Endometrial hyperplasia: treatment after curettage of the uterus

Scraping is performed for diagnosis and therapy of pathologies in which there is an abnormal thickening of the mucous genitals. Thus it is possible not only to determine the extent of lesions and their nature, but also to eliminate the abnormal tissue.

Treatment of endometrial hyperplasia after curettage has a number of features. In many ways, the course of therapy depends on the reasons that resulted in such changes.

doctor holding tools


  • Indications procedure
  • Methods of curettage
    • scraping blind
    • hysteroscopic
  • Complications after the procedure
    • The occurrence of hyperplasia
  • Methods of treatment

Indications procedure

Scraping - a diagnostic and therapeutic procedure, which is indicated for a variety of gynecological diseases. It is shown in endometrial hyperplasia. In the course of scraping doctor using the hysteroscope or simple functional uterine curettes removes layer that the following month fully restored. Other tissues are not affected.

Sometimes there is a cure hyperplasia without scraping, but such cases are extremely rare. Therefore, gynecologists insist on carrying out this procedure.

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For diagnostic purposes, a method shown in the following cases:

  • failure menstrual cycle;
  • prolonged and excessive menses abundant;
  • acyclic spotting;
  • pronounced pain during the critical days;
  • the impossibility of conception;
  • suspicion on oncology.

Treatment by curettage is indicated in the following problems:

  • uterine fibroids;
  • endometritis;
  • polyps cavity genitals and cervical cancer;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • fading fetus in the womb;
  • complications after giving birth;
  • spontaneous abortion.

With the development of hyperplasia during menopause procedure is mandatory. This is due to an increased risk of degeneration of cells in cancer.

the doctor recommends surgery

Methods of curettage

Surgical intervention can be carried out in several ways: using a hysteroscope or blind via curette. Regardless of which option is chosen, the woman will need to be hospitalized for a short period, and subsequently undergo treatment. In the case of re-development of the pathology and cell mutations in malignant used methods of hysterectomy and completely removed the reproductive organ.

scraping blind

The procedure is performed as follows:

  1. First of all, the woman administered anesthesia.
  2. When the sensitivity of the genital organs is lost, start the operation itself.
  3. The expander is inserted into the cervix.
  4. Curette is introduced into the cavity genitals.
  5. The cutting edge of the tool drive on all the walls, but pay special attention to the bottom and corners.
  6. Produce scraping the uterine mucosa.
  7. The resulting biomaterial is placed in a special container for subsequent histological examination.
  8. If necessary, the removal of a polyp operate in the uterus.
  9. Cauterize the damaged vessels.
  10. Remove all tools and expander.

The duration of the operation is about an hour. Upon its completion, the woman put on a stretcher and taken to the ward. After anesthesia is completely gone, to be in a medical institution is no longer any need.

The disadvantage of this surgery is that the operation is performed without spotlighting, there is risk of damage to the deeper layers of the uterus.


Diagnostic procedures performed under visual control, which fails to provide thanks to a special device - hysteroscopy. It is a tube equipped with a lighting device, a camera and channels through which liquid or gas is supplied and introduced curette.

At the initial stage, the same steps are performed as in the blind method. Primarily administered anesthesia and inserting an expander. In the passage which in this case formed, is placed through the hysteroscope and its feed gas is introduced that promotes expansion reproductive organ walls.

The second channel is introduced curette and produce assessment of the endometrium. Part of the uterus at the same time viewed on the screen in an enlarged form. Then, the cleaning. The resulting tissue is placed in a container and sent for histological examination.

At the final stage cauterize blood vessels that bleed, and recovered all the tools.


Complications after the procedure

Cleaning genitals refers to operations with an increased risk of damage. Bleeding after the conference as dangerous symptom. Such allocation may indicate the development of the following complications:

  • endometritis;
  • cervical laceration;
  • penetration of infection;
  • Perforation affected walls;
  • the impossibility of conceiving.

It is also re-relapse disease. Therefore, it is important to follow all medical recommendations in the postoperative period to restore the activity of the ovaries and to normalize hormones.

The occurrence of hyperplasia

Glandular-cystic hyperplasia endometrial often develops after curettage. This is due to the fact that as a result of conducting the following changes may occur in the female body that contribute to the pathology of:

  • hormonal imbalance. There excessive concentration of estrogens and progesterone insufficient;
  • disruptions to the endocrine, cardiovascular and urogenital systems;
  • inflammation of the genitals;
  • fibroids, polyps in the uterus;
  • polycystic appendages and adenomyosis.

Causes of relapse can also be covered in non-compliance with medical recommendations and the absence of effect of hormone replacement therapy.

Methods of treatment

Treatment of endometrial hyperplasia after scraping long enough. therapy chosen physician on an individual basis taking into account the woman's age and the presence of comorbidities. In the first few days after surgery using drugs that normalize hemostasis. The reason is that the genital organ wall excessively damaged and continuously bleed.

In the next stage antibiotic appointed means by which it is possible to prevent the development of complications. As an additional preparation protrude enzymes. With their help it is possible to activate the protective function of the body, to accelerate the process of regeneration and increase the effectiveness of other groups of medicaments.

drink tablets

An important role in the process of therapy plays hormones. For this reason, the regimen necessarily involve taking hormones (estrogen and progestogen). The duration of treatment varies from three to six months. In combination with the use of medicines are appointed by physiotherapy. In addition, women need to stick to your diet and avoid excessive physical exertion.

At the end of hormonal drugs is recommended as soon as possible conception. This is due to the fact that during pregnancy the endometrium undergoes monthly changes, the risk of relapse is significantly reduced.

Menses after the cleaning appears on 28-35 th day. If during this period of critical days do not come, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist. To establish the reason for the recovery cycle has not occurred, you will need to undergo ultrasound, in which will be able to determine the size and thickness of the genitals of the mother layer. If necessary, they will be assigned to specific drugs that trigger the appearance of regulation.

medical help is needed and if the menses have become more persistent, unpleasant odor or purchased uncharacteristic consistency. These symptoms often indicate the development of serious complications, for which elimination will require additional treatment.

When detection of endometrial hyperplasia in diagnostic and therapeutic purposes is carried scraping. Operation can be performed blindly and method hysteroscopy. Wherein the affected tissue is removed from the uterine cavity and transferred to the laboratory for further histological studies. The course of treatment depends on what kind of results will be obtained. Only with properly chosen tactics of treatment of relapses avoided.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 62
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