Endometrial hyperplasia and pregnancy: Is possible to get pregnant, Symptoms and Treatment

Hyperplasia - pathology, which is different active proliferation of uterine endometrium. Doctors believe the disease and pregnancy things incompatible. This is due to the fact that such a state complicates the process of fertilization, and in exceptional situations, can cause infertility.

But with the implementation of a rational and timely treatment of endometrial hyperplasia pregnancy can occur. The probability exists for lobular hyperplasia, but the presence of this disease requires regular supervision by the attending physician.

He asks about pregnancy


  • The effect on conception and pregnancy
  • Signs of pathology
  • Endometrial hyperplasia: is it possible to get pregnant
    • In cystic glandular form
    • When atypical form
    • When focal form
    • In the diffuse form
  • Methods of treating a disease
  • Pregnancy after treatment of hyperplasia

The effect on conception and pregnancy

Many doctors believe that the diagnosis of "hyperplasia of the endometrium" - a barrier to conception and a good pregnancy. This is due to hormonal changes that have occurred, as well as active proliferation of mucous layer block the ability of ovulation. Moreover, a barrier to pregnancy is considered to be the change in its structure, which does not allow the fetus to attach to the walls of the genitals.

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But there are exceptions in which the probability of pregnancy is still preserved. However, it is worth considering that in such cases, the probability of a favorable course of pregnancy is minimal. When child-bearing women suffering from endometrial hyperplasia can be observed:

  • violation of embryonic development;
  • the appearance of congenital diseases in the baby;
  • miscarriage in the early timing.

In addition to these effects, hormonal changes caused by conceiving a child, can significantly increase the likelihood of degeneration of benign disease in oncology. Because of this, when detecting hyperplasia doctors strongly advised to artificially terminate the pregnancy, and then undergo a full examination and therapy.

To avoid this, you need to plan for. With the development of hyperplasia woman before pregnancy is required to undergo a full examination and to begin appropriate treatment.

Signs of pathology

Self-diagnose endometrial hyperplasia is virtually impossible. This is due to the fact that this disease has no specific symptoms. Basically, women turn to the gynecologist with complaints that they can not get pregnant, infertility. The complication arises because of the neglected diseases, the earlier stage it may occur following symptoms:

  • the duration of the monthly increase;
  • failure of the menstrual cycle;
  • appearance heavy menstruation;
  • The presence of small uterine bleeding;
  • severe pain in the lower abdominal area.

If you have any of these signs need to urgently pass a medical examination. This is because the detection of pathologies at an early stage of its treatment is greatly simplified. And an effective therapy can maintain the ability to conceive a child.

lower abdominal pain

When the above-mentioned signs of disease should pay attention to the presence of factors that encourage its development. The main causes include diseases:

  • unsustainable hormonal therapy;
  • dysfunction, tumor, polycystic ovary;
  • disorders of the immune system;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • hypertension;
  • diseases of the endocrine glands;
  • endometriosis;
  • venereal pathologies;
  • diabetes;
  • mastopathy;
  • frequent abortions, curettage;
  • congenital uterine defects;
  • obesity;
  • liver disease;
  • genetic predisposition.

The more a woman has risk factors that affect the development of the disease, the higher the risk of hyperplasia.

Endometrial hyperplasia: is it possible to get pregnant

Over a long period it was believed that it is impossible to conceive hyperplasia. But as a result of development of medicine developed methods of effective treatment of this pathology. After passing through the full course of treatment the woman's body restores reproductive function, it is possible to give birth to a healthy baby.

To increase the likelihood of a successful pregnancy, a woman must undergo a medical examination in order to identify forms of hyperplasia, the stage of its development. On the basis of medical diagnostic information and prescribe effective treatment consult in order to exclude all factors causing the appearance of this pathology.

In cystic glandular form

Glandular hyperplasia of the endometrium of the uterus - a relatively safe type of pathology, characterized by gentle thickening the mucus layer. Uterine discharge in this case, minimal. Doctors say that it is impossible to get pregnant for a given ailment.

The same applies to glandulocystica type. It is characterized by bright symptoms, the endometrium starts to grow, forming cysts, polyps, preventing conception.

cyst in the womb

When atypical form

This kind of disease is considered to be the most dangerous. It is characterized by changes in cell structure glandular tissue layer. Become pregnant while atypical form is impossible. Moreover, this form of the disease often develops into cancer.

