Polycystic ovaries (PCOS): Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Polycystic ovaries - a disease that affects the organs of the urogenital system. Pathological process starts in women due to changes in levels of hormones and intensive production of androgens. As a result, the fertilized egg is unable to get out of the follicle. On appendages formed tumors as cysts.

polycystic ovaries


  • Main characteristics
  • Causes of
  • forms of polycystic
    • typical
    • mixed
    • central
  • symptoms
  • pathology diagnostics
  • The probability of pregnancy
  • Sex life with polycystic
  • treatment of the disease
    • constructive
    • Surgical intervention
    • Folk remedies
  • complications
  • prevention

Main characteristics

Stein syndrome - Leventhal (PCOS) - a hormone abnormality, as a result of which there is an intensive growth of numerous cystic neoplasms of female genital organs. Defeats at the same time are appendages.

Symptoms of PCOS are often mild. Sometimes there cycle skip, rapid weight gain, body hair begins to grow on the male pattern. Polycystic ovary syndrome is dangerous because it can cause effects such as difficulty in carrying a child and infertility.

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The primary form of disease is congenital, often appears in teenage girls. In adults, the disease develops in women endocrine disorders, and inflammation in the genitourinary system. Thus diagnosed secondary polycystic.

Causes of

For multikistoza ovaries characterized by violations such as hair growth in male pattern obesity and delayed menstruation. The emergence of disease caused by the following factors:

  • heredity;
  • excessive body weight;
  • inflammatory disease of the reproductive system;
  • frequent stress;
  • infectious diseases occurring in the chronic form;
  • holding abortive activities;
  • complications after childbirth and during gestation;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • poor environmental conditions.

Sometimes there is an innate type of pathology, whose appearance is caused most often by genetic predisposition.

In reproductive age the disease can cause stress, autoimmune disorders in the body, and infectious diseases.

forms of polycystic

The beginning of the pathological process triggers a hormonal imbalance, which is due to the occurrence of failures in the work of the appendages or the adrenal glands. As a result, developing polycystic ovary right or left.

In some cases, the growth of cysts observed in both organs. Depending on what led to the change in hormone levels, disease in gynecology is divided into several forms.


This form of polycystic ovary syndrome often begins to develop in teenagers at the onset of puberty. It is noted violations in the activities of the appendages themselves. The pathology is manifested by irregular menses, short or long delays Regula. In some cases, there are also acyclic bleeding.

Insulin levels are usually increased. It is also possible obesity and the appearance of hair on parts of the body of the male principle. There is a marked ehopriznaki pathology. the cervix and genital body does not increase in size. Observed a change in the volume of appendages.

healthy ovary and polycystic


The development of this form of disease begins as a result of malfunction, not only the ovaries but also the adrenal glands. It is noted irregularities in the functioning of the reproductive system. Stein-Leventhal syndrome is manifested by failure cycle, pronounced hirsutism (hair grow on the same principle as that of men), the increase in the volume of appendages and a decrease in size of the uterus.


Diagnosed pathology, usually in middle-aged women. Cystic follicle growth caused by disorders of the central nervous system.

Against the background of this disease appear menstruation delayed, marked acyclic isolation and developing infertility. Often, when this is used hormone therapy.


Multikistoz may be accompanied by a variety of clinical manifestations. Among the main ones are the following:

  • straying menstrual cycle. Violated women's reproductive function, the controller comes with delays are short-lived;
  • in syndrome Stein-Leventhal says hair growth on the same principle as that of men. Hair growth is caused by excessive production of androgens;
  • acyclic allocation;
  • Excessive greasiness of the skin and hair. These changes occur because it increases the concentration of male hormones;
  • obesity. Excessive body weight is observed due to increased insulin concentration;
  • the appearance of dark spots on the skin;
  • the pain of polycystic ovaries in the abdomen;
  • lack of ovulation and the changes in basal body temperature;
  • the impossibility of conceiving. Because the beginning of the pathological process takes place seal ovaries, fertilized egg can not get out of this shell;
  • depression, nervousness;
  • insomnia or hypersomnia.

