Antibiotics for endometrial cancer: what pills to treat (metronidazole, ceftriaxone, amoxiclav, doxycycline)

The inflammatory process is localized on the inner layer of the uterus is called in gynecology endometritis. The disease usually develops in the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms and is often the cause of miscarriages and infertility.

Antibiotics are used when endometritis almost always drugs such steps aimed at eliminating bacterial agent causing inflammation. With timely start of the use of antimicrobial agents uterus is restored in one course of treatment, and the acute form of the disease does not become chronic.

Dysmenorrhea is considered polymicrobial pathology, so the choice of antibacterial drugs to eliminate the inflammation of the endometrium the need for careful diagnosis and identification of the pathogen. Depending on the species selected appropriate antimicrobials.

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  • The reasons that trigger the development of diseases
  • endometritis treatment depending on the form
    • Antibiotics for acute type
    • Antibiotics in chronic form
  • Possible complications and side effects
  • Treatment with antibiotics during pregnancy
  • Treatment without antibiotics
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The reasons that trigger the development of diseases

Regardless of the type of pathogen endometritis develops in the so-called ascending infection that penetrates from the outside during intercourse, douching, a variety of surgical procedures.

Triggers the disease:

  1. After an abortion or dilatation and curettage. The infection can be entered directly into the uterine cavity at the lack of sterile instruments.
  2. Sexual intercourse without protection during menstruation.
  3. Complicated infections with a significant reduction of immune protection. Provoke the development of inflammation of the endometrium.
  4. Acute or chronic sexual infections. Perhaps inflammation.
  5. Non-compliance with or violation of sanitary norms. Drift in the vagina of Escherichia coli possible if the wrong podmyvanii. In this case, the primary developing bacterial vaginosis, its background - endometritis.

Chronic endometritis develops secondary to acute undertreated. The symptoms of the chronic form have a smooth character. That it is a major cause of infertility, abortion. In this phase, the mucosa undergoes atrophic changes may cyst formation and chronic edema, hyperplasia or endometrial hypertrophy.

Symptoms and complications of endometritis

endometritis treatment depending on the form

The mainstay of treatment of any form of disease are antibiotics. However, before this is carried out diagnostics - stroke for antibiotic susceptibility and the actual type of pathogen. This uterine pathology treated with antibacterial drugs of broad-spectrum, as a study of the pathogen takes at least 7 days.

In case of severe or moderate acute phase of infection, a combination of two types of antibiotics - penicillin and beta-lactam drugs or cephalosporins, aminoglycosides, and in conjunction with metronidazole.

Antibiotics are frequently administered intramuscularly or intravenously, for mild infections sometimes used form preparations for oral administration. Further antiseptic mixture used for washing the uterine cavity, the dropper to remove toxins, immune stimulating drugs, vitamin complexes.

If diagnosed infections, sexually transmitted diseases, can be assigned to drugs are more narrow spectrum of action.

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Antibiotics for acute type

Antibacterial drugs for treating the acute phase of endometritis are assigned mainly to obtain analysis results of bacteriological research. In the treatment used:

  1. Ceftriaxone. Antibiotic cephalosporins of the third generation, characterized prolonged action.
  2. Gentamicin. Effective for gram-negative bacteria.
  3. Metrogil. The preparation with an antimicrobial effect, effective against protozoa and anaerobic bacteria.
  4. Doxycycline. Semisynthetic antibiotic for intramuscular and intravenous administration, refers to the group tetracycline, has a wide spectrum of activity to be effective in gram-positive microorganisms (Streptococcus, staphylococci). Most often used when the causative agent of endometritis are chlamydia and some other microorganisms.

In the case of acute abdominal pain, deterioration can be assigned to drugs for emergency care for women:

  1. Sulbactam - antimicrobial agent with an inhibitory action of beta-lactamases.
  2. Ampicillin - drug with a bactericidal action.
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Besides the basic therapy antibacterials surgical treatments are used. They are used when the cause of the disease is not eliminated drugs called improper use or installation of the Navy, the remnants of the placenta or fetal eggs in the uterus after abortion or childbirth. Scraping is done under general anesthesia.

Antibiotics in chronic form

When changing the disease in the chronic phase of the antibacterial agent is assigned only after determining the type of pathogen. Use this list of drugs:

  1. Metronidazole (often in the form of suppositories).
  2. Amoxicillin.
  3. Ceftriaxone.
  4. Amoxiclav.
  5. Clindamycin.
  6. Ampicillin.
  7. Cefotaxime.
  8. Augmentin.
  9. Unazin.
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Often drugs are used in combination. For example, Gentamicin, Ampicillin and Metronidazole allow maximum influence at all possible causative agents of endometritis. However, most often a combination of drugs used in the acute phase of the disease to determine the cause.

