The causes of brown discharge after a month, a week, a dark color with an unpleasant odor, and without him

Intensity, consistency and duration of the monthly indicators are health and reproductive capacity of women. In the critical days has its own rules, and any deviations from them indicate a problem with the body. Brown discharge after menstruation - one of the most common complaints encountered by doctors. The reasons for this are many manifestations of post-menstrual and they are not always dangerous. Set a realistic picture, assess the situation and identify the presence (or absence) of gynecologic pathology is possible only after a comprehensive survey.

sad woman


  • Brown discharge is normal and how much they are going
  • The causes of brown discharge
    • inflammatory diseases
    • Pathology of the uterus and endometrium
    • hormonal disruptions
  • Abnormal discharge after menstruation
  • Factors that trigger release
  • Treatment prolonged menstruation

Brown discharge is normal and how much they are going

Vaginal discharge differ in color, size and consistency. Their appearance before and after menstruation is considered a natural and physiologically normal.

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Healthy woman can not worry about the brown discharge, but only in cases where they are transparent, odorless and do not cause discomfort.

Such allocation at the end of menstruation are formed due to the blood output slowdown in the last days of menstruation. It coagulates and becomes a specific color.

Selection for 2-3 days after a month are the norm, in healthy women complete their termination occurs on the 10th day. If menstruation persists, consult a doctor and check.

Alarming signal may be the appearance dark brown discharge during menstruation or after. Even small amounts of allocated secret is considered bad symptoms and signs of inflammatory lesions.

Do not leave without attention to increasing profusion of bleeding after menstruation odor, burning, itching and pain. This is also signs of abnormalities that result in brown discharge, and malaise. Perhaps the development of infections and exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Regardless of when the discharge began after or before menstruation, in the presence of associated symptoms to be told about the problems of the gynecologist and surveyed.

girl holding her stomach

The causes of brown discharge

The duration of menstruation is normal It is from 4 to 7 days. If brown discharge after menstruation do not go, it is important to identify the causes. They may be natural, that is safe for health and do not require medical intervention. Provoke postmenstrual symptoms can different factors:

  • the beginning of pregnancy;
  • hormonal changes in the age of 13-18 years;
  • menopause;
  • reception of contraceptives;
  • completion of lactation;
  • surgery (removal of cysts and tumors, abortion);
  • ectopic pregnancy.

All these factors cause the appearance of mucus atypical shade. It causes brown discharge, do not pose a threat to women's health.

Once symptoms appear are the norm, but the repetition over several months with the deterioration of the state should be alerted. There is a possibility of gynecological diseases.

Why after a month go brown discharge and whether they are dangerous, it is revealed in the survey. After a physical examination and necessary laboratory tests may show factors unnatural for the normal state. Any pathology signal about unhealthy failure in the body, and this requires a more serious approach and treatment.

inflammatory diseases

The cause of the dark after menses secretions may be inflammatory diseases of the vagina. Regardless of the length of the menstrual cycle, bloody secret uncharacteristic color accompanies thrush and bacterial vaginosis, cervical erosion, Exacerbation of diseases of the genitourinary system.

girl in white underwear

The appearance of dark discharge may indicate infection with the organism ureplazmu, chlamydia, herpes simplex virus. Secret brown tint in the diagnosis of any of the mentioned diseases is a fault signal organism and requires immediate treatment.

Pathology of the uterus and endometrium

Light brown discharge after monthly observed at endometritis, which can take place in acute form or chronic. Pathological inflammation of the mucous membrane of the uterus cause penetrated into the body pathogens, pneumococci, and staphylococci.

Recognize the disease is easy. In addition to brown discharge, which can be observed 2 weeks after menstruation, the woman's condition deteriorated: fever, pain in the abdomen, increasing weakness, sweating, and other unpleasant symptoms.

Sometimes the disease goes unnoticed. A woman may not be able to understand and explain the cause of bleeding, taking them as a sign of a common cold. This danger endometritis. Delays in identifying problems and the lack of treatment often leads to infertility.

In addition, regular allocation brown week after menses are endrometrioza symptoms, the presence of polyps, tumors and cysts. The appearance of tumors in the uterus leads to its widening. Woman feels nagging pain, bloating, constant discomfort. Menstruation long run, are abundant and gain an unnatural shade of dark. Any tumors and endometriosis must be removed, otherwise the reproductive system may be seriously affected.

hormonal disruptions

Spin-brown after menstruation can be caused by hormonal disorders. The causes of the imbalance of hormones very much. The most common - age-related changes and birth control pills.

Any hormonal failure does not pass without consequences and almost always accompanied by a violation of the menstrual cycle. One feature of such deviations - the appearance of brown precipitates.

If there is a physiological phenomenon immediately after menstruation, does not last more than 2-3 days and is complemented by symptoms characteristic of hormonal failure, it is safe. In complex cases where after menstruation isolation do not pass over 3-7 days to contact the art.

Girl at the doctor

Abnormal discharge after menstruation

After closure monthly during the first 3 days of natural mucus may be black and dark brown color, but after a week of such nuances should alert a woman, especially if allocated unpleasant smell. This is the deviation and the reason to seek immediate medical attention. Dangerous signs also include:

  • appearance of blood clots;
  • itching and burning;
  • excessively copious;
  • abdominal pain;
  • discomfort when urinating and during intercourse.

Incessant brown discharge with a pungent odor - one more trouble, which could face a woman after menstruation. This is alarming because unpleasant smell often accompanies the disease, sexually transmitted infections, and is a sign of inflammation of the vagina. Finding such a symptom, do not put off a visit to the doctor.

Factors that trigger release

Meager selection of dark colors do not cause inconvenience to the woman. If serious reasons for concern have been identified, it is sufficient to wait for their termination and quietly move on.

Medication and surgery can be avoided in cases where the monthly last longer than the permissible time (2-3 days), and the dark release triggered by circumstances and factors not related to hormones, reproductive system and the presence of major features diseases.

Brown can go long periods with frequent stress and climate change. Common causes of cycle disorders are unhealthy diet and obesity. More often faced with this symptom smoking and alcohol abuse by women.

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Treatment prolonged menstruation

It refers to unacceptably long brown secretions during menstruation as harmless temporary problem, and to try to get rid of it self. Without knowing the reasons, it is impossible to help themselves. Therapy should be handled by experts.

Sometimes doctors do not show any deviation as to provoke protracted periods could nervous stress or hereditary factor. In such cases, eliminate menstrual failure will be easy.

Normalize the cycle to help power correction, physiotherapy, vitamins, herbal extracts based nettle, shepherd's purse, motherwort. If the monthly ended, and separation continues, but without pain, at normal body temperature, no weakness and nausea, are effective sparing methods.

Repeated and prolonged bleeding brown with atypical of the normal state of the symptoms being treated differently. Patients whose monthly do not stop for 5-8 weeks, in need of combination therapy.

If diagnosed with a bleeding disorder, prescribed coagulants. To eliminate the anemia signs prescribe iron supplements. Diseases caused by hormonal disruptions, are treated by means of, reducing the balance of hormones.

To reduce uterine bleeding, a woman can recommend Hemostatic agents: Askorutin, Tranexam, calcium gluconate, Dicynone. In identifying the pathologies associated with tumors and abnormal growth of tissue, surgical intervention (cauterizing, scraping, sectoral resection, removal of the uterus).

Make the necessary appointments doctor after medical examination and the study of laboratory data. Gynecologist assesses the amount of menstrual blood loss, studies the concomitant symptoms and overall health. For therapeutic activities begin only after identifying the reasons for the deviation.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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