Laparoscopy ovarian cysts: preparing for the procedure, as the operation takes place, how long it lasts

Cysts in the ovaries are of different structure and origin. Regardless of the type of pathology of the disease should be treated. Cyst growing pressure on the tissue, leading to degradation of the body and a serious gynecological problems.

For full recovery, doctors ovarian function using conservative methods of treatment, but they are not always effective. In such cases, the tumor growths are removed. The most reliable and safe method of surgical treatment is considered to be an ovarian cyst laparoscopy. Endoscopic intervention makes it possible to assess the condition of the inside of organs and eliminate the pathology with minimal injuries.

He thinks about laparoscopy


  • Types of ovarian cysts
    • follicular
    • luteal
    • endometrioid
  • The advantages of laparoscopy
    • Indications to Step
  • As is the operation
  • The postoperative period
  • Pregnancy after laparoscopy
  • possible complications

Types of ovarian cysts

Cyst - a dense rounded education in the form of a small bubble on a thin stalk. The composition of the contents of the cavity depends on the structure and origin of the buildup.

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The gradual accumulation of fluid leads to the growth of cysts. Most of them are benign, but there are dangerous species that are transformed into cancerous tumors and adversely affect reproductive health.

The main cause of the formation of pathological formations is hormonal imbalance. Failures occur at any age and is accompanied by a woman throughout life. A lack or overabundance of hormones frequent stress may affect chronic diseases, improper diet food, oral contraceptives, irregular sexual life, excessive exercise, and many other factors.

Any imbalance in hormones disrupts all organs and knocks the menstrual cycle. Regular delay controller is isolation, prolonged periods are among the main reasons for the formation of cystic tumors of the ovaries.

Functional (luteal and follicular) Education - this is the safest cysts. They do not apply to the oncogenic and are able to resolve. If you do not disappear, cause discomfort and are growing, they are removed after 2-3 cycles of education.


follicular cyst develops during ovulation. Dominant follicles are not broken, resulting in the cavity formed of a small size, in which liquid accumulates streaked with blood.

Progressive formation, whose growth does not stop, treated conservatively. If this does not help, it appointed laparoscopy cysts.


Lutein cystic abnormalities occur in the corpus luteum. Female egg leaves the follicle opening is closed. If this occurs too soon, the iron accumulates fluid mixed with blood. It grows and can grow up to 5 cm.

The presence of tumors much discomfort does not deliver, but there can be serious complications (hemorrhage, torsion legs and tear). In order to avoid the effects of ovarian cyst removed.


endometrioid education formed during the cell lining of the uterus outside the breeding endometrial layer. This pathology are assigned to one of the manifestations of endometriosis. Inside the cavity formed dark secret thick consistency. Cyst grows so slowly and painfully. As it can be modified according to the menstrual cycle. The longer education is not treated, the faster increase in size. There is a risk of adhesions, tumor rupture, infertility.

endometriodnyh cyst

The advantages of laparoscopy

Laparoscopic removal of an ovarian cyst makes it possible to carry out the necessary manipulations without dissection of tissues and cuts. The device is an optical system makes it possible to study carefully and promptly remove pathology.

Gentle intervention in the treatment of endometriosis or functional cysts reduces the post-operative rehabilitation. Traces of laparoscopic punctures heal quickly, motor abilities are restored in 1-2 days.

Great advantages of laparoscopy are the good cosmetic effect and minimal complications. For this reason, surgery without scars and adhesions attracts not only surgeons, but also women.

Indications to Step

Surgery to remove an ovarian cyst is assigned in the following cases:

  1. Progressing follicular, luteal cysts.
  2. Cystic endometrial cavity of large dimensions.
  3. Growth pathology.
  4. The risk of malignancy (degeneration of a benign tumor into a malignant).
  5. Threat complications (cavity gap, bleeding, torsion legs).
  6. Deformation and purulent inflammation of the ovaries.

The success of the procedure depends on the state of women's health. It should prepare for the laparoscopy and undergo a thorough patient examination.

The clinical picture, the doctor will determine the number and volume of preoperative studies. Sometimes, during the preparation phase are detected infectious and inflammatory diseases, disorders of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, problems with blood clotting, and other abnormalities. In such cases, the specialist can delay the procedure or assign different treatment.

He tells about the operation

As is the operation

In just a few days before the operation the woman give advice on nutrition correction.

Diet before laparoscopy is based on the use of light, low-calorie foods. It is forbidden to take urgent and fatty foods, can provoke a malfunction of the liver and stomach upset.

Laparoscopic removal of ovarian cysts is carried out under general anesthesia. Painkillers tranquilizers administered intravenously or make a mask anesthesia. In order to ensure the review of peritoneal cavity is filled with carbon dioxide.

By using manipulators 3 surgeon makes necessary puncture. On one installed camera, the other two tools are needed to control and remove pathological tissue from the abdominal cavity. Focusing on the video, the specialist examines the state of ovarian cysts, adjacent tissues and makes a decision about the kind of operation. This can be:

  • wedge resection (partial removal of ovary);
  • adnexectomy (removal of ovarian cysts, and);
  • cystectomy (husking body cystic tumor retaining ovary).

In the absence of bleeding physician retrieves instruments and pumps carbon dioxide. Incisions do laparoscopy. The places damaged punctures, causing seams.

The postoperative period

Immediately after surgery, a woman may experience pain in his right shoulder and his side. The abdominal wall residues accumulate carbon dioxide, this causes discomfort and pain. Unpleasant symptoms disappear within a day.

If only it removes cyst and pathology has not spread to the healthy ovarian tissue after 5-6 hours, allowed to stand up, walk and take a light meal. Sometimes a woman is discharged on the first day. The maximum period of stay is 3-5 days. The physician monitors the blood pressure and body temperature. Daily treatment is carried out seams.

To complete healing uterine tissue and rehabilitation requires no more than 2 weeks. The woman may experience failure of the menstrual cycle after laparoscopy. When long delays need to see a doctor.

After discharge, experts recommend avoiding heavy loads, instead of a bath to shower, exclude saunas, baths, swimming pools and beaches. Correction of power in the first week involves observance sparing diet consisting of fermented milk products, lean fish, stewed meat and vegetables.

eat vegetables

Pregnancy after laparoscopy

After removal laparoscopy functional cysts conception can occur in the next menstrual cycle. For the full recovery of the ovary must be 2-3 months. During this period, doctors are advised not to plan pregnancy and 3-4 weeks to abstain from sex. This is especially true when removed endometrioid education, requiring postoperative medication.

Even when you delete one of ovarian pregnancy is possible in 85 cases out of 100. Dishormonal failures are compensated, but the likelihood and timing of conception are individual and depend on the diagnosis.

possible complications

Despite the safety of laparoscopic method, in rare cases there are complications: postoperative bleeding from the vagina, damage to adjacent organs and vascular adhesions formation, suppuration seams, peritonitis. In order to avoid the effects of all medical recommendations should be strictly adhered to. If the discharge temperature rises, there are pain in the puncture, weakness and dizziness, you should call an ambulance.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 72
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