Thin endometrium: causes and treatment, it is possible to get pregnant, as the increase

The health of the female reproductive system is dependent on many factors. Uterus and its structure is very sensitive to the level of hormones. For various reasons, this balance can be disrupted. One problem - a thin endometrium. It is important to understand why developing hypoplasia, the consequences and how to cope with this disease.

asks the doctor


  • Reason thin endometrium
  • The first signs of thinning the endometrium
    • Thin endometrium and pregnancy
    • Third
  • Features of pathology at monthly
  • Preventing the risk of endometrial thin
  • diagnosing disease
  • Details of treatment
    • For external use
    • Formulations for oral use

Reason thin endometrium

Endometrium - is a special mucosal tissue lining the inner surface of the uterus. Each month, a functional layer is updated: new builds, and the former leaves the body together with menstrual blood. This mucosa is rich in blood vessels and is formed in order to create favorable conditions for the implantation and subsequent gestation pregnancy.

Normally, endometrial layer begins to grow from the first day of the new cycle. at first

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endometrial thickness normally It is only 0.5 cm, and the completion reaches 1.3 cm.

The volume of this tissue does not affect the quality of sexual life, and the changes do not usually cause unpleasant symptoms. However, pregnancy is a fundamental factor.

The main reason why the doctor can detect a thin endometrium of the uterus - the unstable hormones. When the problem persists for a long time, develop the disease.

Exhaustion, malnutrition endometrial sometimes occur against a background of suffering a miscarriage or abortion. The problem is exacerbated if the wires scraping the uterine cavity. Less commonly diagnosed disease due to congenital disorders of blood circulation of the body area.

Provoke a thinning of the lining of the uterus may be the following factors:

  • undergone surgical intervention on the uterus;
  • trauma;
  • inborn tendency to bleeding;
  • inflammatory organ pathology;
  • disorders of the thyroid gland;
  • stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs;
  • infectious urogenital diseases;
  • long-term use of oral contraceptives;
  • myoma;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • adenomyosis.
causes a thin endometrium

Endometrial thin layer may cause the following difficulties:

  • miscarriage of the child and the failure in the early stages;
  • severe bleeding after abortion or miscarriage;
  • infertility;
  • inability to IVF.

Although the disease is most dangerous and unpleasant for those who want to become pregnant, the characteristic symptoms of disorders can notice even the women, who feel perfectly healthy. To ascertain the causes of the illness and its development can be only after a medical examination.

The first signs of thinning the endometrium

If the endometrium is small, a woman can celebrate at certain characteristic features. If you experience these symptoms should see a gynecologist:

  • failures menstrual cycle, frequent delays or change duration;
  • painful periods;
  • too meager selection.

Since for a thin endometrium it is very difficult to conceive, in the presence of pathology women complain of infertility. Many unsuccessful attempts to conceive a child become a reason for the survey.

When thinning the endometrium in women can be manifested anorgasmia, weak expression of secondary sexual characteristics. First menstruation comes 16 years later.

Uterine allocation when a thin mucosa even during menses differ scarcity. The duration of menstruation is reduced, the amount allocated to the blood decreases. Since it is often triggered by a violation of hormonal failure, "red" women's days on the calendar can be moved for a few days forward or backward.

Ovulation in women with thin endometrium and an imbalance in hormones does not happen every month, and to pinpoint these days is difficult.

Thin endometrium and pregnancy

Normal pregnancy can occur even with a thin layer of the endometrium, however, make it much more difficult, the risk of miscarriage is very high. Conception usually occurs normally, if ovulation has occurred. However, the ability of the embryo to gain a foothold in the womb, and be powered at first comes into question.

progesterone and estrogen level changes during the menstrual cycle. If pregnancy occurs, the yield accrued fabric layer does not take place under their control for fruit creates favorable conditions for development.

Thin endometrium and Djufaston - frequent combination, since the drug is administered to pregnant women with impaired mucus layer growth. It lowers the tone and, being a synthetic analogue of progesterone, helps to preserve the pregnancy. Taking medication does not cause negative reactions in the mother's body and does not affect the status of the fetus.