Diagnose the disease based solely on the symptoms, it is impossible. Such clinical manifestations observed also in other pathologies of the reproductive system.

signs of polycystic

pathology diagnostics

If you detect the disease at an early stage of development, it will be possible to cure without hormones and surgery. To diagnose PCOS, the doctor prescribes a number of studies. Diagnosis includes the following activities:

  • gynecological examination;
  • ultrasound;
  • MRI;
  • Laparoscopic examination;
  • glucose test.

In addition, a woman needs to be tested for hormones. The hallmark of the pathology - the ratio of FSH and LH hormones is one to three.

The probability of pregnancy

The chances of successful fertilization in PCOS are quite small. The reason is that the development of the disease stops ovulation. However, doctors say that conception is possible.

In order to be successful childbearing woman during gestation must take prescribed medication by your doctor. Polycystic ovaries during pregnancy often causes miscarriage and birth prematurely.

Sex life with polycystic

PCOS leads to failure of the menstrual cycle and cessation of ovulation. Exclude in this intimacy is not necessary. Recommended only to avoid postures in which the load is on the press.

Sometimes on a background proliferation of cysts after intercourse there pain and bleeding. When such changes have to love life at the time excluded. A month after the surgery, which succeeded to get rid of lesions, no restrictions on having sex will be gone.

not have sex

treatment of the disease

As a rule, the treatment of PCOS depends on the woman's age, the intensity of insulin production, the scale of destruction and the number of other factors. Often, when this is prescribed birth control pills. In some cases resort to surgery. Used as folk remedies.


Drug therapy, allowing completely cure the disease, focused on the following tasks:

  • restore menstruation cycle;
  • ovarian stimulation activities;
  • the fight against obesity;
  • reduction of androgen levels;
  • Increased insulin sensitivity.

Quite often, doctors prescribe Difaston with polycysticTherefore we encourage you to read more information on the drug.

He is thinking of a doctor's prescription

Drug treatment involves the use of such pharmaceuticals as:

  1. Reducing insulin resistance. To reduce the blood sugar concentration destination resort to drugs such as Rosiglitazone, Pioglitazone, Metformin or Siofor in PCOS. Thanks to their use increases the sensitivity to insulin. Siofor and other drugs in this group to prevent the development of diabetes.
  2. Antiandrogen agents. Hormonal treatments are intended to reduce the concentration of androgen in the blood, are used in the treatment of infertility. The most frequently prescribed agent Diane-35. Used as a diuretic drug Veroshpiron, anticancer drugs Finasteride and flutamide.
  3. Means of oral contraception. In order to restore the menstrual cycle in the process of hormone replacement therapy have resorted to the appointment OK. When used polycystic Yarina, as well as Belarus, Jess regulon.
  4. Stimulating ovulation. This can be Clomid, or Pergonal Humegon. Determine the dosage means a doctor can only after the results of ultrasound.

In the presence of inflammation are assigned antiinflammatory drug or a candle metipred. Also often with polycystic ovarian apply Remens, vitamins and folic acid.

Surgical intervention

In cases where hormonal agents is ineffective and a positive result is not reached within six months, the treatment of PCOS is done by surgery. The indications for the procedure behavior is also a risk of developing endometriosis.

Often performed scraping the uterine cavity. Hope that polycystic be able to pass itself, it is not necessary.

Often operation, during which the excision is performed sclerocystic tissue held by such techniques as:

  1. Wedge resection. In certain areas removed during the operation on both sides of the appendages. In most cases, it is possible to achieve ovulation.
  2. Laparoscopy. On the affected organs in several places make the notch. The method is considered to be minimally invasive. Adhesions after doing such manipulations are extremely rare.

