Chronic endometritis: what is it and how to cure the symptoms

One of the most common diseases faced by women of reproductive age - chronic endometritis. When this disease inflammation is subjected to lining of the uterus - the endometrium.

Dysmenorrhea is a specific and non-specific. In the first case, problems arise due to penetration of pathogens. In the second - provoked his injuries, spiral formulation, and other factors.

Although the chronic disease is often asymptomatic, sometimes there come periods of exacerbation. In this case, a woman may suspect the presence of the disease and seek help.

lower abdominal pain


  • Causes of
  • Symptoms of chronic endometritis
  • Clinical manifestations of infection
    • chlamydia
    • cytomegalovirus
    • genital herpes virus
    • Candida
  • Endometritis and pregnancy
    • pathology of
  • methods of diagnosis
  • Complications and consequences
  • treatment of the disease
    • surgically
    • With medication
    • Physiotherapy

Causes of

Endometritis - common pathology is not always possible to your doctor pinpoint the cause which provoked its development. The disease arises from infection of the mucous membrane of the uterus pathogens.

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Normally, this aseptic environment shielded from external factors, thin tube filled with a viscous mucus - the cervix. However, during menstruation and birth process it is disclosed that increases the likelihood of infection.

Can provoke an inflammatory process pathogens such as fungi, bacteria or viruses. Less commonly, the disease is caused by opportunistic microorganisms that live in the microflora of healthy women, and only with a decrease in the overall immunity activated.

The chronic form of endometritis may be caused by factors such as:

  • gynecological curettage;
  • appearance postpartum endometritis;
  • Improper irrigation procedures;
  • medical abortion;
  • Endometrial biopsy;
  • podsazhivanie IVF embryo;
  • formulation of an intrauterine device;
  • surgery;
  • abuse spermicide;
  • hysterosalpingography;
  • hysteroscopy procedure;
  • wearing spiral longer term;
  • the formation of large polyps in the uterus;
  • transferred caesarean section.
postpartum endometritis

Endometritis in the chronic form usually occurs on the background of mechanical damage to the reproductive organs. The disease develops as a complication of women against the background of the abortion, postpartum or other intrauterine intervention.

The likelihood that endometritis in an acute form go into the chronic form, is high enough, if a woman is experiencing constant stress. Such a state reduces the overall protection of the organism, it becomes more vulnerable to infectious and inflammatory diseases.

Relatively recently, inflammation of the uterus become regarded as pathologies caused by infections but proceeding as autoimmune reaction. Developing secondary immunodeficiency, which reduces the resistance of the organism.

Autoimmune endometritis originally called pathogens. However, later, viruses or bacteria form specific antigens for which protection is activated immunocompetent spot. Over time, it is overloaded, which depletes the immune system. Protein disappears distinction between pathological and healthy tissues, and striking in its full endometrium.

Treatment of autoimmune endometritis complicated as further course of the disease is not infectious agent needed anymore. This condition is not considered a separate disease, and considered by doctors as a more advanced stage of disease course.

Symptoms of chronic endometritis

The degree of symptoms at a chronic form endometritis depends on the depth of the mucosa and tissue injury of the duration of the existence of the disease. Often asymptomatic pathology and disease on the woman finds out at the next examination by a gynecologist.

Symptoms and complications of endometritis

The main signs of chronic endometritis following form:

  • pain during intercourse;
  • appearance characteristic precipitates not bleeding during menstruation;
  • heavy menstruation;
  • dark brown allocation clotted;
  • the appearance of the mucus with a pungent odor of pus;
  • general weakness and reduced efficiency;
  • frequent breakdowns of early pregnancy;
  • increase in the duration of menstrual bleeding;
  • disorders cycle length;
  • aching pain of unknown etiology in the lower abdomen;
  • unsuccessful IVF;
  • temperature rise.

In chronic disease sukrovichnye clear discharge may occur on any day of the cycle. When an impurity purulent or blood felt itching and burning sensation in the vagina. It is important to start as soon as possible to treat chronic endometritis, to protect the body from the effects.

lying in bed

Clinical manifestations of infection

Diseases of the uterine tissue is most often triggered by the penetration of infection. Along with the symptoms by which a woman can determine the presence of inflammation, there is signs to suggest the form of the pathogen, to settle in the mucous membrane of the reproductive system.

Even when a woman has an inactive endometrium, there are no symptoms of the disease, on the allocation of it can be suspected pathology. Diagnose the disease in such a case, you can not on the grounds, but only on ultrasound or after biopsy.

During mild endometritis encourages women to think that the changes in state of health is not associated with pathology, and exhaustion and the usual fatigue. The longer the disease exists, the greater the likelihood that they would produce antibodies to the endometrium, and this complicates the fight against disease.

