Endometrial hypoplasia: what it is, how to treat, the effects of pregnancy

Hypoplasia endometrium - a pathological condition characterized by thinning of functional uterine layer core whose task is to create favorable conditions for the attachment of a fertilized egg and its subsequent development.

Hypoplastic endometrium type prevents the beginning of gestation. And even if implementation has occurred, it is not enough reliable, pregnancy can be interrupted at any stage.

thinking about pregnancy


  • Features hypoplasia
  • Causes of
  • symptoms
  • complications hypoplasia
  • Pregnancy Complications
  • disease treatment
    • Medication
    • physiotherapy
    • Surgery
    • Other methods, folk remedies

Features hypoplasia

The diagnosis of "hypoplasia" put in identifying a woman underdevelopment of the functional layer of the uterus.

Quite often there are mixed endometrium, t. E. in the cavity of the body at the same time there are also healthy and diseased areas of mucous.

The causes of disease are numerous enough. It may be hormonal imbalance, impaired general circulation, inflammatory processes, abortion, and diagnostic curettage, which negatively affects the condition of the endometrium, not only, but also of the neck uterus.

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Hypoplastic endometrium significantly reduces the probability of occurrence and safe carrying of a pregnancy, as characterized by a significant thinning of the functional layer of the mother.

Causes of

Hypoplasia of the endometrium - the state, accompanied by the underdevelopment of the functional layer of the uterus, in resulting in a fertilized egg can not penetrate into the surface of the mucosa and to start their own development.

It decided to allocate several groups of causes, acting as instigators of the gynecological pathology. It:

  1. Of hormonal nature. Most often, women with such a diagnosis is marked estrogen deficiency. Due to its lack of bad operation of the endocrine system, the presence of cysts, and various inflammations.
  2. Poor circulation. As a provoking factor can act pathological uterine, cervical bend or prolapse of the uterus, diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  3. Frequent abortions, diagnostic curettage. During the procedure, it is not excluded injury basal layer, which negatively affects the process of proliferation (thickening) of the endometrium.
  4. Hereditary predisposition. Cause the development of hypoplastic capable of existing congenital disorders.
  5. Inflammation / infection of malotazovoy area. Diseases of the STD band obtained during unprotected sex and inflammation occurring in the chronic form not only cause scarring and adhesions, but also become a cause of changes in mucosal cells uterus.
infection in the uterus

Cause, and other factors may make the disease: lack of vitamins, smoking, physical exhaustion.


For hypoplasia is characterized by the development of the following symptoms:

  • late onset of menstruation - a selection begins after the execution of 16 years;
  • irregular menses, accompanied by severe pain;
  • defective development of the body;
  • anorgasmia - the inability to have an orgasm.

As the progression of the disease in women diagnosed algomenorrhea - the state, accompanied by profuse bleeding against the backdrop of severe pain and poor health.

Suffers sexual life. The woman does not experience sexual arousal and desire.

If the disease is formed in girls at an early age, the child can be seen a clear gap in the sexual and physical development. It is expressed as follows:

  • the pelvis is narrow;
  • breasts badly expressed;
  • during puberty noted insufficient pubic hair growth;
  • underdeveloped external genitals.

Hypoplasia can occur in isolation, but in the pathological process are sometimes involved the mucosa of the vagina, labia (large and small), uterine appendages.

complications hypoplasia

Against the background of hypoplastic endometrium in women develop various complications.

  1. hypoplasia of the uterus. Abnormal development of the endometrium may become a reason for the formation of another serious disease - hypoplastic uterus. In this case the elongation of the cervical canal varies anatomic position the body organ. The combination of these factors is almost completely eliminates the possibility of pregnancy.
  2. Miscarriage. The beginning of pregnancy may itself be interrupted at any stage.
  3. Violation of the menstrual cycle. Apart from the lack of ovulation, some women have no periods at all.
  4. Ectopic pregnancy. Against the background of pathology likely attach the egg outside the uterine cavity.

If pregnancy still occurs and develops, it differs severe.

spontaneous abortion

Pregnancy Complications

Hypoplasia of the endometrium and the pregnancy were long considered incompatible states: women diagnosed with infertility. Underdeveloped functional layer does not prevent the process of conception - fusion of male and female germ cells, but considerably complicates the attachment of the embryo to the uterus wall and its further development.

hypoplasia of the uterus can occur together with hypoplasia of the ovaries.

