Chronic metroendometritis: what it is, treatment, symptoms, ehopriznaki

The female reproductive system is susceptible to various diseases. Many of them can lead to serious complications. Suffice dangerous pathology is considered chronic metroendometritis. With his development of the treatment should be started without delay.



  • metroendometritis
  • shape
    • acute
    • chronic metroendometritis
  • Causes
  • main symptoms
  • complications
  • Diagnostics
  • Treatment
  • prevention


This pathology is the female genitourinary system, the development of which the infection penetrates into the cavity of the genitals. The inflammatory process involves the muscle layer and endometrium. Due to this form adhesions that prevent the implantation of the ovum, and the result comes infertility.

There is also a risk that the infection will penetrate into the bloodstream, and therefore will develop sepsis.

Metroendometritis initially characterized by lesions of the endometrium. After that, the inflammatory process extends to the myometrium, symptoms become severe much brighter.


Are acute and chronic forms of pathology, having a number of characteristic features. The disease manifests itself in different ways, but in any case need to be treated. Often there is a transition of acute to chronic forms.

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Acute metroendometritis is characterized by rapid development. At the initial stage, while the temperature increases, the deterioration of the general status and dizziness. Woman loses appetite and wants to sleep all the time. Thus organism indicates toxicity. Following this, there are purulent or bloody discharge, has an unpleasant odor, and drawing pains in the lower abdomen.

If the infection has penetrated into the body after birth, the lochia not decrease in volume and become more intense. In the absence of proper therapy inflammation extends to other uterine layers development occurs pyometra (purulent inflammation) and peritonitis, abscess and vein occlusion.

The acute phase of rest periodically replaced by a stage (subacute metroendometritis). Symptomatology then becomes less pronounced. Allocation in the volume are significantly reduced and pain is suppressed. After remission of the inflammatory process observed repeated his aggravation.

acute pain

chronic metroendometritis

The diagnosis of "chronic metroendometritis" is put when the abnormality is asymptomatic and is characterized by periods of exacerbation and remission. Such changes occur in the case where it was not possible to eliminate the causes of the inflammatory process or was incorrectly chosen treatment strategy. As a result, an acute form becomes chronic.

In the process of developing the disease changes the inner layer of the mother. Endings that respond to the impact of hormones, it becomes less begins adhesions, cysts grow. Pregnancy while still can occur, but it ends in spontaneous abortion.


The uterus is protected from penetration into its cavity infections. In the vagina there is a special acid, deleterious effect on pathogens. Protective properties also has a cervical secret, consisting of immunoglobulins, which prevent the penetration of infection in the body. Furthermore, the mucosal layer is able to destroy pathogenic bacteria.

Infectious causes of the inflammatory process is more:

  • suppression of immune function;
  • slimy layer genitals mechanically damaged;
  • presence of foreign body in the uterine cavity.

The development of the disease is influenced by the following factors:

  • surgery in the pelvic organs;
  • postpartum endometritis or cesarean delivery in the uterus were pieces of the placenta, the fetus remained a long period without water (post-natal metroendometritis);
  • termination of pregnancy through abortifacient activities;
  • IUD was removed later than expected or much earlier;
  • STDs;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • coleitis;
  • in reproductive organs observed blood stasis;
  • frequent douching execution;
  • injuries in the pelvic area;
  • tuberculosis;
  • diphtheria;
  • intestinal infections.
causes of endometritis

In the presence of precipitating factors risk of developing the disease increases significantly.

main symptoms

Symptoms and treatment of endometritis is largely dependent on the form of pathology. The disease occurs in several stages:

  1. The infection enters the body cavity and affects only certain areas of the endometrium. Foci of inflammation in the uterus become red. The muscular layer was not affected by infectious agents.
  2. The inflammatory process extends to the muscle layer, affecting the myometrium and surrounding tissue.
  3. The infection spreads to muscular layer, and penetrates into the perimetry parameters. Not excluded transition and uterine serous layer. Inflammation can occur in the abdominal organs, tissue parauterine. To avoid such complications, it is necessary to closely monitor symptoms and treatment to select appropriate.

Development of chronic endometritis often asymptomatic. Among its main clinical manifestations are the following:

  • uterine bleeding;
  • secretion from the gray shade, maybe take pus;
  • pain, localized in the region of the sacrum and lower abdomen;
  • an increase in the size of the uterus;
  • failure monthly cycle. They come regularly and become too heavy;
  • problems with conception and miscarriage in the early stages.

Because the beginning of the inflammatory process in the cavity reproductive organ formed cysts and adhesions.


