of the follicle is responsible for the production of progesterone and creates favorable conditions for a potential pregnancy. Specific yellowish color pigment attached lipohromny. Iron is produced in the luteal phase and can reach 1.5-2 cm size. If conception occurs, progesterone production stops.

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During pregnancy, iron continues to grow, performs its functions 4 months and then killed.

If by the end of the menstrual cycle corpus luteum regressed and did not remain, circulation is disturbed and liquid accumulates inside. Cystic cavity is formed, the value of which is 6-8 cm. Usually it has a single sideband and the capsule filled with yellow-red content.

Luteal ovarian cyst is called a time, because for 2-3 cycles is reduced in diameter, it loses its shape and completely disappears.

Main reasons

Most often, the corpus luteum cyst - is isolated and benign tumors. Their causes are not fully understood, but found that the main risk factors include hormonal imbalance, poor circulation and lymph flow in the ovaries. Other reasons can be identified:

  • oral contraceptives and means for promoting pregnancy, appointed in preparation for IVF and infertility;
  • chronic diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • genital infections;
  • ectopic pregnancy and frequent abortions;
  • genetic predisposition.

It is possible to influence the formation of luteal cysts ovarian factors such as poor diet, heavy exercise, insufficient or excess weight, stress, menstrual frequency. Women who give birth more than 2-3 children at risk of disease development is less than the nulliparous.


Cystic neoplasms, do not exceed permissible limits, difficult to discern. The presence of cysts in the right or left ovary does not affect the well-being of women. In rare cases, there are a feeling of heaviness and pain in the abdomen. Uneven endometrial rejection leads to disruption of the menstrual cycle. there delay monthly, Prolonged periods, uncontrolled release.

pain in the ovary

More severe symptoms seen with complications torsion legs and break (apoplexy) tumor formation.

When torsion cyst rotated around an axis, and thin stem, on which it is secured to the ovary, it is twisted. This disrupts the blood flow and causes acute cramping, smack in the lower back and leg. There are nausea, vomiting, tachycardia, dizziness. Such symptoms are observed at break formation. Apoplexy is dangerous because blood enters the pelvic cavity. This is accompanied by sharp pains, fainting, blood pressure drop.


Diagnosis begins with a gynecologist examination and study complaints by women. In the early stages to identify the formation of a complex. For complete clinical doctors have resorted to more informative and reliable diagnostic methods. The most common is the ultrasound. Scan allows you to evaluate the location, status, internal structure, the size of tumors, and to identify the presence or absence of abnormalities in the uterus.

In all cases, the diagnosis of ovarian luteal cysts experts estimate the parameters of blood coagulation and hemoglobin level. In addition, blood tests (tumor marker CA-125), Laparoscopy, Doppler blood flow character.

Corpus luteum cyst during pregnancy

In the absence of hormone deficiency observed in the corpus luteum genitals. In early pregnancy it can lead to spontaneous abortion. Diagnosed a cyst does not affect the status of the expectant mother. There is no threat for the fetus. Tumor mass self-destructs in the 19-20 th week when the iron disappeared and the production of progesterone is responsible formed placenta.

Doctors watching lesions by ultrasound. If a cyst remains and grows in size, it can be removed.


When diagnosing a small tumor mass and the absence of symptoms a woman quite regularly seen by a doctor. To control the brush size changes and the nature of the contents of women regularly do an ultrasound. If 3 months have not regressed tumor and healthy tissues of the ovary are not affected, the disease is treated conservatively, using hormonal contraception. From a woman procedures may appoint:

  • balneotherapy (vaginal irrigation treatment bath);
  • laser therapy;
  • electrophoresis;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • phonophoresis;
  • acupuncture.

Thermal effects in the treatment unacceptable. This can lead to intense growth and subsequent rupture of tumor formation.

drug therapy

Drug treatment of luteal cysts based on hormone correction. Preparations containing estrogen and progesterone hormones are reduced. As a result, the formation disappears and the menstrual cycle is adjusted.

doctor may prescribe painkillers and sedatives for removal of painful symptoms. If the ovaries and uterus tissues revealed inflammatory processes, the woman appointed anti inflammatory therapy. When complications in the treatment involves antibiotics.

At the end of the conservative therapy conducted ultrasound control. If the cyst persists and says its growth requires surgery.

cyst on ultrasound

Surgical intervention

Surgery to remove the cyst is performed by laparoscopy. Doctors always try to preserve the ovary and its function. The surgeon may remove only the tumor by husking together with the capsule. The resulting cavity sutured. After healing function and the integrity of stored ovarian restored.

If the detected torsion legs and around the tumor are formed unhealthy tissue resection carried out portion ovary.

Healthy tissue is less, but with partial excision of the ovary may eventually recover and function normally. In more complex cases, when diagnosed ovarian cyst yellow body after rupture with hemorrhage, neoplasm of ovary was removed together.

Quite often as surgery used laparoscopyTherefore we encourage you to read more information about the course of the meeting.

Terms of postoperative rehabilitation depend on the method used and the status of women. After laparoscopy physical activity recovers quickly. Complex operations require a longer recovery. To the basic stages of rehabilitation include taking hormones, phonophoresis, laser therapy, correction of diet and exercise.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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