Diffuse changes in the myometrium: homogeneous and heterogeneous structure - what it means and how to treat it

The normal myometrium uniform, there is no extraneous inclusions. In this state, it is observed in healthy women. When uterine structure changes, appears heterogeneous myometrium, development can be suspected pathology. Determine the condition of the muscle layer is possible with the help of ultrasound. In this case, diffuse changes are not independent disease. This is only a symptom of the disease that develops in the urogenital system.

ultrasound uterus


  • Reasons for change in the myometrium
  • Symptoms in diffuse changes
  • Myometrium during pregnancy
  • The appearance of deviations from the norm
  • Why there is a violation of
    • adenomyosis
    • Myoma
  • Treatment myometrium changes
  • prevention

Reasons for change in the myometrium

To identify the exact cause diffusely-heterogeneous structure of muscle layer is carried out a complex clinical studies. Among factors causing such changes are the following:

  • surgical intervention in which the uterine wall was damaged;
  • disorders of the endocrine system;
  • scraping for diagnostic purposes, excision of polyps, fibroids and cysts in the uterus;
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  • violations in the activity of the gonads;
  • fluctuations in the level of hormones;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • susceptibility to stress;
  • genital infections;
  • inflammation of the reproductive system;
  • Excessive exposure to UV rays.

Ignore changes in muscle layer can not. Often they are the cause of infertility.

Symptoms in diffuse changes

inhomogeneous structure of the myometrium are often no symptoms. Provoke such changes are hormonal failure, anemia, severe stress and sexual infections. It is noted the following clinical manifestations:

  • excessively heavy menstruation;
  • strongly marked pain during regulator;
  • discomfort when urinating;
  • discomfort during intimacy;
  • pain, observed during ovulation;
  • allocating scarce brown and in the second half of the mid-cycle;
  • the impossibility of conceiving.

Myometrium during pregnancy

Inhomogeneous myometrium often diagnosed in pregnant women in the course of routine ultrasound and often indicates the presence of pathology. In this case, the physician continuously monitors the state of the muscular layer. This is due to the fact that local thickening of the causes of serious problems. Hyperechoic (abnormal presence of seals) can lead to rupture of the endometrium.

Pregnant doctor

A pregnant woman in this case, the doctor puts on record, and systematically examines. Illnesses that provoke such changes uterine layer, can cause serious complications during childbirth. When Pumping fibroids during pregnancy is complicated.

During labor it is possible reduction in organ failure, and start bleeding. In the absence of therapy often develop fibrosis and scar formation, leading to rupture of the birth canal.

In the first trimester change uterine muscle tissue structure can be the cause of her excessive tone. The risk of miscarriage increases considerably. On the later date is not excluded generations ahead of time.

The appearance of deviations from the norm

The homogeneous structure of muscle tissue reproductive organ is an indicator of normal. Minor changes are allowed in certain phases of the menstrual cycle, but only in the absence of concomitant symptoms, inflammatory and infectious diseases.

Clear boundaries between the layers are not present. their thickness increases toward the bottom of the uterus. As a result, the body can fully be reduced in the process of labor.

Heterogeneous structure is observed both in physiological and pathological reasons. Natural changes taking place at the same time at the time of menopause.

Myometrium pathological condition is detected during the ultrasound. This takes into account such factors as the echogenicity, uterine size, tone and thickness of the layers. Due to the received data can not identify the reason provoke such structural changes.

Why there is a violation of

Homogeneous myometrium - this is normal. Changes in the structure of muscle and the mucous layer of the uterus may occur due the development of various pathologies. Most of these symptoms are observed with adenomyosis and myoma.


For this pathology is characterized by overgrowth of the endometrium and muscle layer of the uterus defeat. Development of the disease is caused by hormonal fluctuations that can occur in women of all ages.

Lots of adenomyosis

at adenomyosis Local thickening of myometrium occurs due to abnormal proliferation of the endometrium. Such changes are of several types:

  1. Branched blind pockets in the form of recesses, connecting to the endometrium. US in this case, indicates the heterogeneity of the myometrium and its cellular structure. Subsequently germination occurs throughout the thickness of the muscular layer and the appearance of tumors similar fistula between the uterus and other organs of the reproductive system.
  2. Nodal rounded closed pockets, filled with liquid of dark brown color or blood. As a rule, they are multiple, differing in size and spread over the walls of genitals chaotic. Ultrasonography thus shows that the muscular layer uneven and has the characteristics of adenomyosis.

