Cleaning after the birth, caesarean section: causes and consequences, how to avoid it

After pregnancy, gestation and birth of the child the mother to come back to normal. We need a certain period of time, to the reproductive organs cleared, stopped discharge, out blood clots and tissue remnants. If this does not happen in the uterus starts rotting, creating a favorable environment for the development of pathogenic flora.

Under certain conditions, there is a need curettage. After delivery, the uterus cleaning is done, if there are preconditions: accumulates the blood, pieces of placenta remain in the uterine cavity or organ walls, do not come out blood clots. But this procedure is necessary after cesarean section, since the placenta to be extracted mechanically. Even a tiny fraction of placenta perceived as foreign by the reproductive organs and the body is configured to remove them. Vessel closure clot after some time can lead to severe bleeding.

the girl in the room


  • technique of
  • Vacuum cleaning of the uterus
  • Carrying out the cleaning after cesarean
  • Complications after cleaning
  • recovery
  • Treatment
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technique of

Scraping postpartum produce vacuum or mechanically. For sufficiently long travail of his mother running out of power, and the uterus contracts insufficiently intense to the membranes of the placenta entirely separated from it. Sometimes the fertilized egg is too much attached to the body wall, and the last have to be separated by hand.

New mother after birth of the child is two hours in the delivery room, where her condition is evaluated, the presence or absence of blood loss, the dynamics of uterine contractions. After the examination, in the chair using a speculum and ultrasound of the uterus doctor to find abnormalities, make a decision about cleaning.

Sometimes scraping made on the same day, in other cases observe the state of the young mother and on the 5th day after birth is carried ultrasound. According to the results determine whether the fine is the process of reduction and purification or cleaning is required.

Manipulation lasts about an hour. Women doing local or general anesthesia, treated genitals extend cervix curette and scrape the functional layer endometrium. He is able to regenerate: after a certain time of its lower layers produced a new intact mucosa, and the uterus is again ready "to work."

Technique of the procedure is the same as if scraping unwanted pregnancy or curettage diagnostic purposes.

During manual operation is performed by manual cleaning uterine endometrial functional layer, particles of membranes and blood clots.

Purification of control mothers, doctors, post-operative period is held under close supervision. Keep an eye on the pulse, body temperature, fluids, well-being, as curettage - a painful procedure, after which the uterus is an open wound. It needs antiseptic treatment and daily care. Finally clear the birth canal to help doctor's drugs.

Vacuum cleaning of the uterus

For vacuum cleaning uterus after childbirth use a special device - a vacuum pump equipped with aspirating nozzles. The body cavity creates a negative pressure and is discharged outside the content.

Vacuum method involves manual and machine type of curettage. The first is the most common and include:

  1. Treatment of external genital organs.
  2. The introduction of mirrors in the vagina.
  3. Cervical preparation.
  4. Introduction of the suction tube.
  5. Removal of tissue by rotating the tube or diagnostic biopsy specimens for testing.
vacuum cleaning

Vacuum cleaning is shown:

  • if after delivery or caesarean section at genital organ remained the placenta or a part thereof;
  • as a result of spontaneous abortion in incomplete output embryonic residues;
  • after abortion;
  • to study ecological community;
  • with hydatidiform mole;
  • heavy uterine bleeding.

This method of scraping the more gentle than mechanical, because the uterus injuries, cervical and endometrial can be reduced to a minimum.

Carrying out the cleaning after cesarean

If cleaning of the uterus after childbirth - a frequent phenomenon, scraping after cesarean doctor should be used with caution and taking into account the health status of mothers. The body after surgery is recovering longer produced cut violates the integrity of the muscle tissue, and reduced reproductive organ worse. Only at the end of the second week after the birth of its size and shape are restored and joints heal even longer.

In women who had to undergo a caesarean more obstetric complications in the uterus.

On the 3rd day after the procedure make ultrasound study seam integrity. If there is intense pain, conduct unscheduled ultrasound to assess the state of postoperative scar. His swelling may indicate postpartum endometritis - inflammation in the mucous layer of the uterus.

According to the testimony of the doctor scraping is carried out in the course of the cesarean section, it helps to avoid complications. But sometimes it remains within the part of the placenta, which is a direct cause for cleaning.

To next pregnancy after a caesarean section was successful, experts recommend to refrain from conception 3 years. During this time, postoperative scar heals, and the uterus is again ready for nurturing the baby.

However, sometimes pregnancy occurs earlier, and you have to make a choice: leave the child or to decide on the termination of pregnancy. Women who had an abortion after cesarean, note that this is a big risk to health, as immature scar can be damaged.

Keep in mind that the consequences of abortion may be infertility, infection, bleeding, hormonal disorders.

Complications after cleaning

After each surgery, there are possible complications. curettage of the uterus after delivery is no exception. One of the side effects - hemometraWhen reproductive organs accumulate blood clots. When muscle spasm jaws closed, they remain inside. In order to prevent accumulation of blood in the uterus, doctors prescribe Nospanum to relax the muscles.

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In the process of cleaning the surgeon may pierce the wall of the uterus with a sharp instrument, which will lead to its perforation. As a rule, the problem of eliminating the same day.

Late complications that develop several days after curettage, can lead to infection and further unpleasant consequences. Substandard disposal of residues of the placenta can provoke symptoms acute endometritis, Which is characterized by high fever, pain in the lower torso, malodorous discharge.

after curettage of the uterus state is no different from menstruation: normal allocation should be moderate, odorless, continue for about a week. Then, its intensity decreases and the bleeding stopped.


Rehabilitation after curettage should be aimed at restoring fertility function, uterine bleedings still occur, but it is a common phenomenon. Minor pain radiating to the back, indicates that the body began to decline. Secretions become brown, but after a time - white, mucous, ie return to normal.

To refrain from sexual activity is necessary to complete healing of the surface of the injured curettage. Both partners are at risk of getting an infection, but a woman will experience pain during sex. Possibly heavy bleeding due to vaginal irritation.

It is necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle, to carry out medical prescription. You can not take a bath, douche, go to the steam room and sauna, use tampons, lift weights.

If you follow the recommendations, within a month there is the resumption of the menstrual cycle, reproductive health is restored.


Therapy uterine cavity after curettage involves taking medication. They are not increasing the endometrium, but prevent infection, improve the well-being of women. Antispasmodics prescribed with caution because they contribute to the reduction of the uterus, which is accompanied by severe pain, especially immediately after cleaning. In severe cases, it shows a No-spa.

Antibiotics are prescribed necessary: ​​they help to avoid joining the infection. vaginal microflora reduced with antifungal agents as tablets and suppositories. You can use herbal teas and infusions: shepherd's purse, stinging nettle, upland uterus, viburnum, Melissa.

Hormonal treatments help to restore balance in the body and prevent the recurrence of the disease.

Also listed drugs, enzymes take preventing the formation of adhesions.

Prerequisite - a gynecological examination and re-commissioning tests in order to avoid relapse. Planning a pregnancy in the next six months, treatment is not necessary. Sex after scraping to be with a condom, and only after the control examination female doctor.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 67
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