After curettage endometrium grows: how to build up, how many restored

After curettage procedures woman needs regular supervision of the attending physician to monitor the recovery process of the body, the endometrium.

On the planned reception at the gynecologist can be diagnosed, after the operation of scraping the endometrium grows. There are several causes of this delay rehabilitation. From each of them depend on different methods of activating the growth of the endometrium.

consultation with a gynecologist


  • Causes
  • General recommendations
  • How to build
    • medicines
    • antibiotics
    • Physiotherapy
    • People's treatment
  • recovery period
    • Isolation and pain: the norm
    • The first month after the procedure
    • The postoperative period
  • possible complications


Normally, the endometrium is restored within 4 months. In this case, after already half of this period, a woman has experienced significant growth in the mucous membrane.

If ultrasonography 2 months after curettage thin endometrium diagnosed, prescribed medication, contributes to activation regeneration processes mucus layer.

There are the following reasons for long-term recovery of the endometrium:

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  1. Hormonal disbalance. The most common cause of this condition. The fact that over 1 menstrual cycle the endometrium is changed under the influence of hormones, it becomes thicker, it becomes thinner. Mucous is growing at a time when increased estrogen levels in the blood. If the amount is too small or exceeded the level of progesterone, growth stops.
  2. Damage to the mucous and muscular layers. May delay the recovery process of the endometrium. This is due to the fact that until all the affected tissue is not restored, the mucous membrane begins to grow. Such injuries often occur when the scraping "blind" method.
  3. Uterine underdevelopment. A rare cause of a slow recovery of the endometrium. This inherent body condition, wherein the mucosal layer has an insufficient thickness. In this case, the thinning is diagnosed not long after curettage, and the determination of the causes of irregular menstrual cycle.
  4. Infection. It is also able to increase the period of build-up of the endometrium. Active vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms, inflammatory processes lead to the fact that the body directs all the strength to fight with them. Recognize the presence of infection is possible by appeared yellowish, greenish discharge of the vagina, having a bad smell.
  5. Acceptance of one component means of oral contraception. It can lead to thinning of the endometrium in the background suppression of estrogen production processes.
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In addition to these reasons, cause a delay may increase endometrial and other factors:

  • lack of body weight;
  • bending of the uterus;
  • endometrial hypoplasia;
  • menopause;
  • polyps;
  • postmenopausal.

Also, any abnormal gynecological condition can cause a stop of endometrial growth.

General recommendations

To both scraped endometrium, the woman some important rules must be followed as soon as possible to restore. This approach will allow for the rehabilitation period to increase mucosa as soon as possible:

  1. It should completely abandon sexual relations after curettage.
  2. After scraping can not use tampons, suppositories, as well as carry out any douching.
  3. You can not apply any local medicines used for the treatment of genitourinary system man.
  4. Do not lift heavy objects weighing more than 4 kg.
  5. Exercise also fall under the ban, as they provoke a rush of blood to the pelvic organs.
  6. It is necessary to carefully observe good personal hygiene.
  7. Under no circumstances should there be hypothermia, you should always keep your feet warm.
  8. It is not allowed entry to the saunas, baths.
  9. Better to wash in the shower, should abandon baths.
  10. It is necessary to exclude a swim in natural bodies of water.

Subject to all these rules after curettage endometrial thickness inside the uterus to recover quickly. If after curettage mucosal layer does not come back to normal, despite the fact that the woman is in compliance with all recommendations need to appeal to the physician to diagnose the causes of the increase of rehabilitation period.

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How to build

If the endometrium is thinned after curettage, the self is not restored, to remedy the situation, the woman assigned treatment.

After the cleaning process can accelerate recovery via medication, physical therapy, folk recipes.


The most popular technique capacity after endometrial curettage procedure is the medication. Woman appointed inspection, allowing to evaluate the hormones. Upon detection of a reduced level of estrogen in the blood are prescribed drugs to enhance his.

If the hormones are normal, other medications are used. In antispasmodics can be used as a therapy. They help to cope with the emerging painful sensations that arise after surgery. Also these drugs have a beneficial effect on the growth of the mucous membrane.

In the presence of tonus spasm body increases in the uterine cavity, straying circulation process, blood microcirculation vagina. Because of this, the mucosa is no longer supplied with the necessary amount of nutrients. Similar processes slow down the growth of the endometrium.


After scraping the immunity drops, the uterine tissues are injured, the infection can join because of what for them. To prevent this, women are prescribed broad-spectrum antibiotics. Treatment medication is 5-7 days, is assigned at any time of the cycle. A particular medicament selected based on the individual characteristics of the organism, the diagnostic data.

In some cases, appointed by the immunostimulants or immunomodulators. These medications will restore the body's defenses, activate the processes of tissue healing.


After a curettage is often used physiotherapy recovery methods endometrium. Their effectiveness in the rehabilitation period is caused by several factors:

  • physiotherapy treatments help to improve blood circulation in the tissues, because of what activates delivery of all the necessary nutrients;
  • have a beneficial effect during a fight with inflammatory processes that occur after scraping;
  • help fight the swelling of tissues, which significantly accelerates the healing process of a woman, and also blocks the appearance of adhesions and scars;
  • Some techniques are characterized absorbing effect, thereby preventing the formation of scar tissue, endometrium becomes elastic;
  • activated the regeneration and renewal of tissues.

