How to determine ovulation at home without the test: by the selection, calendar

Find out the exact date of release of the egg from the follicle can be in a medical facility. For this purpose, an ultrasound study and analysis shall be the hormones. However, every woman is able to independently calculate the ovulation day at home. To do this, you need to carefully listen to your body.



  • Why to know the date of ovulation
  • Determination by the test
  • How to calculate ovulation at home
    • The calendar method
    • Measurement temperature
    • saliva crystallization
    • nature of the discharge
    • On their own feelings
  • What is a calculator to determine ovulation, and to what extent it is accurate
  • Disadvantages of home methods

Why to know the date of ovulation

Ovulation concern to women in two cases:

  • When planning a pregnancy. This period is considered the most favorable for conception. It is particularly important to define when fertilization does not occur for a long time.
  • In order to prevent unwanted pregnancies. In the ovulatory period, you need to use barrier methods of contraception, or completely exclude intimacy.
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Determination by the test

Understand that the ovulatory process has already begun, will help special tests. Their principle of operation is identical to a pregnancy test. In fact, these are indicators that respond to changes in the concentration of hormones in the urine. A pregnancy test reveals the levels of hCG.

Determination egg output period is performed by increasing the concentration of luteinizing hormone.

Use test strips simply. Perform the following steps need to:

  1. Urinate into a clean container.
  2. Dip the strip into the urine up to the mark.
  3. Withstand a few seconds.

After a specified time in the instructions, you can evaluate the result. If tests show two strips, the ovulation has already occurred.

The method begins to be used for a few days before the release of the egg. When unstable menstrual cycle test has to be done repeatedly. This is due to the fact that the rupture of the follicle may occur earlier or later than expected.

ovulation test

How to calculate ovulation at home

There are several methods to determine ovulation without test. To obtain the most accurate answer they are used in combination.

The calendar method

In applying this method can not identify the most favorable time for fertilization. Taken into account the duration of menstruation cycle. But this method is only suitable for women with regular cycles. Mark your calendar to do at least 3 months.

To calculate when it's fertile phase of several months to celebrate the first day of menstruation. This way we can find out the length of the cycle. Counting is done as follows:

  • from the longest cycle is subtracted 10 days;
  • from the shortest deducted 18.

For example, if a short cycle was 29 days and the longest - 31, it will be possible fertilization from 11 to 21 hours.

Measurement temperature

In applying this method, a woman needs every day to measure the basal temperature. Because of this will be possible to assess the overall condition of the reproductive system and find out when the ovulatory period begins.

Normally, at the beginning of growth of follicles, the temperature varies within 36,4-36,8 ° C. Before leaving egg falls sharply, and during ovulation is increased and can reach 37,5 ° C. Such indicators often persist for 2-3 days.

To obtain reliable results, it is necessary to adhere to simple rules:

  • Measurement done daily for several cycles;
  • keep the thermometer into the rectum for five minutes;
  • the choice to stop alcohol or mercury models, electronic are characterized by high accuracy;
  • throughout the cycle to use the same thermometer;
  • perform the procedure in the morning, immediately after waking up, before getting out of bed.
basal temperature

saliva crystallization

This method can be applied, if the house has a microscope. Check ovulatory process is started or not, will be able to saliva. In this case, you need to perform a few simple steps:

  1. Apply saliva on the glass.
  2. Wait until it dries.
  3. Consider the test material under a microscope.

If ovulation has occurred, in the saliva there is a great concentration of hormones. With an increase will be seen an image similar to a fern. If these changes are not observed, the egg is still not out of the follicle.

nature of the discharge

To determine that the ovulatory process has already begun, it is possible for the selection. However, a reliable method only if the woman has no vaginal dysbiosis and infectious pathologies of the reproductive system.

On the release of an egg indicate the following features:

  • profuse secretion: often precipitates so much that even the underwear becomes wet;
  • the consistency of watery, liquid or jelly-like, similar to egg white;
  • the absence of impurities and specific smell.

On their own feelings

Ovulation may indicate symptoms:

  • Minor nagging, aching pain in the lower abdomen. As a rule, they are observed only on the right or the left. Localization of pain depends on which of the ovarian follicle ruptured.
  • Increased sex drive. The body itself indicates that an opportune time for conception.
  • Breast tenderness and an increase in their size.
  • Mood swings due to hormonal changes.
  • Flatulence. It is extremely rare.
  • Aggravation of smell. For example, the smell of your favorite perfume can cause aversion and the specific flavors, in contrast, involve.
  • Changing tastes. Women in this period often want of a certain food or product. The same symptoms were observed in pregnant women.

What is a calculator to determine ovulation, and to what extent it is accurate

This is a special program designed to perform calculations on your parameters. In fact, the principle is very similar to the calendar method, but it works on a computer algorithm calculator.

This is a fairly easy way to determine the ovulatory phase, because it is not necessary to produce their own calculations. It is necessary to enter the average length of the cycle.

The program will calculate immediately on what days it favorable for fertilization period, and for a few months in advance.

But the calculator does not take into account the hormonal fluctuations and other factors that could shift the release date of the ovum. Trust it can only be a regular cycle, and there is no change in lifestyle.

Disadvantages of home methods

The most significant of the home methods are considered measurement of basal body temperature and calendaring. Rely solely on personal feelings and the nature of the discharge is not necessary. For example, the secretion becomes abundant, not only during the ovulatory phase, but also in the development of a number of gynecological pathologies.

Increased libido, pain and mood swings also can occur under the influence of other factors. Even in case of regular temperature measurements in the rectum and precise counting cycle length possible error. On the performance is affected by:

  • medications;
  • stress;
  • climate change;
  • alcohol;
  • regular cycles.

Fully trusted home methods of determining ovulation is not necessary. They do not always make it possible to get a reliable result. Usually learn about release of the egg is obtained if a woman menstruation appear regularly, no health problems. In all other cases, it is recommended to use a test or undergo medical examination at the antenatal clinic.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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