If time does not begin treatment of the disease or even it is neglected, may develop serious complications of endometritis. Among the most dangerous of them are isolated by infection spread to the fallopian tubes, the lymph and blood. As a result, it is developing sepsis.

Also, the presence of disease and lack of proper treatment are possible consequences:

  • pus accumulates in cavity reproductive organ;
  • infection spreads to the fallopian tubes and gonads;
  • pathology becomes chronic, periodically worsen throughout life;
  • pus gets into the pelvic cavity (pelvioperitonit).

The risk of complications and there during the course of treatment. Among the main ones are the following:

  • failure of the menstrual cycle;
  • bloody and purulent discharge from the uterus;
  • unceasing pain, localized in the abdominal area;
  • the impossibility of conceiving.
bloody issues


Symptomatology depends on what form the disease has taken. In acute metroendometritis first clinical manifestations observed after only three days after the penetration of infection in the body cavity. The pathological process indicates hyperthermia. Also appearing spotting with a pungent odor.

If the disease has passed in the chronic form, the observed increase in the size of the uterus, pain in the abdomen and the cycle of failure. During inspection and pressure on the stomach there are strong pains. Precise picture can be obtained due to chronic ehopriznakam endometritis (endometrial structure changes in the cavity genitals gas bubbles appear).

Pathology Diagnosis includes a variety of activities such as:

  1. Ultrasonography. Carried out on the 7th and 21 th day of the cycle. With the development of the disease marked expansion genital organ, its uneven structure mucus layer, the asymmetry of the walls and the presence of gas bubbles.
  2. Hysteroscopy uterus. The procedure is performed on the 10th day of the cycle. Indicate the presence of disease changes the mother layer thickness, the formation of polyps, inflammation and redness of the lesions of endometrial bleeding. With the help of a hysteroscope to reveal pathology is not always possible. This is due to the fact that endometrial changes are often not visible.
  3. Histology. It is considered one of the most effective diagnostic methods. The procedure is performed in the first half cycle. The analysis results indicate the presence of plazmotsidov, fibrosis, and sclerotic processes of lymphocytes in the blood vessels.
  4. Immunohistochemical method. It allows to determine the level of sensitivity of the endometrium to a hormonal receptors exposed. After this procedure, the doctor can determine the course of treatment.
  5. Blood analysis. In the presence of inflammation in the body have an increased concentration of leukocytes.
blood analysis


endometritis treatment is carried out comprehensively. At the same time it appointed a number of drugs. The hardest thing amenable to therapy chronic metroendometritis. In order to remove an inflammatory process in the uterus and prevent the development of complications, you need to take the next course of treatment:

  1. First of all assigned antibiotics to help eliminate the source of infection. For this purpose, used drugs in tablet form. In some cases, resorted to the infusion of drugs into the cavity of genitals, whereby the drug begins to act much faster.
  2. In combination with antibiotic agents using immunomodulatory drugs, helps to activate the body's defenses. In this way it is possible is easier to resist pathogens.
  3. After receiving immunomodulatory and antibiotic agents prescribers providing a metabolic effect. They contribute to the saturation of the endometrium oxygen and strengthen the immune system. In the complex are carried out physiotherapy, dissolving adhesions and stimulate circulation.
  4. Appointed by hormonal medications, reducing the activity of reproductive organ and the work of the entire reproductive system. As a result of their reception marked improvement emotional background.

In addition, in the recovery process of the body and in order to prevent a recurrence should relax in the sanatorium. It is imperative in this case to organize the diet, give up bad habits and spend more time outdoors.


To prevent the development of dangerous diseases such as metroendometritis, you need to follow some simple guidelines. Among the main are the following:

  1. Avoid casual sexual relations.
  2. Do not ignore the rules of personal hygiene. Wash twice a day. During the critical days to change hygiene items at intervals of not more than four hours.
  3. Systematically undergo examination by a gynecologist to detect abnormalities in the early stages of their development.
  4. Responsible approach to the choice of oral contraceptives. Their selection must be performed exclusively by the doctor.
  5. Treatment of any disease reproductive organs should be started without delay and not to resort to self-medication.
  6. After delivery, and installation of an intrauterine device regularly visit the gynecologist.
  7. For any (even minor) changes in the condition of the reproductive system immediately seek help from a doctor to conduct a comprehensive therapy and eliminate the problems.

Chronic metroendometritis - this is a serious and dangerous pathology in need of urgent treatment. The risk of complications in the background of this disease is quite large. The inflammatory process in the cavity reproductive organ can lead to penetration of infection into the bloodstream, and inability to conception. If timely treatment is started the forecast favorable. Women only need to strictly adhere to all the medical advice and maintain a healthy lifestyle. The chances of a cure while large enough.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 48
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