Metrorrhagia: what it is, the characteristic of the NMC (menstrual irregularities) on its type

Metrorrhagia - it is usually a symptom of a serious disease that needs immediate treatment. This is manifested in the form of a violation of uterine bleeding. By itself, it does not bear any particular risk, but provokes the appearance of discomfort, problems in intimate life.



  • What is metrorrhagia in women
  • symptomatology
  • The causes of disease
  • anovulatory metrorrhagia
  • Metrorrhagia in the menopause
  • diagnosis of the disease
  • Treatment and prevention

What is metrorrhagia in women

NMC (menstrual cycle) according to the type metrorrhagia - is the appearance of bleeding from the vagina, without any connection with menstruation. Its appearance is marked between Regulus might "lay-up" on them. Bleeding can be very long, abundant or scarce. To disregard such changes can not be. As a result, sustained release of blood anemia, there is a weakness and a number of other unpleasant symptoms.


To understand what metrorrhagia in women, it is necessary to understand what the clinical manifestations characteristic of this condition. Symptomatology is often manifested sharply, it is always accompanied by violation of the menstruation cycle. Apart uterine bleeding, often show signs of pathology, which caused a similar change.

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The main symptom of metrorrhagia - menses begin to appear later than expected, or vice versa, a little earlier, go longer than usual or end too quickly. In addition, the appearance of pain, fever.

Among other clinical manifestations of disease are the following:

  • tachycardia and palpitations;
  • paleness of the skin;
  • hypersomnia;
  • weakness;
  • abundant, prolonged bleeding, clots in the secretions are noted;
  • delay controller 1.5-3 months.

Not always delay monthly for 2 months and more evidence of the development of metrorrhagia. Sometimes this condition indicates the presence of other pathologies, which tell you more separate article on our site.

the weakness of a woman

The causes of disease

Metrorrhagia in reproductive period always occurs due to violation of the integrity of the inner layer genitals. The causes of bleeding are different. Among the main ones are the following:

  • Cervical erosive condition;
  • exposure to stress, depression;
  • fibroids genitals;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • excessive exercise;
  • overwork;
  • tumors in the appendages, and genitals;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • a long time a woman is in unfavorable conditions (for example, work in hazardous work).

anovulatory metrorrhagia

Anovulatory metrorrhagia is the most common form of the disease. If it is not observed the development of ovulation, menstruation but appear as normal. The reasons for such changes will be several:

  • egg dies due to underdevelopment of the follicle;
  • the death of egg cells is observed in the maturation of the follicle and the inability to break free of the mature ovum.

In both cases, there is severe bleeding, and intense growth of the endometrium. Generally, such problems arise in the excessive fatigue, lack of vitamins in the body, the genitourinary system pathologies occurring in the chronic form.

Also, dysfunctional metrorrhagia anovulatory type is manifested in acute infections and neurological disorders.

For more information on cycles without ovulation We recommend that you read in a separate article on our site.

Metrorrhagia in the menopause

The development of the disease in postmenopausal women It deserves special attention. Menstruation has not come, and reproductive function almost completely extinguished. The appearance of bleeding indicates the development of a serious illness, up to oncology. Among the main causes of uterine bleeding are the following:

  • the formation of polyps;
  • uterine fibroids during menopause;
  • malignancies;
  • adenomyosis;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system.

diagnosis of the disease

The process of diagnosis is extremely important to identify what the disease was caused by metrorrhagia. Initially, the doctor listens to the complaints of women and examines not the gynecological chair. In addition, the measured blood pressure and pulse. Assesses the state of mucous membranes and skin. BMI is also determined.

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Directly during the inspection gynecologist receives information about the genitals state secretion intensity. Additionally performed hysteroscopy. Using a special device (hysteroscopic) which is introduced into the uterine cavity, it is possible to see lesions directly endometrial lesions and their excised. Resulting from these activities go on tissue histology lab. Thus the exact cause of dysfunction is determined.

Treatment and prevention

Metrorrhagia treatment strategy depends on the pathology that is provoked the occurrence of precipitates. As a rule, it is aimed at the following tasks:

  • stop uterine bleeding. Used drugs, provoking reduction genitals. As a result, bleeding stopped. Sometimes resorted to the appointment of hormonal drugs. In some cases, no surgical intervention is indispensable. Produced scraping the uterine cavity or complete removal of the organ. As a rule, such action is necessary if the amount of bleeding;
  • prevention of relapse. The main purpose - to normalize the menstrual cycle;
  • recovery of the body. Abundant blood loss can lead to iron deficiency anemia. To resolve it, a woman needs to take iron supplements, vitamin complexes.

When the post-hemorrhagic anemia on the background of massive blood loss a woman needs to be hospitalized. Therapy is conducted in a hospital environment.

To prevent the development of disease, it is necessary to strengthen the body, to carry out recreational activities. It is extremely important to promptly start treatment of any disease, especially diseases of the genitourinary system. Also avoid abortions.

A woman needs to have a rather active life, the proper amount of time to devote to recreation, to organize the operation. Also need to be inspected every six months by a gynecologist. In this way it is able to identify the pathological processes in the early stages of development and prevent unwanted changes.

Metrorrhagia does not bear the dangers to women's health. Despite this, we can not leave it unattended. Its development was triggered by the disease, the effects of which can be quite disastrous. Uterine bleeding often occur in cancer diseases, proliferation of benign tumors. In addition, heavy blood loss can have a negative effect on the general state of the organism.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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