Glandulocystica endometrial hyperplasia: what it is, treatment, and signs

Endometrial hyperplasia - a pathology characterized by excessive proliferation of uterine and thickening layer. In this damaged turn predominantly glandular structures. Depending on the structure of the affected tissues secrete several kinds of diseases. One of them is glandular-cystic hyperplasia of the endometrium.

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  • form of the disease
  • Causes
  • symptoms
    • Risk of disease
    • Risk factors for cervical cancer
    • Clinical diagnosis of glandular hyperplasia
    • ultrasound
    • diagnostic curettage
    • hysteroscopy
  • Treatment
    • hormonal therapy
    • Non-hormonal drugs and herbs

form of the disease

Glandular-cystic hyperplasia is different from other types of disease that in its development there is the presence of not only changed the glands, but also cystic formations.

Cysts are peculiar growths filled with liquid. It does not occur at the expense of the ovulation process. There is also the risk of degeneration of the formations in malignant tumors.

It meets both passive and active form of endometrial hyperplasia. In the first case, the clinical picture is erased, and the second is expressed clearly. As a rule, its development menstruation becomes abundant and long, also observed

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bleeding out period regulator.


Simple cystic glandular hyperplasia of the endometrium develops due to hormonal imbalance, namely excessive concentrations of estrogens and progesterone scanty amount. The result is a proliferation of the endometrium, menstruation becomes abundant and appear acyclic bleeding from the vagina.

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Excessive production of estrogen occurs for the following reasons:

  • violation of the central nervous system activity (not a normal relationship between the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus);
  • endocrine disease;
  • age changes;
  • tumor and hyperplastic diseases appendages;
  • intensive work adrenal cortex.

There are also a number of factors causing the development of the disease:

  • malfunction of the endocrine system;
  • inflammatory and infectious diseases of the urogenital system;
  • a recent surgery (abortive measures, scraping);
  • polycystic appendages;
  • genetic predisposition.


At the initial stage of the disease is often no clinical manifestations observed. The pathology occurs in a latent form. For this reason, it is possible to diagnose only when the endometrium becomes impressive size.

pain during menstruation

One of the main symptoms of the pathology is cycle regulatory failure. He can be shorter or longer at all unstable. Often there acyclic occurrence of genital tract secretions, which clots can be observed. Critical days are prolonged, excessively heavy and painful. Cramping pain in this period is distinctly felt in the lower back and abdomen.

In the absence of proper treatment profuse blood loss resulting in anemia. Appear unpleasant symptoms such as weakness, fatigue, shortness of breath and dizziness. Hair starts to fall out and become dull color. There are also brittle nails, palpitations, tachycardia and dry skin.

Risk of disease

Excess estrogen production due to lower progesterone levels leads to a thickening of the mucous layer of the uterus and the appearance of heavy menses with clots. Excessive blood loss that threatens the emergence of anemia, but it is not the worst complication of diseases.

Often the disease leads to infertility and oncology. That is why it is so important to start treatment at the earliest stages of the disease.

uterine cancer

Risk factors for cervical cancer

There are a number of factors, the presence of which the risk of malignant transformation of cells is significantly increased. Among the main ones are the following:

  • cysts and the formation of endometrial polyps;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • excessive body weight;
  • insufficient amounts of carbohydrates in the diet;
  • passive lifestyle;
  • age over 45 years.

In addition to cancer, this pathology often leads to a lack of ovulation, acyclic bleeding and infertility.

Clinical diagnosis of glandular hyperplasia

To quickly identify the development of the pathology in the female reproductive system and an accurate diagnosis is carried out a glad clinical studies:

  • ultrasound;
  • scraping;
  • hysteroscopy.

Only after the results the doctor prescribes the appropriate treatment.

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Ultrasound examination makes it possible to evaluate the state of the uterine glands and adjacent organs, to determine the thickness of the endometrium, reveal the presence of cysts. For this reason, it is carried out at the initial stage of diagnosis.

The method is non-invasive and completely safe, but its information does not exceed 60%. In this connection, when increasing the thickness detecting uterine tissue assigned holding hysteroscopy or scraping the sample for further study and identify its structure.

diagnostic curettage

In case of suspicion for the development of hyperplasia diagnosis involves scraping of the endometrium and subsequent histological examination of cells. If necessary, immediately produce removal of polyps.

This method makes it possible to obtain accurate information about the ongoing processes in the reproductive organs and to determine whether there was a transformation of the tissue into malignant tumors. Due to this it is possible to choose the right tactics treatment.