If time does not detect the pathology, it is fraught with not only the impossibility of conceiving, but also the need for anti-cancer therapy, removal of the uterus. Recognize the pathology can be of irregular periods, changing their nature.

When focal form

This form of pathology is compatible with pregnancy. This is due to the fact that the endometrium grows centers. But it is worth considering that the probability of conception is very low.

women with lobular hyperplasiaSuspecting signs of pregnancy, urgently need to be registered to the gynecologist and regularly observed him as if in this case may be:

  • formation of fetal abnormalities;
  • occurrence of uterine endometriosis;
  • regeneration phase change into cancer;
  • miscarriage in early pregnancy.

Suspected complications can arise on the prevalence of pain in the lower abdomen.

In exceptional cases, pregnancy can cure the disease. This happens when, under the influence of conception progesterone level is back to normal.

In the diffuse form

Glandular endometrial hyperplasia diffuse form does not allow a woman to become pregnant, because it covers practically the entire body cavity. Even if retained the possibility of ovulation, the fertilized egg loses the ability to attach to the uterine wall.

Conception The difficulty is in the fact that diffuse form of pathology influences the menstrual cycle, making it irregular.

With this illness should undergo hysteroscopy - endometrial curettage. This procedure allows to examine the modified cells, as well as to appoint an effective treatment, after which the vaginal mucosa is restored, the woman once again get the opportunity to have a baby.

Methods of treating a disease

Therapy hyperplasia representatives of reproductive age is to use conservative treatment methods, thus preserving the ability to have children. If a woman has uterine bleeding, the first thing the doctor prescribes medical uterine curettage procedure.

scraping the uterine cavity

hormonal agents are then used, whose action is to reduce estrogen levels, its effect on the endometrium. The average treatment lasts 6 months, and then carry out rehabilitation therapy for another six months. It aims:

  • to normalize hormonal levels;
  • recovery of the menstrual cycle;
  • reduction in the rate of ovulation processes;
  • resumption of reproductive function.

If conservative treatment does not show the effectiveness of the operation is assigned to women. Most often, this is done in advanced forms of disease. Surgical intervention is the use of hysteroscopic resection. This technique allows the treatment to maintain the ability to have children.

If hyperplasia is complicated by the presence of concomitant pathologies (polycystic ovarian tumors), the doctor may prescribe a serious operation. This is the resection of the uterus, ovary, deprives women of reproductive function. That is why it is very important to diagnose the pathology in the early stages and start her treatment in time.

Pregnancy after treatment of hyperplasia

When carrying out a competent and timely treatment of reproductive function can be restored. In this case, a high probability of the birth of a child is completely healthy. If problems with the fertilized egg is still preserved, a woman can have a baby with one of the following methods:

  • carrying out in vitro fertilization IVF;
  • Use intracytoplasmic sperm injection in the oocyte cytoplasm zone.

These procedures increase the likelihood of successful conception even after the treatment of severe hyperplasia.

It's worth noting that after the pregnancy of the therapy should be planned. Determine the time of conception may be possible, starting from those used in the treatment methods.

If a woman saw the hormones that normalize the levels of progesterone and estrogen, birth can be planned at 4 weeks after their withdrawal and recovery of the menstrual cycle. If the therapy was to carry out surgery, need to undergo a full rehabilitation course, whose duration is at least 6 months.

a course of treatment

To increase the likelihood of a successful pregnancy, a woman should follow a few rules:

  • be sure to visit the gynecological office twice a year;
  • upon detection of disturbing discharge, itching, burning, bleeding, menstrual failure consult your doctor immediately;
  • in any case to avoid weight gain;
  • avoid stress, emotional distress;
  • completely abandon the bad habits;
  • organize a correct diet;
  • sports, characterized by moderate exercise.

If a woman is planning to become a mother, she should follow all the rules mentioned above, to adhere to the full list of the recommendations of the attending physician. At the end of treatment necessary to the physician in order to conduct retransmission diagnosing the presence of pathology probability of development. This will prevent any risk of complications during pregnancy.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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