In spite of the good absorption of this medication, pregnant women taking the drug must be under the supervision of a physician. Timely use duphaston able to stop the rejection of fetal eggs, even if it has already begun.

first trimester

Effect duphaston layer on endometrial most beneficial. The drug stops the synthesis of substances that provoke a miscarriage, uterine improving nutrition. Doctors recommend to start taking the drug long before the beginning of pregnancy. Treatment Duphaston is better to start in 4-6 months.

Once ovulation has occurred and fertilization of the egg came out, the use of duphaston not interrupt. If you want to treat the cancellation is done gradually. Abrupt discontinuation of progesterone intake of women leads to miscarriage.

There is no single regimen and cancellation duphaston. They play an important role in blood hormone levels and individual characteristics of women. Vaginal discharge may also be different in different women while taking duphaston, since it affects the original hormone levels.


In the second trimester fetal development continues active. While pregnant with a thin endometrium possible problems can accompany the entire period of gestation.

The mucous membrane of the uterus, especially at first, performs important functions in the embryo nutrition and retention of fetal eggs in the cavity of genitals. When it is thin, the processes are complicated.

Whitish discharge during pregnancy is generally considered to be the norm. However, if they become yellowish, brownish or blood appeared impurities, requires immediate medical attention.


Although in the third trimester of the main power supply and the fetus through the placenta to ensure occurs, the full state of the endometrium - a sign of a healthy woman. After the appearance of a baby born the placenta leaves the body, and endometrial tissue will again be updated monthly.

Hazardous manifestations thin endometrium with the third trimester are rare. The most risky period - the beginning of gestation. To continue the pregnancy, it is important to comply with all the recommendations of the attending physician, to lead a sedentary lifestyle and adjust to the favorable outcome of a generic process.

Features of pathology at monthly

Detect at thin layer of endometrial woman can only after conducting diagnostic procedures. However, the characteristic changes of menstruation can be suspected the existence of problems.

Thin endometrium causes the following changes in the nature of monthly discharge:

  • critical days are short;
  • meager amount monthly;
  • between periods appear spotting;
  • heavy menstrual period does not happen ever;
  • internal bleeding only occurs when an abortion.

When a thin layer of endometrial menstruation frequently violation occurs. They are either delayed or absent for a long time. Sometimes a woman notices a shortening of the menstrual cycle, when poor spotting occur too often.

Even as a teenager girls at the propensity to hypertrophy of the endometrium is noted weak development of sexual characteristics. Their first menstruation begins late, and long cycle can not be resolved.

The presence of abnormal woman may suspect on their own feelings. However, accurate diagnosis and, taking into account the causes of violations, increase the endometrium, is possible only with the help of an experienced gynecologist.

Preventing the risk of endometrial thin

A thin layer of the endometrium - the cause of the inability to become pregnant and bear a healthy child. If a woman is planning to conceive, to such a diagnosis can not be treated irresponsibly. With this problem we are facing every third representative of the weaker sex, wanting to be a mother.

Malnutrition endometrial tissue around the cervix and other parts of the body is fraught with consequences. With regular attempts to get pregnant women each month can suffer from spontaneous abortions. The more often this happens, the greater the pathology progresses.

Prevention of violation arises from the causes of pathology. Since most of the thinning of the endometrium is due to hormonal imbalance, control over this area will allow women to protect your body from this disease.

Maintain hormones are normal as possible, while taking oral contraceptives. Such drugs prescribed by a doctor only after the laboratory blood tests and receiving the results of the survey.

If the intake of duphaston or some other drug in women opened profuse bleeding, it is important to visit a doctor. Only with the help of ultrasound can assess the current state of the endometrium and adjust treatment as needed.

If you plan to conceive, you must first complete a full course of treatment. When the endometrium will be grown to the normal layer may be pregnant.

Normal or small thickness of the endometrial mucous changes throughout the menstrual cycle. After completion of the monthly bleeding is minimal. By the onset of ovulation layer is increased to the largest sizes - it is necessary that in the case of fruit conception had the opportunity to solidify. If pregnancy does not occur under the influence of hormones secreted by the ovaries, run reverse processes.