Pregnancy is not ruled out, but it may be accompanied by serious complications. It:

  • spontaneous abortion in both the early and later stages;
  • toxicosis;
  • ectopic pregnancy.

If pregnancy ends childbirth, the most often cited poor tribal Activity: weak contractions, and the cervix dilates very slowly. In the postpartum period, the woman suffering from a strong bleeding, therefore, needs careful medical supervision.

Experts recommend seeking treatment for diseases before conception planning, which will prevent the development of serious complications.

disease treatment

Scheme treating a disease in an individual case by case basis based on the results of laboratory and instrumental investigations. The duration of therapy depends on two factors:

  • degree of thinning of the functional layer;
  • the current state of the endometrium.
the doctor prescribes treatment

Modern medicine offers three methods of treatment of hypoplastic endometrium:

  • medication;
  • physiotherapy;
  • surgery.

They can be used simultaneously, separately or in parallel.


Medicinal products are prescribed if a woman is diagnosed a hormonal imbalance or genital infections, accompanied by the development of the inflammatory process.

asks about pills

Hormonal treatments are selected individually. The most commonly used in therapy:

  1. COC (combined oral contraceptives). They help to regulate the levels of sex hormones that eventually contribute to the restoration of the thickness of the endometrium and its functional properties.
  2. Agents containing estradiol. Drugs in this group contributes to more rapid proliferation of the endometrial layer to the thickness required for the onset of pregnancy.
  3. Drugs, as part of which there is progesterone. In most cases, the woman appointed Djufaston or Utrozhestan. They accelerate the ripening of the mucous and help to create the most favorable for the development of the fertilized ovum conditions. In addition, funds reduces the likelihood of miscarriage by strengthening the uterine cervix.

It may be proposed reception of homeopathic drugs group, in particular Gormel.

In identifying genital diseases that can trigger the development of endometrial hyperplasia, apply:

  • immunomodulators;
  • drugs from the group of antibiotics;
  • means restoring the vaginal microflora.


Physiotherapy are part of the overall treatment of endometrial hypoplasia. The techniques used help to improve blood circulation in the uterus. It:

  • lazerolechenie;
  • hirudotherapy;
  • diathermy;
  • acupuncture;
  • ozokeritotherapy.

Additionally appointed physiotherapy, compliance with dietary guidelines, pelvic massage.

pelvic massage


Surgical technique in the form of light exposure on the lining of the uterus hysteroscopy is used when receiving pills does not give the expected therapeutic effect. The procedure helps to stimulate the thickening of the functional layer, which ensures successful implementation and consolidation of the fertilized egg and the beginning of gestation.

Indications for surgical treatment of endometrial hypoplasia, in addition to the ineffectiveness of drug therapy, are:

  • contraindications to receive hormonal preparations;
  • premalignant form of hypoplasia;
  • atypical course of the disease, especially in the period of menopause.

In some cases, the techniques practiced cryodestruction, laser ablation or cauterization. During the removal procedure is carried endometrial pathological area, which is then replaced with a new layer of healthy cells. After treatment removed tissue out of the uterus independently mucosa is restored.

Other methods, folk remedies

Treatment of hypoplastic endometrium successfully complemented by folk ways. Good results give:

  • compresses warm clay - the product is diluted with warm water to a consistency suitable for application and superimposed on the lower abdomen (uterine projection) on chasa 2;
  • drug infusion peony - means diluted with pure water in the ratio 1: 2, taking the composition for 2 ml three times a day is necessary;
  • sage broth (200 ml of boiled water is taken one item. l. dry material) - is used for intake and Vaginal to restore levels of estrogen;
  • flax oil - the product must be taken in the morning (after waking up) before meals for 1 st. l.

Excellent results shows endovasal galvanizing technique. It is based on activation of the pituitary gland, which eventually leads to the synthesis of the active body needs sex hormones.

Hypoplasia of the endometrium, diagnosed at an early stage, is well treated. In the case of running or congenital forms of pathology chance of complete recovery is extremely low. That is why the development of suspicious symptoms (pain, heavy menstruation, irregular periods, lack of pregnancy) women are advised to seek qualified medical advice and, if necessary, pass an adequate state therapy.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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