Acute endometritis (subacute): Symptoms and Treatment that is

Acute endometritis - an inflammation of the inner layer of the mother. Can develop the type of ascending infection when the penetration of the bacterial agent of the vagina, but more often - after invasive procedures: abortion, operations, curettage.

The incubation period lasts up to 4 days, after which the temperature rises rapidly, there is pain, increased release of blood quickens the pulse, urine output can develop a total intoxication.

inflammation of the uterus


  • Feature development
  • symptoms of endometritis
  • Clinical manifestations
  • Features of treatment
    • interference therapy
    • magnetotherapy
    • Sessions UHF
    • electrophoresis
    • The use of ultrasound
    • Other treatment options
  • Pregnancy with endometritis

Feature development

endometrium - a mucosal layer lining the inner surface of the uterus. The mucosa is richly supplied with blood vessels. Composed:

  • from the basal layer - recovered after menstruation;
  • functional - rejected during menstruation and goes along with the blood.

The main task of the endometrium - to create conditions in which the fertilized egg can attach and grow in the future. Any change in its structure leads to pathologies during pregnancy, the threat of miscarriage or cause problems with conception

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Depending on the severity of symptoms are distinguished phases:

  1. Subacute endometritis. Characterized by mild symptoms, pathology often becomes chronic phase. This form always occurs after a primary infection in the absence of treatment. Oligosymptomatic inflammation causes minimal changes or not expressed in the mucosa in the absence of traumatic lesions after abortion and childbirth, healthy lifestyle, timely initiation of antimicrobial funds.
  2. The acute phase of endometritis. It appears bright symptoms - pain, fever. In this case, the infection spreads rapidly to all parts of the mucous membrane.

infections contribute to the development of the following factors:

  • abnormal menstruation, abortions, childbirth, resulting in an alkalization of the acidic environment of the vagina, decreasing its germicidal properties;
  • trauma during delivery, fractures of the neck and perineum, infection;
  • improper or prolonged wearing of intrauterine contraceptive devices;
  • frequent use of tampons;
  • traumatization of mucosa - douching, the use of spermicides, breach of hygiene;
  • decreased immunity, fatigue, chronic stress.

The diagnosis of endometriosis may be associated with diseases such as tuberculosis, actinomycosis, gonorrhea. Also generate non-specific form.

causes of endometritis

symptoms of endometritis

Subacute endometritis is characterized by symptoms such as:

  • pain felt in the lower abdomen;
  • temperature increase to a maximum subfebrile (37-38 degrees);
  • bleeding or purulent discharge from the vagina, often malodorous;
  • cycle skip (metrorrhagia, amenorrhea).

Acute endometritis is characterized by the following signs and symptoms:

  • raising the temperature to hyperthermic indicators (39-40 degrees);
  • chills;
  • painful syndrome, localized in the crotch area of ​​the lower abdomen, sacrum;
  • purulent serous vaginal discharge (viral infection causes serous exudate, bacterial - purulent odorous);
  • hemorrhage - appear due to delayed recovery endometrial outer layer.

During the acute form of the disease always appears bright symptoms as signs of intoxication, bleeding, drowsiness, loss of performance, dizziness, constant pulling or sharp pains.

On examination revealed enlarged spherical uterus, painful when pressed, tissue softened.

Clinical manifestations

Acute, primary arising endometritis usually develops in the case of ascending the cervical canal infection. The cervical barrier overcome most highly virulent microorganisms, e.g. gonococcus.

The inflammatory reaction of the endometrium is characterized by:

  • current deceleration lymph and blood;
  • vasodilatation;
  • the appearance of blood clots;
  • exudation;
  • swelling of the myometrium;
  • necrotic destruction in the event of the accession of anaerobic flora.

Acute pain occurs for 3-4 days after getting an infection in the uterus. Sudden discharge may appear as during menstruation, and in any period of the cycle. Blood test shows an increase of leukocytes, accelerated erythrocyte sedimentation rate, left shift leukocytic formula.

symptoms of endometritis

If untreated infection covers all layers of the endometrium, uterus can affect muscle fibers. Changes functional layer structures leads to infertility hereinafter.

Features of treatment

Treatment of acute endometritis directed to relief of inflammatory focus, elimination of bacterial or viral agent.

Held course of taking various pharmaceutical preparations groups (steroidal, anti-inflammatory, antimycotic and antibacterial agents).

interference therapy

Use of low frequency interference currents to accelerate the regeneration of damaged endometrium stimulation due midrange current receptors. Physiotherapy is carried out for 20 minutes daily for 2-3 weeks.

Interferometric technique aimed at improving the tone of the uterus, myometrium reduction, improve blood circulation, eliminate pain, normalization of the vaginal microflora.

The method is not applicable in the acute form of endometritis, used only in the subacute or chronic phase in the complex therapy.


Such therapy is needed for effective treatment and increase the impact of drugs. The magnetic field acting directly on the uterus, improves reflex function in blood vessels and soft tissue.

Magnetic interference is subjected to not only the mucosal layer, but the whole female urogenital system:

  • normalizing process and the oxidation rate;
  • improved properties of proteins, enzymes, water;
  • It accelerates the healing process.