Folk remedies

There are many traditional medicine recipes from polycysticWhich are used in the therapy of the disease. The main thing, before their application to consult a doctor. They are used with the following tools:

  1. Swabs from the mummy. 150 grams of raw materials to be mixed with three tablespoons of heated water. When the main component swells, the mixture should be mixed. Of bandage to form a tampon, place it in a mummy, and before going to bed to enter the vagina. Duration of therapy is one and a half weeks. During the critical days such manipulations are not met.
  2. Celandine. Leaves and stems of the plant are washed, dried and pulverized, and then mixed in equal proportions with vodka. The mixture was placed on a half weeks in a dark place, and then taken orally half an hour before a meal, adding a teaspoon medication 50 ml of water.
  3. thistle. Only 5 grams of plant need to pour a glass of boiling water, then strain the liquid cooling. Should take twice a day, once after waking up and before going to bed. Dosage was 100 ml.
  4. Oregano. A pair tablespoons raw pour 300 ml just a boiling water. An hour later, the liquid is filtered. Drinking means one tablespoon three times during the day.
  5. Mint. Tea on the basis of this plant can be taken for the whole day without any restrictions. With it will be able to prevent an increase in hair growth of male type and normalize the concentration of androgens.
tea with mint

Often also practiced leech therapy. One only has to consider that there are many contraindications for this particular procedure. It is necessary to consult the feasibility girudoterapii a doctor.


PCOS - a very insidious pathology that threatens serious consequences. The main ones are the following:

  1. Infertility.
  2. In the absence of proper treatment of cancer risk multiplied. Often this involves a cervical cancer or breast cancer.
  3. Due to the fact that the metabolism develop atherosclerosis, heart attack, stroke, hepatic steatosis and diabetes.
  4. Frequent, heavy bleeding give rise to severe anemia.

In addition, in this pathology often observed excessive weight gain, endometriosis and the development of mastitis. When time begun treatment and properly chosen therapy, reproductive function is restored, and a woman can conceive and bear a child.


In order to control and prevent the development of serious complications such as breast disease, infertility, oncology, it is recommended to adhere to the following guidelines:

  • systematically undergo examination by a gynecologist. Due to this change will be able to quickly identify normal ovaries and immediately find a suitable treatment strategy;
  • control body weight. If polycystic ovarian Yoga perfectly helps. You need to play sports and do physical exercises, but to avoid heavy loads. It is also possible to massage;
  • dietetics;
  • reception means of hormonal oral contraceptives.

On special attention deserves diet with polycystic. It is imperative that the body receives the necessary energy to produce the substance. In this metabolic processes are normalized, and the cells are recovered and are synthesized with the purpose of replacement fat substances.

diet plans

Total for the day should have five meals, but the portions are small. Foods rich in cholesterol and carbohydrates, thus completely excluded from the menu. It is strictly forbidden to use:

  • pineapples, Solanaceae, mango, persimmon;
  • potatoes, parsnips, and vegetables such as beets, carrots and turnips;
  • all baked goods and flour;
  • drinks containing alcohol;
  • honey, jams and chocolates;
  • white and milk chocolate;
  • ice cream;
  • rice, semolina;
  • pasta in any form;
  • a variety of sauces, including ketchup and mayonnaise;
  • coffee and strong tea;
  • fast food;
  • intermediate products and canned products;
  • fried, smoked and fat.
girl eats

In the menu you want to include products such as:

  • meat and fish, but only low-fat varieties;
  • breads and rolls on the basis of rye and barley;
  • lentils, soybeans and legumes such as beans and peas;
  • brown rice;
  • chicken and quail eggs;
  • cottage cheese and yogurt (non-fat);
  • mushrooms;
  • a variety of fruits and berries;
  • vegetables;
  • dark chocolate.
do not eat before going to bed

Adhering to a diet, the following apply:

  • maximum daily consume two thousand calories;
  • food must be fractional;
  • combine the vegetables with those products that contain protein;
  • dishes steamed, bake, braise or simmer;
  • drink per day for at least two liters of fluid;
  • once in a week to do the fasting day;
  • later than six o'clock in the evening do not eat carbohydrates;
  • minimize the amount of salt in the menu;
  • consumption of fruit combined with other products.

If you follow all of these rules, the treatment of PCOS will be sufficiently effective. The reproductive function is restored soon disappear all the unpleasant clinical manifestations of disease.

Polycystic ovarian disease is considered serious enough female urogenital system in need of urgent treatment. With timely detection of the disease and properly chosen regimen risk of complications is reduced to a minimum. In the advanced form of the disease can be treated much more difficult. Often at the same time without surgery can not do.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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