Endometrial hyperplasia: treatment of folk remedies without scraping, the basic methods

Endometrial hyperplasia - is an abnormal thickening of the mucous layer of the uterus. Methods of treatment of this disease, there are many. Selection of a suitable circuit doctor performs on the basis of data obtained as a result of diagnosis. Very popular different treatment of endometrial hyperplasia folk remedies. This is due to the simplicity, effectiveness and relative safety.

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  • Causes and symptoms of the disease
  • Traditional methods of treatment
  • Folk remedies
    • The course of herbal medicine and its features
    • Hirudotherapy in the treatment of endometrial hyperplasia
    • Homeopathy in the treatment of endometrial hyperplasia
    • About upland uterus
    • Other effective recipes

Causes and symptoms of the disease

Development of the disease is caused by hormonal disorders. Thus there is a proliferation of endometrial cells, there is an increase in genital organ size. In the absence of proper treatment there is a risk of degeneration of tissues in cancer.

The glandular form of endometrial hyperplasia accompanied by symptoms such as:

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  • acyclic spotting;
  • lack of ovulation;
  • heavy and prolonged menses with clots;
  • pronounced pain during the critical days.

Sometimes asymptomatic pathology. Alarming when it is considered impossible conception.

Development of the disease begins for the following reasons:

  • hormonal fluctuations, increased estrogen concentration and lack of progesterone;
  • fairly late onset of menopause;
  • concomitant pathologies (fibroids, polyps in the uterus, endometriosis, endometritis);
  • surgery in organs of the reproductive system;
  • no history of birth;
  • disorders of the endocrine and cardiovascular systems.

Traditional methods of treatment

Treatment of endometrial hyperplasia without scraping depends on the form of pathology and clinical features. The basis of treatment is hormonal drugs. It is also anti-inflammatory, antibiotic and hemostatic drugs may be prescribed. The enzymes are the vitamin complexes and as aids in the development of endometrial pathology.

Before the drug therapy is often resorted to scraping of the affected tissues. When the degeneration of cells in malignant resort to the complete removal of the genitals.

uterus removal

Folk remedies

Traditional methods of treating the disease are quite effective when combined with taking drugs. Their action is aimed at restoring the normal hormonal levels, activation of protective functions of the body and preventing the onset of inflammation. Used in folk medicine, herbal medicine often. Using conventional herbal possible to significantly improve the condition of the reproductive system.

The course of herbal medicine and its features

Treatment of endometrial hyperplasia folk remedies often held a course whose duration is four months. It is divided into several stages, each of which has its own characteristics:

  1. During the first month in the morning and evening you need to take flax seed oil or geranium oil. Properties of these means consist in restoring hormonal and elimination of inflammation. You need to drink a tablespoon with a glass of water. At lunchtime, it should be consumed 200 ml carrot juice. Before bedtime operate douching using celandine solution. To cook two tablespoons herbs pour three liters of boiling water and insist for about thirty minutes. Before use, be sure to filter the liquid.
  2. From the second month, in addition to basic manipulations, you need to take a tincture of aloe red wine. Preparing it by means of mixing with a plant juice 400 g honey and 700 ml of beverage. Infused medication for two weeks. Drink it every day with 50 ml.
  3. The third month you need to stick to the same scheme with the deletion of only douching.
  4. After that there is a break for seven days and repeat the course, which had to be adhered to in the 3rd month.

If you perform the actions described above is quite difficult, the herbal treatments can be carried out using different recipes:

  1. Stinging nettle. In order to prepare the tincture must take 200 g of plant and pour 500 ml of vodka. Drug infuse for two weeks, and then taken twice a day for one tablespoon.
  2. Juice mug. The root should be washed, cleaned and then squeeze out the juice. Take it just one tablespoon in a quarter of an hour before each meal. Duration of therapy is at least six months.
  3. Extract based on peony. Purchased in a drugstore remedy to be diluted in water in a ratio of 1: 2, and drink one teaspoon three times a day.

In addition, it is necessary to use at excessive bleeding vitamin teas. A beneficial effect on the state of the reproductive system Vitex tincture.

Hirudotherapy in the treatment of endometrial hyperplasia

Symptoms and Treatment glandular-cystic hyperplasia forms Endometrial each other are closely interlinked. Due to the fact that in its development there are heavy bleeding, during therapy sometimes resorted to the use of leeches. They are often used in folk medicine for the purpose of liquefaction and slow blood clotting.

Scientific evidence of the effectiveness of this method to date, no. In some cases, this may improve the condition, but girudoterapiya may aggravate the situation. On the feasibility of this treatment need to find a doctor.

Homeopathy in the treatment of endometrial hyperplasia

Treatment of diseases with homeopathy gives good results, but only if it is combined with a course of treatment with drugs. By themselves, homeopathic remedies do not give the desired effect in the disease of the endometrium.

Most often resorted to the use of means such as Kalium karbonikum, Mastometrin or Ginekoheel. It is worth while to be supplemented therapy folk remedies. It should insist nettle nettles or other effective means.

About upland uterus

Borovaya uterus with endometrial hyperplasia, as in many other diseases of the reproductive system, is considered one of the most effective means. On the basis of this herb prepare oil infusion or alcohol, as well as medicinal teas.

The duration of therapy using the upland uterus varies from three to four months. During this time, unable to stop uterine bleeding, improve overall health and prevent further proliferation of the endometrium.

douching upland uterus

Upland prepare the uterus for further use in several ways:

  1. To prepare a decoction on the basis of this plant, need to couple tablespoons raw sugar and 500 ml of water and let stand in a water bath for at least 15 minutes. After this, a couple of hours liquid infuse, strain and take three times a day for half a cup. The prepared broth is also permitted to use in the process of douching.
  2. For the preparation of alcoholic tinctures 500 mL of alcohol are mixed with 50 g of upland uterus and kept in a dark place for at least a couple of weeks. Drink prepared medicine immediately after a meal. The dosage is only one teaspoon.
  3. Cooking oil solution It carried out according to the same principle, but the plant is not miscible with the alcohol, and with a refined vegetable oil. The mixture, which has turned out, it is necessary to wet swab and introduce it into the vagina. Therapy with this agent lasts at least three months and always combined with taking medication.

If during treatment with upland uterus an allergic reaction, you should immediately stop using it and seek medical advice.

For more details about how to make upland uterus, We recommend that you read in a separate article.

Other effective recipes

Often herbal complex used in the process of treatment of endometrial hyperplasia. By combining it has a complex effect on the female reproductive system in a vehicle several plants.

  1. You can prepare a decoction based nettle, sweet flag, shepherd's purse, knotweed, cinquefoil and coil. All components are taken in equal proportions. Four tablespoons of the resulting mixture is poured liter of hot water and tomyat on the plate for about five minutes. After that, the capacity of the drug wrapped up and insist three hours. The liquid is then necessary to drain and take on a daily basis at a time on a glass. After a month of this therapy take a break for a week and continue treatment.
  2. There and effective folk remedies such as carrot and beet juices. They are able to rapidly prevent the abnormal growth of the mucous layer of the uterus. To do this, you just need to mix 100 ml of carrot juice with the same amount of beet and drink during the day. If desired, add a few drops of juice of celandine. The course of treatment is only one month.

Folk remedies can not be considered a full-fledged method of treatment of endometrial hyperplasia. They can be used only in combination with medicines under strict medical supervision. One only decoctions, infusions or homeopathic remedies to stop the disease process will not succeed. In addition, the self can significantly aggravate the situation. Without first consulting a gynecologist to resort to the use of even the most innocuous prescriptions strictly prohibited.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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