During the festive events, each of us has a rest with family, friends, accepts guests with feasts, various dishes and alcoholic drinks. But this does not pass without a trace even for a person with a healthy body.
Therefore, people with a chronic or acute stage of hemorrhoids should carefully consider the problem of consumption of alcoholic beverages.
It should also be determined whether alcoholic beverages will affect the patient's condition, will not the condition become aggravated, complications?
After all, according to many experts, the main reason for the appearance of hemorrhoids is the consumption of alcohol.
But is it possible to drink alcohol with hemorrhoids in small volumes? To answer this question, let's look at the effect of alcohol on the body.
- Short and unpleasant acquaintance
- Drinking alcohol - what is dangerous?
- How to reduce the impact of alcoholic beverages?
- Alcohol provokes exacerbation and complications
- In conclusion a couple of tips
A short and unpleasant familiarity with
Hemorrhoids are of three types:
- Internal .At the same time, no significant pain is observed, but knot bleeding is possible.
- External .The main symptom of the disease is the prolapse of hemorrhoids, itching and discomfort in the anal area. There may be severe bleeding.
- Combined .In this form, the signs of internal and external hemorrhoids are combined.
It is known that hemorrhoids develop with the expansion of the walls of blood vessels in the intestine. The main reasons for its manifestation include improper diet, sedentary lifestyle and bad habits( including excessive alcohol consumption).
At an early stage of the disease a person experiences constipation, pain and discomfort in the anal passage area. Gradually, the symptoms increase, characterized by an increase in hemorrhoids, their soreness and inflammation.
Bleeding often also becomes frequent, often there is an abaissement of knots.
With advanced stages of the disease, complications can occur that can be life threatening.
Drinking alcohol - is it dangerous?
According to statistics, the number of patients with signs of hemorrhoids who consume alcohol is 17-33%.
The principle of action of alcoholic beverages can be understood if you thoroughly understand the effect of alcohol on the body.
The negative impact of alcohol on the body is manifested in the following factors:
- Digestion of the digestive vessels , which causes the hemorrhoids to stagnate and cause inflammation. Also, alcohol decay products negatively affect the mucous membrane in the digestive system. The appearance of constipation .Regular consumption of alcohol makes the stool dry, hampers emptying, which causes irritation of the intestinal walls and nerve endings, inflammation manifests with the subsequent appearance of hemorrhoids.
- Excretion of useful components of ( vitamins).
- Development of liver diseases .This factor is an additional reason for the appearance of nodes.
At the initial stage of the disease, limited consumption of beer and other low-alcohol drinks will not cause any particular harm.
For example, a safe norm for alcoholic beverages per day for men up to 65 years of age is 2 glasses of vodka, a couple of glasses of wine or bottles of beer. For men and women of older age, the norm of alcohol consumption is reduced by 2 times.
If the patient can not refuse to take alcoholic beverages at advanced stages of the disease, then they need to be consumed in small amounts.
A gentle dosage for hemorrhoids is 250 ml of dry, semi-dry wine or 100 ml of alcohol of high strength.
If these standards are exceeded, taking prohibited products, complications and aggravation of the disease are inevitable.
Therefore, you can categorically answer about the incompatibility of hemorrhoids and alcohol, the patient should abandon it, even in small amounts because of the risk of exacerbation.
It is forbidden to consume even low-alcohol drinks, but if a person can not give them up completely, then their unfavorable effect on the body can be reduced.
How to reduce the impact of alcoholic beverages?
The patient should be aware of factors that are likely to provoke exacerbation of hemorrhoids after ingestion of alcohol and avoid such situations and actions.
It is necessary to observe some rules:
- it is not necessary to have a snack of high strength strong drinks marinated, spicy, smoked and fried food;
- to reduce irritation of the intestinal mucosa, it is advisable not to drink carbonated water;
- to avoid constipation, poisoning or dehydration, drink plenty of fluids;
- before drinking alcohol it is advisable to drink a couple of coal tablets activated to reduce intoxication;
- it is desirable to have alcoholic beverages with lighter foods, vegetable salads with sunflower oil, fruits, fish and meat without fat will suit;
- to reduce the manifestation of the disease helps the intake of multivitamins;
- after alcohol, do not drink caffeinated beverages( tea or strong coffee) to protect the body from dehydration;
- is also not advisable to consume chocolate and energy drinks that contain caffeine;
- it is impossible to drink surrogate drinks, use smoked bacon, salted fish, spicy or fatty foods for snacks, so as not to aggravate the symptoms.
Alcohol provokes exacerbation and complications
Consumption of alcoholic beverages during exacerbation of hemorrhoids is prohibited by specialists. Also, alcoholic beverages can not be consumed with drug therapy due to a decrease in the effectiveness of drugs.
If general recommendations are violated in the treatment of the combined form of the disease, then critical inflammation of the nodes may occur, and cracks in the rectum may appear.
Alcohol taken during the treatment of hemorrhoids can cause the following complications:
- Anemia .It appears with increased hemorrhage with a reduced level of hemoglobin. In this case, the patient feels dizzy, malaise, weakness, nausea. Increase hemoglobin in the blood can only be taken with medication. If alcohol consumption continues, a fatal outcome may occur.
- Necrosis of nodes .Alcohol blocks the action of drugs, which causes hemorrhoids to fall out, blood circulation in the genitourinary system is disrupted, and necrosis occurs in the hemorrhoidal nodes.
- A crack in the anal passage of the .This is a common complication caused by constipation and a lack of fluid.
Other complications include paraproctitis, colitis, thrombosis.
In conclusion, a couple of tips
If a patient has to refer to the last method - surgical removal of hemorrhoids, he needs to follow the diet after the operation, exclude alcohol, eat small meals, include in the diet vegetables and fruits, rich in fiber, drink plenty of liquid, eat lean meatand add sour-milk products.
There are many drugs that can quickly remove discomfort and pain after surgery, which will be picked up by the attending physician. But you should not drink alcohol at all.
At the end of the topic I want to note that in the presence of hemorrhoids should be removed from the diet of any alcoholic beverages. Due to the diuretic effect, dehydration, inflammation and itching in the anus can occur.
For effective treatment of the disease, caffeine intake in energy drinks, coffee or desserts should be restricted, as this will increase the influence of alcohol-containing beverages.