If the disease is no discharge, ultrasound findings Dr. ehopriznaki see these types of chronic endometritis:

  • the rapid growth of the endometrial layer - to 5-8-th day it will be 6-7 mm at a rate of 3-4 mm;
  • in periovulyatornom period endometrium becomes thinner too fast;
  • the bottom layer comprises a pathological activation;
  • in the myometrium formed small brush and diffuse formation;
  • dilated veins in the uterus.

On examination the doctor may notice poor circulation. Since endometriosis more often caused by infections of the mucous membrane of the uterus disease is sometimes accompanied by other severe symptoms.

It makes ultrasound


The cause of endometritis can be infected with chlamydia. Distinctive symptoms of genital infections in chronic form may be:

  • raising the temperature to subfebrile indicators;
  • weakness;
  • dragging pain in the abdomen;
  • itching and burning;
  • pain and stinging during urination;
  • irregular menstrual cycle;
  • discomfort in the lumbar region.

There are characteristic constants selection. In chronic endometritis caused by Chlamydia infection, mucus is characterized by purulent yellowish color, a sharp unpleasant odor and dense texture.

Yellowish discharge in women may be evidence of other pathologies, so please read more information on this subject.

This pathology is important to treat early. The longer the infection is present in the body, the more serious violations of the reproductive organs it causes.


Cytomegalovirus infection can be transmitted through saliva. As a rule, the infection requires close contact. If there are infectious agents in pregnant women, the virus infects and child.

transmission of cytomegalovirus

Most often, endometrial cancer, caused by cytomegalovirus, asymptomatic. Pathogen triggers restructuring of the immune system, because of which often develop autoimmune pathologies.

Of the visible signs of infection with cytomegalovirus - the appearance of whitish with a blue tint minimum emissions. This is due to the fact that the virus colonizes the mucosa of the vagina and uterus, causing abnormal secretion.

genital herpes virus

Upon infection of the genital tract genital herpes develop endometriosis in women. Visible signs appear in the later stages of the disease, which is why stop the disease process can be difficult.

Herpes virus causes the following clinical manifestations:

  • whitish discharge from the vagina;
  • itching and burning;
  • the appearance of bubbles on the mucosa;
  • pain when going to the toilet;
  • purulent occurrence of impurities;
  • rash on the inner surface of the femur;
  • redness of the skin around the genitals.
genital herpes

Although endometriosis as an inflammatory disease, is not contagious, infectious processes occur if the vagina, there is a risk of transmission of the pathogen to the partner. Therefore, treatment should be both.


Chronic candidiasis, often giving themselves felt shortly after menstruation, is able to trigger the development of endometritis. Treat the infection is very important, because its flow is the following unpleasant symptoms:

  • unbearable intense itching genitals;
  • burning;
  • pain during sex;
  • pain when urinating;
  • characteristic selection curdled white.

The fungus colonizes shell uterus, cervix and vagina. Although long periods of symptoms may be absent at the time of the weakening immune disease will again be felt.


Endometritis and pregnancy

Autoimmune endometritis is rarely diagnosed in pregnant women. This is due to the fact that the pathology leads to infertility or significantly reduces reproductive function. Diagnosing the disease often prevents women a high risk of miscarriage or pregnancy fading.

Since endometriosis is often triggered by an infectious agent, the risk of fetal infection. Embryos are no self-defense system against pathogens. Infections can penetrate to the fetus. The disease in this period, causing fetal death.

Although the presence of chronic endometritis often leads to miscarriage, the risk can be reduced by following the recommendations of experts:

  • You need to constantly visit the doctor, observing the pregnancy;
  • take all doctor appointments vitamin complexes and other drugs;
  • do not overload yourself physically and emotionally;
  • Intended to take the requisite specialist hormones or probiotics.

Antibiotics may be prescribed in severe cases. Only your doctor after the examination will decide on what would be more damage from infection or medication.

pathology of

Bear a child with a chronic pathology inactive during more likely than in acute endometritis. can cure the disease, but the uterus is often inflamed and covered with spikes.

adhesions in the uterus

Endometritis does not affect the ovaries. With this egg is released normally, fertilized by a sperm and begins the formation of the embryo. However, after passing through fallopian tubes embryo can be implanted into the mucosa.

Even if the embryo could be implanted into the layer of the endometrium that is not able to fully ensure the nutrition of the embryo. Therefore, the likelihood of premature termination of pregnancy is very high when the endometrium.