The layer thickness of the endometrium begins to decline. With the beginning of a new cycle, together with all accrued menstrual blood leaves the uterus mucous membrane. In its place it begins to form a new functional layer.

endometrial thickness

The pathology occurs when the first phase of the menstrual cycle due to estrogen deficiency or endocrine disorders uterine mucous layer grows not in full screen. Thin endometrium may be in poor blood supply to the pelvic organs. Congestion also increase the likelihood of developing the disease.

If pregnancy is still occurred, the woman should be under constant medical supervision. To save the fetus can be assigned to Duphaston, as it helps to maintain a sufficient level of progesterone in the blood. The reception does not stop immediately, the drug dose is reduced by about the 20th week. Cancel performed gradually.

Generic activity occurs after discontinuation of duphaston. There are cases, when conception and successful implantation endometrium occurred at only 4 mm in thickness. However, such a situation is the exception rather than the rule.

diagnosing disease

To make an accurate diagnosis, you must pass a series of examinations. Initially, the attending physician will listen closely to complaints, he asked the women to describe in detail the nature of the menstrual flow, cycle time.

To verify that the thinning of the endometrial layer of the uterus, you need the following diagnostic measures:

  • Ultrasound of the uterus at intervals in different phases of the cycle;
  • common blood and urine tests;
  • blood test for hormones;
  • histology of the tissues of the uterus;
  • biopsy.

A full medical examination to determine the cause of the malnutrition of the endometrium and choose the method of therapy correctly. Most diagnostic procedures are carried out not during menstruation and immediately after its completion.

If thinning of the endometrial layer occurred after curettage, the restoration of women may take longer. Before starting the build-up of mucous is important to eliminate the negative influencing factors.


Details of treatment

Treatment of endometrium - a lengthy process. Do not rush to get pregnant, because you can complicate the treatment and nurturing. If another failure occurs, it is only stronger traumatize the delicate layer reproductive organ and will increase the recovery period.

When a thin endometrium, the woman should pay attention to your lifestyle. Hormonal balance depends on both the internal and external factors. Emotional background, degree of physical activity and nutrition can increase the benefits of the use of duphaston and other drugs.

For external use

thin endometrium Treatment should be complex. In addition to receiving medication requires external therapy.

To improve circulation and blood supply to the pelvic organs used acupuncture. Positive for thin endometrium affect physiotherapy. Very often, doctors recommend passage of the electrophoresis rate.

Hirudotherapy and phytotherapy - known methods used in the gynecological pathologies. A woman must understand that any methods of treatment can not be carried out independently. You should always consult your doctor, as there may be contraindications.

You need proper nutrition. The diet need to include foods rich in vitamins A and E. On the table, a woman should always be fresh fruits and vegetables. It should be possible to limit the consumption of sweets, fast food and coffee products.

Important active lifestyle. There should be no congestion, but moderate exercise a positive impact on women's health.

Formulations for oral use

To properly conceive and bear a child, it is important to pre-treat malnutrition endometrium.

Completely cure the pathology with the help of folk remedies is impossible, although such methods in combination with positive results give primary therapy.

To increase the layer normal endometrium, physicians prescribe progesterone. Previously used oily intramuscular injection of the hormone, but thanks to the emergence of funds tablets could reduce the incidence of adverse events, such as suppuration at the injection site and allergy.

When anti-thinned layer of endometrial tissue following drugs are used:

  • Duphaston;
  • Melsmon;
  • aktovegin;
  • Gormel.

Any drugs only on prescription can be applied after the passage of a full inspection. Action at duphaston thin endometrium especially valuable drug because it reduces the tone of the uterus, prevent premature detachment of epithelial tissue.

It is also important to take vitamin complexes. They promote adequate nutrition of all tissues and systems. If you become pregnant, before the use of vitamins is necessary to consult with your doctor.

Exists folk remedies for increasing endometrial, We encourage you to read more detail.

Thin endometrium may be the cause of infertility. If a woman in advance to get rid of this problem, pregnancy comes with no abnormalities, the baby will be born healthy.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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