Vacuum cleaning of the uterus after childbirth: the consequences and complications of the procedure

Vacuum cleaning of the uterus is assigned in situations where the birth canal and uterine cavity of the woman who gave birth to a child does not spontaneously cleared of fetal remains. Application procedure is necessary in order to minimize the risk of inflammation of the reproductive system organs.

In addition aspiration vacuum method is strongly recommended in the presence of blood clots in the cavity at the end of genitals genera.

doctor makes the procedure


  • When vacuum cleaning, the procedure
  • Process for cleaning
  • benefits of the procedure
  • Consequences and complications
  • Vacuum cleaning with non-viable pregnancy
  • The menstrual cycle after cleaning
  • Treatment after surgery

When vacuum cleaning, the procedure

Cleaning the vacuum is appointed, if the birth of a baby is not over spontaneous way out of the woman's body parts of the placenta, blood clots. This procedure is necessary as there is a risk of inflammation of infectious pathologies.

There are several indications for such scraping after labor:

  • Bubble detection of membranes in the birth canal;
  • instagram viewer
  • the need for a biopsy;
  • presence placenta residues in the uterine cavity;
  • severe bleeding.

Also, the procedure prescribed in other cases:

  • in case of need to conduct vacuum abortion in early pregnancy;
  • defective output fetal residues spontaneous abortion;
  • fading of fetal development.

The expediency of the procedure determined by the physician on the basis of gynecological examination data, ultrasound, hormonal assays.

Process for cleaning

Implementation vacuum cleaning after birth - safest option scraping fetal blood clots and the remnants of the uterine cavity and the birth canal. This is due to the fact that such a procedure does not result in cervical injuries, damage to the mucous membrane of the body.

Scraping the vacuum applied after the birth with the following sequence:

  1. Medic disinfects intimal area to exclude the probability of hitting the treated surface pathogens.
  2. Expander is introduced into the vagina, which increases the diameter of the uterine cervix that creates optimal conditions for the visual inspection.
  3. The vacuum apparatus body is inserted a manual or mechanical action.

Then, a cleaning procedure on uterine blood clots and the remaining pieces of the placenta. Most often, the operation lasts fifteen minutes.

benefits of the procedure

Vacuum cleaning the uterine cavity after delivery has several advantages, because of which is considered to be the safest method of scraping. The main advantages of the operation:

  • the possibility of interruption of early pregnancy without cervical lesions;
  • manipulation allows not damage the wall of the uterus during the operation;
  • during the procedure, the woman does not feel the pain as she injected a local anesthetic;
  • surgery is performed quickly.
Vacuum cleaning of the uterus

Also, such a method of cleaning to reduce the risk of reproductive diseases authorities, because of what the woman is able to carry and give birth to a healthy baby at the next pregnancy. A minimum amount of mechanical manipulation helps protect genitals outer portion from forming cracks.

Consequences and complications

Despite the fact that the uterus vacuum cleaning procedure is considered the most secure after birth, it can provoke some complications because of the removal of the upper layer of the epithelium increases the risk of infections accession of inflammation, appearance bleeding.

Among the main consequences of the operation are distinguished:

  • occurrence of bleeding, which can trigger the development of anemia;
  • menstrual disorders;
  • inflammatory diseases after joining the wound surface infection;
  • adhesions formation, scar tissue;
  • fusion uterine tissues;
  • development of cervical incompetence of the cervix is ​​damaged;
  • loss of capacity for nurturing a subsequent pregnancy;
  • infertility.
keeps the embryo

Recognize the onset of the disease after giving birth is possible by the emergence of the following symptoms:

  • elevated body temperature readings to 39.9 degrees;
  • occurrence of secretions from the vagina having yellowish green color and odor;
  • the presence of heavy bleeding for which a woman should change postpartum pad every 2-3 hours;
  • absence of any precipitates at 2-3-day after surgery;
  • the emergence of severe pain in the lower abdomen;
  • the presence of dizziness, chills.

When you see these symptoms or complications, women need to address urgently to the gynecologist.

Vacuum cleaning with non-viable pregnancy

Held vacuum cleaning is not only the uterus after childbirth, but also in missed abortion.

Scraping stopped in fetal development is performed in the case where a woman's body alone did not reject it. Wherein Vacuum cleaning method with missed abortion It is used in a similar statement.

After the procedure, removal of the fetus rests on the analysis of histology, presence of genetic disorders. This is necessary to diagnose the causes of fading pregnancy.

After the surgery, the woman must necessarily be observed at the attending physician. When the anxiety symptoms is required to consult with a physician to rule out the possibility of life-threatening pathologies and health. Normally, in the postoperative period can be felt pain in the lower abdominal area, weakness. Also, you may receive the discharge of bloody character, which continues throughout the 6-9 days after cleaning.

The menstrual cycle after cleaning

After the vacuum cleaning is carried out, menstrual cycle It recovered within 30-40 days.

If the surgery is performed after labor, menstruation will come to normal only after the end of the lactation period.

In the first 6-9 days after surgery in women observed bleeding, similar to menstruation, arising from tissue damage in the uterus. If isolation after cleaning vacuo sharp end or rehabilitation period takes place entirely without secretions needed to urgently seek medical attention, as this is a symptom of blood clots in the body. Normally, the bleeding must change the brown spotting.

Treatment after surgery

After cleaning the vacuum delivered woman should pay particular attention to their health, personal hygiene, follow all recommendations of your doctor. In addition, you should regularly visit the gynecologist to rule out the likelihood of complications.

Talk to your doctor

To the rehabilitation period it was faster and easier, the woman assigned therapy:

  • antibacterial agents that are administered by intramuscular and intravenous route;
  • drugs that cause uterine contractions;
  • antibiotics to eliminate the risk of inflammation.

In order not to become pregnant within six months after the operation, prescribed oral contraceptive. Selected product based on individual data female body.

For relief of pain arising due to uterine contractions during its return to its former condition, doctors prescribe painkillers.

Also for diagnostic status need to donate blood, urine, do ultrasound to examine hormones. All necessary tests prescribed by the doctor for consultations.

After the operation, should renounce the use of tampons during bleeding must be used only postpartum pads. It is also forbidden to play sports, because it can contribute to increased bleeding.

During therapy after vacuum cleaning is required to give up breast-feeding, as the drugs will penetrate into breast milk. To maintain lactation consults decant.

Also in the post-operative period to avoid conception for 6-12 months. This limitation is due to the fact that there is still the likelihood of miscarriage. Planning pregnancy should be only when doctors diagnosed a complete recovery of the body after surgery.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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