In the chronic form when the pathology treated for infertility often, the symptoms are virtually absent or not expressed at the forefront diagnostic test for the detection of the pathogen disease.

Other drugs are prescribed in the chronic phase of endometritis:

  1. When hormonal disorders and infertility prescribers with estrogen content to preserve fruit and conception. Applied Utrozhestan and Divigel.
  2. In the presence of inflammation associated with infection, antiviral agents are used, immunokorrektiruyuschie drugs, metabolites - Hofitol, Inosine, means estradiol.
  3. When the discomfort, burning sensation in the vagina, menstrual disorders suppositories are used with anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, as well as traditional medicine.

For a quick recovery of the mucous membrane of the uterus can be assigned physiotherapy techniques - UHF, electrophoresis, magnetic therapy.

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Possible complications and side effects

Antibacterial drugs, especially broad spectrum of action, have a negative impact not only on pathogenic microorganisms, but also on its own flora of the stomach, intestines and vagina. Prolonged or incorrect reception of such means may cause side effects such as:

  • copious connected with the violation microflora (candidiasis);
  • disruptions of the menstrual cycle;
  • bleeding;
  • development of intestinal dysbiosis;
  • toxic damage of kidney and liver;
  • heart failure;
  • allergic reactions.
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In the treatment of uterine pathology using antibacterial drugs need to use all measures to reduce the risk of complications:

  1. The use of suppositories is less effective, but avoids the development of dysbiosis. Candles are used at the initial stage of the disease without severe fever and inflammation.
  2. The choice of drug and dosage calculation should be carried out by a specialist.
  3. The duration of any drug depends on the state of women.
  4. Be sure to take into account the possible side effects. For example, if you are allergic to history choice of products shrinking.

Typical treatment of acute endometritis represents two species of antibacterial agents that are administered intravenously in conjunction with metronidazole. This combination is most often used in the development of the postnatal forms of the disease.

Treatment with antibiotics during pregnancy

endometritis treatment medication during pregnancy has a number of features. Some of the drugs only in the first trimester can be used, but most of the antibacterial agents are not allowed due to the high toxic effects on the fetus. In addition, increasingly used monotherapy and not treated by several types of antibiotics.

To relieve inflammation in the uterine cavity is used:

  1. Doxycycline. Effective against chlamydial endometritis, is rarely used as a negative impact on fetal growth.
  2. Cephalosporins. Affect Gram-positive and Gram-negative microflora can be applied only at the beginning of the first trimester, and only in that case, if the infection is threatening the life of the fetus or the woman.
  3. Metronidazole. Effective against anaerobic bacteria and protozoa, as allowed in the first trimester, but it may adversely affect fetal development.
  4. Fluoroquinolones. Used as a backup drug when other antibiotics are not effective.
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As supportive and symptomatic endometritis therapy at different stages of pregnancy used immunomodulators, analgesics, anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal agents. Surgical treatment is carried out only after the birth or at the stage of planning of pregnancy.

After conception, you can only use antibiotics of the third and fourth generation. They have a relatively high efficiency and maximum safety for the child's development. Antibacterials 1st generation contraceptives and traditional methods during pregnancy does not apply.

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Treatment without antibiotics

Since the basic therapy of acute or chronic endometritis is receiving antimicrobial drugs, and the rest are auxiliary. use:

  1. Physiotherapy. It aimed at normalizing the function of the uterus, immune reconstitution.
  2. Folk remedies for the treatment of. Used only in the treatment, since without the use of antimicrobial drugs is the treatment of threatened blockage of tubing, adhesive process.
  3. Electrophoresis, hirudotherapy. These methods can be used in a hospital environment, and independently.

It can also be assigned to an ultra high frequency therapy, electrophoresis, magnetic therapy, laser therapy, or interference.

In the absence of treatment directed to elimination of the causative agent, there may be complications, the most serious of which is the development of infertility and miscarriage hereinafter. Also aggravate chronic endometritis for a variety of gynecological disorders, infertility provokes, regeneration of damaged cells into malignant ones.

To avoid complications, the need for integrated diagnostics and administration of drugs aimed dot on the causative agent. If the wrong treatment of inflammatory process, it often goes to the muscle layer, causing the development of endometritis or metrotromboflebita that are more severe - adherence anaerobic flora often causes necrotic lesions in myometrium.

In general, for the treatment of the acute stage of the disease used three types of treatment - the antibacterial, restorative, and desensitizing. The combination of these tactics of therapy can reduce the risk of progression of the disease in the chronic stage, protect reproductive function of the female body and ensure a healthy pregnancy and childbearing in further.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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