This is a minimally invasive diagnostic method that allows to consider the inner layer of the uterus, to identify the pathological processes in the reproductive organs, the presence of cysts and polyps and ovarian tumors. Survey is conducted via special device - hysteroscope equipped microscopic camera. Image magnified transferred to the screen, the physician receives the most accurate picture of all the changes in the uterus.


During the procedure, a sample of tissue is taken for further histological examination. If necessary, the diseased tissue is removed at once.

The period after the hysteroscopy requires special attention, so for more information for more information on this topic.


When choosing a treatment regimen is taken into account a number of important points, including the woman's age, the ability to preserve reproductive function, and clinical features.

If the pathology is diagnosed in women of childbearing age, the resort to hormone replacement therapy, which helps to normalize the levels of estrogen and progesterone. Due to this pathological process is suspended.

Disease that develops during menopause and after menopause significantly harder to treat hormonal agents. As a rule, heavy bleeding, polyps and cysts detected, the affected tissue scraped. In the case of the atypical cells and the excessive proliferation of a pathological process resorting to the complete removal of childbearing body and appendages. Subsequently assigned reception vitamin complexes and fortifying agents.

hormonal therapy

ZHKGE treatment after the operational removal of the affected tissues is performed using estrogen-progestin medication last generation. It may be drugs such as regulon and Silest. They rarely provoke the appearance of side effects. The basis of therapy in this case is Djufaston suppressing the pathological proliferation of the endometrium.


It is allowed to use not only the drugs in tablet form. Effective are also intrauterine device Mirena, which have hormonal properties, and Depo-Provera. Hormones are used for about nine months in the course of therapy, and then a biopsy is performed repeatedly.

In most cases, medical treatment leads to regression of the disease. If you are still unable to hyperplasia, as well as signs of atypia were detected (the initial stage of transformation into malignant cells), have resorted to removing genitals. In the absence of Oncology used hormone replacement therapy.

disease treatment in women of reproductive age begin with the appointment of hormones. After the end of their admission, doctors strongly recommend that in a short time to get pregnant. If conception does not occur, the drug therapy was continued. In this case, at intervals of not more than one year carried out a test biopsy. That the chances of successful fertilization were as large, have resorted to the appointment of clomiphene, which stimulates ovulation.

If the following side effects of hormone therapy is stopped:

  • rapid weight gain;
  • depression;
  • migraine;
  • uterine bleeding.

This group of drugs are contraindicated with hemorrhoids, hepatitis, varicose veins, and cholecystitis.

side effects

Do not cause a pronounced side effects and no adverse effects on the liver intrauterine device Mirena, but against their use often stop menstruating completely. In addition, after the removal of the uterus that means one-third of women have recurrent disease.

The therapy is allowed use of the following groups of drugs that contribute to the suppression of the relationship between the appendages and the pituitary gland:

  • antigonadotropnym. Among them Gestrinone and Danazol. Negative impact on the sugar and cholesterol levels;
  • agonists of gonadotropin-releasing hormone. This can be Buserelin, Goserelin, provoking the appearance of menopause and climacterium symptoms characteristic.

During menopause pathology significantly worse amenable to treatment with hormonal agents. Often they are contraindicated because of the presence of concomitant diseases. This can be used in agonist of gonadotropin-releasing hormone and progestogens antigonadotropnym preparations. In case of recurrence of the uterus is removed take a decision.

uterus removal

Non-hormonal drugs and herbs

In the treatment of the disease can be used non-hormonal medicines to help improve the general condition and accelerating treatment process:

  • vitamin complexes;
  • drugs that improve cerebral circulation (Cinnarizine and piracetam);
  • sedatives (valerian tincture or Leonurus);
  • drugs, normalize digestion and protect the liver from the negative effects of hormonal methods (Essentiale).

In addition, the restoration of menstruation contribute to a variety of herbs. Positive changes are observed in the case of:

  • sage;
  • Helichrysum;
  • dandelion root;
  • yarrow;
  • thistle;
  • St. John's wort.

On the basis of these plant extracts are prepared to take courses lasting one month. You can also apply charges which are released in the pharmacy.

To improve the state of the uterus and normalization medication menstrual complement plants such as:

  • sagebrush;
  • celandine;
  • burdock;
  • shepherd's purse;
  • upland uterus;
  • nettle.

All these herbs have a beneficial effect on the genitals state, but use them only allowed as aids in full hormonal therapy. Traditional medicine is not able to cope with this disease.

Glandulocystica endometrial hyperplasia - a dangerous disease that can lead to infertility and cancer. Treatment of the disease should be carried out at the earliest stages of its development, but it turns out not always. Often pathology long time asymptomatic, and therefore already diagnosed at advanced stage, when the risk of complications increases significantly.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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