Can thrush sick underbelly

If candidiasis in women stomach ache - it is an occasion guard, as this disease is not usually accompanied by severe pain. Progression of the disease can lead to an aggravation or appearance of other pathologies of the female reproductive organs. That is why, if the thrush strongly hurts the lower abdomen, immediately seek medical help. The gynecologist will conduct the necessary examination and to identify the causes of pain, as well as offering therapy to address both the candidiasis, and of concomitant disease.

clings to the lower abdomen


  • The main symptoms of thrush
  • The causes of lower abdominal pain
  • methods of diagnosis
  • tactics of treatment
    • medication
    • Phytotherapy
    • Folk remedies
    • additional recommendations

The main symptoms of thrush

When candidiasis in women there are characteristic signs and symptoms of this fungal infection:

  • curdled discharge with odor yogurt;
  • itching and burning sensation in the genital area and the vagina;
  • flushing of the skin and mucous membranes of the labia;
  • difficulty urinating, frequent urge to use the toilet.
instagram viewer

In rare cases, thrush may occur fever, chills and fever, and abdominal pain. But arising pain suggests parallel development of inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs.

The causes of lower abdominal pain

The main factor that triggers the development of candidiasis is a weakening of the immune women. Weak immune system is not able to control the population of Candida fungi, it grows and causes thrush. In the absence of proper treatment, this infection affects all of a woman's genitals, causing various inflammation. Inflammatory processes may be accompanied by pain in the abdomen. The causes of these diseases include:

  • development of other reproductive tract infections in the background of a weak immune system;
  • inflammatory diseases of uterus and ovarian cancer (cervical erosion, adnexitis, endometritis, adhesions in the fallopian tubes);
  • malignant or benign lesions of the pelvic organs (growths in the uterus and ovaries);
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases of the urogenital system;
  • pain during and after intercourse.

As can be seen from the above possible causes of the pain of thrush, independently determine which one is causing the discomfort and pain, it is not possible.

clutching his stomach

If a woman has emerged following the accompanying candidiasis symptoms, should immediately go to an appointment with a gynecologist:

  • recurring back pain;
  • unpleasant discharge having peculiar smell;
  • burning and cramps when trying to urinate in conjunction with urinary retention;
  • febrile illness in combination with subfebrile temperature (37-38o C).

These symptoms indicate the development of the inflammatory process, which affected the female urogenital system. Doctor will prescribe certain diagnostic tests candidiasis, which will help to identify the nature of the disease and the degree of internal organ involvement. Therefore, if you pull the lower abdomen for thrush, and observed these symptoms, a visit to the doctor should not be delayed.

methods of diagnosis

Because pain may arise for various reasons, the gynecologist woman assigns complex examination, comprising;

  • swab from the vagina on the microflora;
  • smear from the cervix for cytological examination;
  • Pelvic ultrasound, and kidney;
  • general blood analysis;
  • blood chemistry;
  • general urine analysis;
  • urine analysis Zimnitskiy;
  • urine Nechiporenko.

According to the testimony may require additional types of research and laboratory tests to confirm the diagnosis. On the basis of history and examination results gynecologist diagnoses and assigns therapy.

tactics of treatment

Treatment of acute course thrush, development of concomitant disease and exacerbation of chronic diseases is carried out in the complex. When this method is used as a medical and herbal agents in combination with traditional methods.


Traditional methods of treatment of thrush and causes abdominal pain include the following types of drugs:

  • antifungals against candidiasis (polyene antibiotics, drugs based on fluconazole, imidazole antimikoznyh and other means);
  • antibacterial agents (for diagnosing other types of infections);
  • anti-inflammatory drugs used for the therapy of inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • immune stimulants for immune reconstitution;
  • probiotics for elimination of dysbacteriosis as a side effect of potent drugs;
  • vitamin-mineral complexes.
pills in hand

When detection of malignant or benign tumors, which in some cases manifest severe pain in the abdomen, the treatment methods are selected oncologist. The method of therapy will depend on the developmental stage of the disease and the degree of organ damage.


Traditional medicine welcomed as additional measures used in the treatment of thrush herbs that possess antiseptic, soothing and healing properties:

  • pharmaceutical camomile;
  • calendula;
  • pot marigold;
  • sage;
  • Oak bark;
  • Yarrow.
infusion of herbs

Decoctions and infusions of medicinal plants are used both internally and for douching and washing away.

Folk remedies

As for the folk remedies used to treat yeast infections, the effectiveness of the following methods:

  • processing affected zones fungus aqueous baking soda solution, known for its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties (per liter lukewarm water add 2 or 3 tea spoons of soda, mix);
  • Use of apple vinegar (to 1 liter lukewarm water devyatiprotsentnogo add 20 ml apple cider vinegar, stir and carry out syringing);
  • tea tree oil (per liter of warm water boiled add 3 or 5, oil droplets spend douching).
soda and water

These methods are effective in exchange application 1 time per day during the week. But we should not forget that you need to use these methods only after consultation with your doctor.

additional recommendations

For an early and successful to get rid of candida and other pelvic pathology, a woman must adjust your lifestyle:

  • revise the diet to eliminate fatty, spicy, canned foods with a high content of salt, smoked;
  • consume a sufficient amount of fresh vegetables, fruits, seafood and lean fish;
  • to be active and mobile lifestyle, to avoid the development of stagnation in the pelvis;
  • to get rid of inactivity to do daily gymnastics, swimming, or simply more time to walk in the fresh air;
  • give up bad habits (smoking, excessive alcohol consumption), contributing for candidiasis.

Implement all the recommendations of the attending physician, adhering to the norms of active and healthy lifestyle, the woman can not only get rid of almost all ailments, but also give birth to healthy children, to maintain and prolong their youth, delay the onset menopause.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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