At regular sessions of magnetotherapy increased permeability of blood vessels, whereby the medicaments penetrate the damaged parts of mucous layer to the maximum extent.

Using the technique of magnetic therapy in the treatment of endometritis allows to stimulate the body's defenses, conduct anti-inflammatory therapy, to improve the process of tissue repair. Also, the analgesic effect is.

Application of a magnetic field is contraindicated in Coagulation disorders, ischemic heart disease, recent myocardial, during pregnancy. Not recommended in the presence of pacemakers, metal implants and in the active phase of tuberculosis.


Sessions UHF

In the treatment of different forms of endometritis sessions UHF spend for heating tissue, pain relief, enhance microcirculation, elimination of infection from the body.

At regular procedures uterine tissue quickly regenerated, restored functional layer mucosal immunity is increased. As a result, quickly stopped by the inflammatory focus, the intensity of the symptoms is reduced.

UHF-therapy is not carried out in the presence of:

  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • metal implants in the field of radiation;
  • malignancies;
  • blood pressure oscillations;
  • pregnancy;
  • bleeding.

Application UHF also contraindicated endometritis in the acute phase, but is widely used for therapy of chronic stage of the disease.


In gynecology electrophoresis session is aimed at the treatment of chronic inflammatory processes, including endometritis. The most efficient procedure is tissue using electrophoresis techniques with impregnation antibacterial drugs.

For relief of the inflammatory focus, the normalization of the menstrual cycle procedure will be more efficient using lidazy, iodine or zinc amidopirina. This enables the delivery of antimicrobials directly into the tissue of the uterus.


  • kidney disease;
  • problems with blood clotting and the risk of bleeding;
  • eclampsia;
  • pregnancy.

When endometritis assigned from 10 to 20 procedures, preparations are chosen in accordance with the phase of the disease and the presence of accompanying pathologies.


The use of ultrasound

Ultrasound in Gynecology, used to treat cervical abnormalities, inflammation of the appendages, the endometrium. Ultrasound is also carried out for diagnostic purposes to determine the localization of inflammatory foci in the endometrium layer thickness.

The mechanisms of ultrasound exposure:

  1. Mechanical - increases the permeability of cell membranes, accelerates metabolism.
  2. Thermal - tissue temperature locally increases, which accelerates the regeneration process and reduce the swelling and infiltration.
  3. Physicochemical - synthesis and enhances the exchange of biologically active substances, accelerates the process of cell division, production of enzymes, stimulates fibroblast elements.


  • thrombosis and thrombophlebitis:
  • malignant tumor;
  • heart disease;
  • bleeding of any origin;
  • infectious processes in the acute stage;
  • endocrinopathy;
  • CNS;
  • pregnancy.

A noninvasive method for non-invasive treatment by means of ultrasound suitable for women of any age, and also in the presence of concomitant diseases.

Other treatment options

Drug therapy of endometritis includes receiving these drugs:

  1. antibiotics. Used in the initial phases of the disease, mainly selected agent with a broad spectrum of action. In the hospital more often injection is used.
  2. Antispasmodics. Help to stop soreness.
  3. Antifungal medications. Used in combination with antibiotics, reduce the possibility of developing candidiasis.
  4. Decongestants. Blocking histamine production, improve lymphatic drainage, promote removal of inflammatory and edematous process in uterine tissues.
  5. Antipyretics. Symptomatically used when the temperature rises above 37.5-38 degrees.

Topically applied ointments and suppositories:

  • drugs with chlorhexidine to inhibit the growth of Trichomonas, Chlamydia, gardnerellas;
  • Combined cycle spark normalize allow to reduce the risk of bleeding, are effective against fungi of the genus Candida, anaerobic, gram-positive bacteria and trichomonas;
  • candles with iodine depressing effect on the growth of pathogenic microflora.
candles with iodine

If the cause of endometritis is a disturbance in the development phase and the rejection of the endometrium can be administered hormonal contraceptives. receiving rate is 3-6 months, typically used tableted agents.

also apply folk remedies for treatment of endometritisTherefore we recommend to read additional material on the subject.

Pregnancy with endometritis

Pathology pregnancy if endometritis are fairly common. Possible abruptio placenta, spontaneous miscarriage. Subacute and chronic endometritis in 95-100% of cases causes infertility, miscarriage fetus.

Even if successful fertilization can be various complications. With proper treatment of diseases of pregnancy occurs in 90-95% of cases, delivery end only 70%. The threat of interruption occurs more often in the first 4-7 weeks.

Seek medical attention is necessary when you have these symptoms:

  • any release or brownish red color;
  • aching or sharp pain in the abdomen;
  • at a later date - the absence of perturbations, abrupt cessation of toxicity.

When planning a pregnancy after treatment of endometritis should:

  • pass smear analysis for determining the composition of the microflora;
  • undergo ultrasound study.

If necessary, apply a hysteroscopy, biopsy and other methods of examination of mucosal tissue.

After conception, women who have had endometriosis, will be treated as high-risk by the threat of interruption. Limited impact stress, physical activity, banned sports and heavy lifting.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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