At various times cycle affected tissues and undergo changes provoke the beginning of the inflammatory process. Under the influence of hormones endometrial cells begin to grow and be rejected in the same way as on the mucous membranes of the genitals. This leads to an acyclic bleeding and pain in the abdomen.

Menstruation becomes too heavy and prolonged. Pain syndrome becomes pronounced. Outside period appear brown discharge regulator. As a result, anemia and infertility.


This is a benign tumor that grows in the uterus due to hormonal imbalance. Most often diagnosed in women fibroids during menopause and is due to age-related changes in the reproductive system.

Neoplasm is an assembly, which formation is due to local thickening and proliferation of the myometrium. The buildup can be localized in the muscle layer and act in the direction of the endometrium. The base of it is wide or as a thin stalk.

Fibroids can be multiple and single, have different sizes and emerge at any portions. Rarer diffuse neoplasm.

Depending on the shape of pathology, ultrasound showed the following changes:

  1. Nodal fibroids looks like a local variation of the muscular layer and its increase. Genital organ is deformed. Growths gipoehogennye exhibit an inhomogeneous structure. On the periphery of the vascular pattern is reinforced. In the interior of the tumor is often detected softened foci of necrosis and hemorrhage.
  2. In diffuse fibroids genital organ enlarged and substantially uniformly thickened. Muscular layer has an inhomogeneous hypoechoic structure thereon marked foci of fibrosis. Often, this is accompanied by calcining tissue

The main symptoms are fibroids pain in the pelvic area, acyclic bleeding from the vagina, and the menstrual cycle. Often, the clinical picture is erased, identify fibroids is possible only in the course of routine ultrasound.


There are also other causes of diffuse changes in the myometrium. Similar process can provoke anemia, endometriosis and other endometrial pathology

Treatment myometrium changes

Scheme therapy diffuse changes muscle tissue largely depends on the severity of the disease, age of the woman and the presence of accompanying pathologies. This can be used in both surgical and medical methods.

Among the main goals of therapy are the following:

  • prevention of complications;
  • inhibition of estrogen production process in order to prevent further development of the pathology;
  • preservation of reproductive function;
  • prevention of cell degeneration into cancer;
  • eliminating the concomitant symptoms.

They are used in the treatment of drugs in various forms. It can be a means of local actions that are introduced into the vagina, and tablets. Begin to use them only on prescription.

Hormone therapy myometrium inhomogeneous structure to conduct courses. Receiving drugs started after menstruation and continued for three weeks, and then make a break for seven days and continue treatment. Are employed in the following groups of drugs:

  • estrogen-progestin contraceptives (Diana-35 Non-Ovlon, Desmoulins, Yasmin or Jess). With their help, ovulation and estrogen production process are suppressed. The drugs are effective in the early stages of the disease;
  • progestational agents (Norkolut, Visan or Utrozhestan). Medicaments administered in this group at different degrees of tissue damage;
  • agonists of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (Danogen, Danol or Nemestran).

Hormone therapy provides a pronounced effect. At its combination with surgery the risk of recurrence is minimized.

Surgical treatment involves the removal of the lesions. This may be used methods such as:

  • laparoscopy;
  • laser vaporization;
  • cryosurgery.

After the surgery, the body needs time to recover. A few months later perhaps successful fertilization.


In order to prevent diffuse changes in the myometrium and the development of pathologies that provoke this process, We need to be inspected regularly by a gynecologist and an ultrasound every six months study. This is especially true adolescent girls, women who had undergone surgery in the organs of the urogenital system. In addition, you need to practice good hygiene and wash away the intimate area twice a day.

When the suspicious symptoms should immediately contact a gynecologist. The timely detection of the disease much easier to treat.

Diffusely heterogeneous structure of muscle layer of the uterus indicates the beginning of the pathological process, which is necessary as can be eliminated quickly. Identify these changes can be achieved only during the ultrasound. Immediately thereafter assigned therapy.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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