If the treatment of the disease has been carried out before the start of pregnancy, the birth of a healthy child is more likely. After the beginning of gestation the woman will be set to close scrutiny. The task of specialists to notice any negative manifestations and to perform additional diagnosis if necessary.

methods of diagnosis

Laboratory diagnosis is necessary so that the doctor make an accurate diagnosis and adequate treatment is picked up. Inspection starts at gynecological office on a special chair. The doctor may find seals in the reproductive organs of women, natural increase of the uterus.

To verify the preliminary diagnosis, appointed the following examinations:

  • hysteroscopy;
  • ultrasound examination of the genital organs;
  • Bacteriological sowings flora;
  • scraping the mucosa for further analysis.

It is not easy to determine the structure of layers of the endometrium. Laboratory studies of the uterine tissue after their removal allow you to accurately assess their condition and quality.

Smear on the flora

Bacteriological sowings smear or blood PCR assay can detect the pathogen. Thanks to this data, you can choose the exact treatment.

If earlier the woman is being treated for infertility, may require further examination. Often assigned a blood test for hormones to determine the hormonal levels.

Complications and consequences

Autoimmune endometritis can cause more serious violations than just the problem of one menstrual cycle. Although inflammation is most often localized only in the functional layer of tissues that are rejected during the every month, at a time until it is attached to the uterus, the pathology is able to move to deeper parts authority. The longer the disease, the greater the likelihood of progression of endometritis.

Chronic pathology leads to the following consequences:

  • complicated course of pregnancy;
  • habitual miscarriage syndrome when miscarriages occur during each menstruation;
  • unsuccessful IVF;
  • disruption of the normal labor process;
  • postnatal complications.

In the case of chronic forms of endometritis in childbirth uterine contractions going poorly. This leads to increased process time. It increases the risk of fetal hypoxia and other complications that threaten the health of the child.

think of a child

In post-natal problems that lead to life-threatening consequences of mothers. After the release of the child reducing uterine myometrium provides closure and cessation of bleeding. blood does not stop because of the weakening of the process, with the result that there may come even death.

Complications endometritis represent a danger to the fairer sex, not seeking to conceive. In women of childbearing age and during menopause following adverse effects may occur:

  • increased uterine bleeding;
  • cysts;
  • polyp growth;
  • adhesions;
  • inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes.
inflammation of the fallopian tubes

In more rare cases, chronic endometritis creates a fertile ground for the development of tumors, blood poisoning and inflammation of the peritoneum. To prevent these consequences can be if you start early treatment.

treatment of the disease

Autoimmune endometritis - an unpleasant disease that requires prompt treatment. Can be used several methods. Treatment includes direct influence on the intimate zones and overall therapy.

In some cases, it requires surgery. After removing the affected layer of the endometrium is necessary restorative physiotherapy.


Surgical treatment is carried out in cases where the inside of the uterus are present numerous adhesions and polyps, and a woman planning a pregnancy. In such a case, a hysteroscopy endometrium.

hysteroscopy endometrial

During the procedure, controlled by a special apparatus is performed excision of adhesions and polyps in the body cavity. Used beam electrocautery.

Scraping with nonspecific chronic endometritis make another diagnostic step. Biomaterial needs to make the nature of the pathology and to choose the right therapy. Women need rehabilitation treatment.

With medication

In chronic endometritis cervical smear is taken, allowing to determine the pathological bacterial flora. It is necessary to choose the correct medications to fight infection.

At the beginning of treatment the doctor prescribes a broad-spectrum antibiotic. If the cause of the disease has become a virus, it is recommended immunomodulatory therapy. In severe cases it is necessary to combine several medications. Fungal infections are prescribed antifungal agents.

Antibacterial agents may be used either orally or intravenously and intramuscularly. Occasionally a drug is introduced directly into the uterine cavity via the thinnest catheter.

After a drug or surgery to restore normal operation of the endometrial tissue is needed hormonal agents. Your doctor may prescribe oral medications. Intrauterine contraceptives after such a diagnosis is highly undesirable, as they can trigger the re-development of the disease.

In addition to hormonal medications the doctor will prescribe, strengthens blood vessels and stabilize the immune system. Depending on the status of women may require the use of hemostatic agents. When pain syndromes are issued non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

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Endomyometritis chronic form, in which not only involves the functional layer of the uterus in the process, but and muscular, always involves the use of physiotherapy course for a speedy recovery status women. This therapy increases the effectiveness of other treatments.

The doctor may recommend the passage of procedures such as:

  • ultrasound;
  • UHF;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • electrophoresis.

Restoration of vaginal microflora is faster if applied spa treatment. In specialized medical institutions carry out the necessary water and mud treatments.

All interventions controls doctor. Only a specialist determines whether to carry out vaginal irrigation treatment solution you need or should do therapy with medicines intended for ingestion.

Important timely therapy, which will allow to avoid adverse effects on the health and lives of women.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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