Immunohistochemistry of the endometrium (IHC): what it is, how to analyze

Immunohistochemistry involves the study of endometrial mucous genitals. This method makes it possible to accurately assess their condition and to identify existing problems. Thanks to the results of the analysis can not establish the cause of infertility and begin therapy in a timely manner.

doctor says the procedure


  • What is an immunohistochemistry
  • that reveals
  • testimony
  • Contraindications
  • diagnostic Phase
  • What results shows IHC

What is an immunohistochemistry

Immunohistochemical study of the endometrium - is a special and difficult in the performance of a procedure that allows to study extensively the endometrium and make an accurate diagnosis. The method involves just two surveys - immunological and histological. In this study endometrial structureAnd it identifies antibodies and pathogens. Due to the results accurately established the fact of the cells, preventing conception, and their number.

Immunohistochemical analysis allows to evaluate the sensitivity level of genitals layer to a natural receptor stimulating hormone at the time of ovulation and during the course of treatment with the hormonal preparations before IVF.

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It carried out such a study in the case where the woman is healthy, background and status of hormones endometrium in normal sperm antibodies are not found, but the pregnancy in spite of everything remains impossible. This problem is caused by the fact that the mother layer does not take hormonal effects, and is no longer updated to thicken.

that reveals

The main goal of IHC - identification of the causes of infertility, but the study often exhibit different changes in the endometrium. Analysis is assigned in case of suspicion for this reason, chronic endometritisNot accompanied by characteristic symptoms.

the doctor gives the diagnosis

Upon receipt of the results it is possible to identify such violations as:

  • uterine incomplete transformation layer;
  • endometritis development;
  • breach of the development phase of the endometrium;
  • hyperplasia.

If the cavity genitals have polyps and other tumors, it is determined whether their transformation to oncology began.

The procedure involves scraping the uterine cavity. Thereafter, the resulting biomaterial thoroughly investigated. Furthermore, it is possible to calculate the period of time when an exact match is noted and the mother layer embryo. Normally, this period begins from the 20-24-th day of the cycle.


Among the indications for this procedure are the following:

  • determining how sensitive receptors to hormonal stimulation of the endometrium;
  • IVF attempts have not been success;
  • diagnosis of "infertility" and identify its possible causes;
  • suspected mutation in malignant cells;
  • Frequent miscarriages in early pregnancy;
  • suspicion of chronic endometritis.

therapy tactics is chosen after the results of the study.

The diagnosis of infertility


Contraindications to the procedure as such does not exist. Therefore, it is prescribed for all women who have a pregnancy for whatever reason, does not occur. Thus it is possible to determine the sensitivity of the mother layer hormone receptor during ovulation and the possibility of implanting the ovum.

Sometimes an obstacle to the implementation of the procedure is the impossibility of taking a tissue needed for research. It is often appointed by surgical hysteroscopy.

diagnostic Phase

Diagnosis involves perform IHC uterine biopsy (scraping the mucous genitals), so that it is carried out at the time when the endometrium is prepared for such manipulations. The doctor prescribes a specific date for tests. It is imperative that the procedure has been performed on this day.

Typically, the IHC is assigned to 5-7-th day of the cycle, if necessary, identify inflammation, fibroids, polyps and abnormal proliferation of the endometrium. In assessing receptor function it is recommended to conduct research on the 20-24 th day.

In preparation for the procedure you need to follow these guidelines:

  • within seven days before the study does not take hormonal medications;
  • in order to avoid bleeding not to use drugs, contributing to liquefaction of blood;
  • the day of the immunohistochemical study of endometrial strictly abide by all the rules of intimate hygiene.
preparation for immunohistochemistry

Diagnosis is made in several stages:

  1. Primarily administered analgesic.
  2. Make installation of special expanders.
  3. Treated tissue antiseptic.
  4. Enter special device - a hysteroscope.
  5. Perform scraping the mucous.
  6. Removed the device.
  7. Damaged blood vessels immediately cauterize.
  8. Fully recovered equipment.
  9. Re-scan all the studied organs.
  10. Stow expanders.

When all diagnostic procedures performed, a woman sent to the House, where it needs to stay as long as the effect of anesthesia is complete. Immediately after that, it will be possible to leave the medical facility. The results will be ready in a few days.

a woman in the ward

What results shows IHC

The results allow the doctor to determine implantation window seen in some time. This time period, which is observed in the maximum matching ovum and the mother layer. Thus it is possible to identify the presence or absence pinopody (elevations on the surface of the endometrium).

Period favorable for fixing the ovum in the uterus, is calculated by menstrual cycle. Typically, implantation window observed in the period from 20th to 24th day, when the degree of development of the embryo and the mother layer is maximum in functional correspondence.

In the process of studying the morphology of genitals layer of the figures obtained make it possible to diagnose the following violations of the reproductive system:

  • inflammatory processes (diffuse and focal infiltration of lymphoid cells in the stroma of plasma cells);
  • sclerotic changes in the arterial wall;
  • polyps cavity reproductive organ;
  • hyperplasia, endometritis, flowing in a latent, chronic form;
  • pinopodii (or lack of availability);
  • the structure and shape of the receptor, the extent of their sensitivity to estrogen and progesterone.

In preparation for in vitro fertilization IHC provides the ability to accurately determine the sensitivity of the endometrium to the effects of hormones. This point is crucial for the successful implementation of the reproduction program.

at the doctor's

The data obtained from the study, help to reveal shifts implantation window and determine the status of the mother layer at certain stages of the cycle. Additionally, you receive accurate information on the inflammatory processes in the uterus. They are often the cause of infertility.

Immunohistochemical study is though difficult but accurate method of determining the condition of the endometrium. This procedure can not determine what factors prevent a successful fertilization, and diagnose some pathologies. IHC provides maximum expanded representation of the reproductive system state indicates the level of sensitivity to the hormonal receptors uterine effects. It is extremely important during in vitro fertilization and in the struggle with infertility. Often, after the diagnosis and treatment of properly chosen tactics of conceiving the problem persists.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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