Capacity of the endometrium is performed using:

  • electrophoresis;
  • UHF;
  • microwave;
  • mud therapy;
  • iontophoresis.

and other physiotherapy treatments can be assigned to individual indications.

People's treatment

Traditional methods should only be used as additional measures to the basic treatment. This is due to the fact that they can not give the maximum therapeutic effect, and can only strengthen the effectiveness of physical therapy or taking medication.

People's treatment implies a use of herbs. One of the most effective is considered the composition, which includes liquorice, hops, clover, sweet flag, lovage. Also allowed the reception of any of these herbs individually. Brewing facility according to the instructions you need:

  1. A teaspoon of the mixture and the selected herbs pour a glass of water.
  2. Capacity is covered and left for 20 minutes.
  3. After the resulting agent is filtered.

Take cooked herbal tea should be used twice a day. These drinks are very rich in phytoestrogens, thereby increasing its levels in the body.

You can also use a recipe:

  1. At identical proportions mixed upland uterus and red brush.
  2. A teaspoon of raw pour 1 cup boiling water.
  3. Liquid infused, filtered, taken as a tea.

Drink should drink half of cup twice a day. He influences the female hormones, increasing estrogen levels.

also effective Sage to increase endometrialTherefore we encourage you to read more information on this subject.

Interestingly, these compositions have a similar effect on the female body, but the latter is several times higher efficiency. Before you take any of these drinks, it is necessary to get medical advice.

recovery period

Rehabilitation after curettage - a long period. During recovery, the woman should follow all medical advice. This will help her body to quickly deal with the building of the endometrium.

After surgery gynecologist recommend methods woman:

  • Prevention of infection damaged surfaces;
  • increasing the endometrium;
  • restoration of the menstrual cycle;
  • normalization of the psychological and physical condition.
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Isolation and pain: the norm

After a curettage, women often complain of pain in the lower abdomen. Normally such discomfort should be moderate. They disappear within 1 week. Severe pain may indicate the development of complications. It is also possible dizziness due to anesthesia. Some say the fairer sex fever up to 37,2-37,5 degrees for 2-3 days.

In addition to deterioration of the general condition of the body, a woman may notice the occurrence of precipitates after procedure:

  • within 2-3 days blood is observed, which is very similar to menstruation;
  • a week later appear spotting resembling ichor: acquire mucous consistency, different shade of brown;
  • end of the rehabilitation period accompanied yellow secret.

Typically, isolation lasts 10-12 days. Longer duration may indicate the development of complications.

To prevent their development, women need to carefully monitor their health. The appearance of these symptoms tells of the danger:

  • bleeding arising lasts more than 20 days;
  • began a scant or heavy menstruation;
  • bleeding appeared a month after scraping;
  • secretion of an unpleasant smell;
  • isolation began with a lot of rejects in the form of tissue clumps;
  • pain in the lower abdomen continues for more than 1 week after surgery;
  • there was a sharp termination of spotting (indicating their accumulation in the uterine cavity);
  • rose strongly temperature indicator of the body;
  • loss of consciousness.

When you see these symptoms, immediately seek medical man. But if a woman goes through each designated her attending physician diagnostic examination, the appearance of this symptom is unlikely.

The first month after the procedure

Menstruation after curettage You should come in a month or six weeks after the procedure. Thus menses may start late, but the cycle should fully recover within 2-3 months.

The first period may be sparse or abundant, depending on the state of the organism. After the delay, they tend to have a rich character. Thus different blood red liquid structure.

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If there is a delay, the body temperature rises, you must consult your doctor immediately. Also, hike to the gynecologist can not be postponed in the absence of menstruation. This is due to the fact that such symptoms may indicate the development of complications.

The postoperative period

After the operation the woman should regularly visit the doctor to monitor the effectiveness of the recovery period. This approach to rehabilitation would eliminate the risk of complications, accelerate the process of thickening of the endometrium. Observation will track any hormonal changes, assign effective therapy.

It's worth noting that the rehabilitation and treatment mode allows you to quickly bring the body back to normal after the process curettage, appointed only physician on the basis of individual data of women, gravity held operations. All the prescribed guidelines should be observed in full.

The normal uterine recovery after surgery lasts only one menstrual cycle. But the whole body will be restored only after 2-6 months.

possible complications

After the procedure, curettage may develop certain complications for the diagnosis of which will have to undergo certain procedures (by colposcopy prior to biopsy). Among them are:

  • joining infections accompanied by inflammation;
  • bleeding. Most often occur in women who suffer from a lack of blood clotting;
  • hemometra. It represents an accumulation of blood clots in the uterus, the subsequent development of dangerous infectious pathologies;
  • residues fetal particles during scraping blind, which provokes inflammation in the uterus, stop the rehabilitation process;
  • the formation of adhesions on the mucous membrane of the uterus. In the future, it may provoke the development of infertility, the occurrence of problems with conceiving a child;
  • infertility. One of the rare complications that can occur against the background of the operation properly, the individual characteristics of women.

To rule out any likelihood of the above complications, all the recommendations of the attending physician is necessary to observe accurately, monitor the condition of their health. In the case of anxiety symptoms need to urgently visit gynecological office. It is very important to remember that the self can be detrimental not only to the reproductive function of the body, but also his general health, vitality.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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