Stomach ache before menses: Why pull the lower abdomen

The fair sex often experience discomfort before menstruation. For example, they often have a stomach ache before menses. Such a symptom occurs in almost 55% of adult women. To understand such a state is normal or abnormal, you need to find out the reasons for its occurrence.

During menstruation torn away portion of the mucous membrane lining the uterus. The process has a particular periodicity, which is called the menstrual cycle. Normally, it takes 28-30 days, gynecologists admit a slight shift - from 25 to 34 days.

With the onset of menstruation takes his count and menstrual cycle, aimed at preparing the female body for conception and gestation further.

girl in underwear


  • Harbingers of monthly normal
  • Premenstrual syndrome
  • Severe pain for 3-5 days before menstruation
    • hysteromyoma
    • endometrial pathology
    • Urogenital diseases
  • Localization of pain
    • Underbelly
    • loin
    • the perineum
  • Effective painkillers

Harbingers of monthly normal

During ovulation, that is in the process of release of the egg from the ovary, which accounts for 14-16-th day of the menstrual cycle, there is a germ cell attachment to the shell of the fallopian tube. If fertilization does not occur, the endometrium rejects the egg, and it is evacuated from the body with mucous particles. It occurs body wall injury with subsequent physiological regeneration. Each of these processes can cause pain before menstruation.

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Pain for 3 or 2 days before menstruation - a normal reaction. If it is not accompanied by a pathological process, it is not necessary to see a doctor. This can be understood by the following features:

  1. Normal or low-grade fever (37.5 ° C below).
  2. There has been no general malaise.
  3. There are no signs of uterine bleeding.

Regarding the latter characteristics should be noted that menstrual blood is different from the mother because of higher viscosity the presence therein of dead cells of the endometrium as well as a darker color due to increased enzyme content proteins.

Thus, before menstruation underbelly may be ill for quite objective reasons. This is part of the physiological cycle, to which the body responds to each woman individually, including the process in question may be accompanied by painful sensations.

worried girl

Premenstrual syndrome

Premenstrual syndrome - a combination of several symptoms that occur in a number of the fairer sex, shortly before the onset of menstruation. The pathogenesis of this condition is poorly understood, there are theories of psychosomatic and autoimmune origin of PMS. Its symptoms include:

  • a nagging pain in the abdomen;
  • menstrual migraine;
  • mild nausea;
  • individual food intolerance;
  • pain in the breast;
  • giperpotlivost.

So, PMS - one of the reasons why before menstruation pulls the lower abdomen, and for some reason starts to hurt the stomach.

The woman's body occur not only emotional but also physiological failures are accompanied by very unpleasant manifestations. Many will start to hurt his chest and stomach, and other torments morning sickness. However, the emotional symptoms are often even more significant.

Women who suffer from premenstrual syndrome, become irritable and tearful, and at PMS hormone deficiency can develop into psychosis requiring hospital treatment and medication therapy.

If you often before menstruation begins to pull the lower abdomen or groin aches, you should see a doctor to rule out pathology of the endocrine system organs and the tumor process in the pituitary gland.

Severe pain for 3-5 days before menstruation

Severe pain during menstruation, which appears just before menstruation - an occasion to reflect on what might need to see a doctor. One of the reasons why before menstruation strong stomach ache - inflammation of the female genital organs, The consequences of which may result in the loss of their primary function, which consists in gestation. Other pathological processes, including infections, may also trigger the emergence of a strong character and pulling discomfort.

girl with a hot-water bottle


Fibroids - benign tumor muscular wall of the uterus. Very common among middle-aged women, especially those who use oral contraceptives. Pathology has the form of one or more nodes in different localized areas of body:

  • in the neck (this is called cervical tumor);
  • myocytes thicker wall (intermuscular);
  • abutment area to cover the peritoneum (podbryushinnye);
  • the lower section of the lateral edges (mezhsvyazochnaya);
  • closer to the uterus, is sometimes omitted in the vagina or cervix (submucosa).

Uterine fibroids is characterized by the following symptoms: there is pain in the abdomen, groin, a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, opened strong uterine bleeding or menorrhagia develop (heavy menstruation for up to one week).

Thus, if a strong stomach pain before menstruation, it is necessary to analyze their situation and seek medical attention, as pain may be the first sign of occurrence of fibroids uterus.

endometrial pathology

Quite often there are diseases of the endometrium of the uterus. One of the most common is hyperplasia - occurs overgrowth layer, the main function of which consists in the production of mucin. In the worst case this state its cells begin to protrude into the uterine cavity, in this case a woman is diagnosed with "endometriosis".

doctors spend Ultrasound diagnosis of endometriosis and by hysteroscopy. However, in women, a number of symptoms that make it appeal to a gynecologist. These include:

  • severe pain before menstruation;
  • abundant and long (more than seven days) menses;
  • tingling in the lower abdomen;
  • irradiation of pain in the sacral and lumbar region of the spine, as well as in the buttocks and thighs.
woman clings to the waist

In addition to these manifestations, a woman can every month to disturb cramping abdominal pain, and a week before the expected onset of menstrual bleeding is frequently opened. All this threatens the penetration of infection through the damaged mucous membrane body, which can cause sepsis and subsequent loss of reproductive function of the uterus.

Urogenital diseases

Pain before menstruation - a symptom of the urogenital organs of the disease, the most common of which is cystitis - inflammatory bladder infection develops because of its wall pathogens.

Other urogenital diseases are generally characterized by inflammation in the uterus. Pathology may occur:

  • on the inner surface of the body, in its muscular layer. It is also possible combined inflammation;
  • on one or both sides of the fallopian tube;
  • in the ovary (one- and two-sided inflammation);
  • pelvic peritoneum.

This group of diseases of the modern nomenclature referred to as inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs.

Localization of pain

Abdominal pain may be accompanied by a woman throughout the menstrual cycle. There are both physiological and pathological causes of discomfort. In order to distinguish one group from another, you need to correctly describe the pain. For this very important indicator is its location.

doctor palpates the patient's abdomen


Stomach pain before menstruation is usually in the direct projection of the uterus. It has a sharp pain and acute may sometimes be pulsating, blunt or spasmodic. In this case, the cause of this condition is likely to physiological. Sip stomach can result intense contractions organ rejection when parts of the endometrium. So, if before the monthly pain in the abdomen, but it is not observed general malaise symptoms, then no need to worry.


Before menstruation due to a sore lower back pain radiating from the uterus projection. The reason is anatomical body position. Uterus increases before menstruation and can compress the nerve endings of adjacent bodies, act on nerves originating from the lumbar and sacral plexus.

the perineum

Before menstruation, many women have pain in the perineum and genitals. The reasons may be both physiological (those that have been discussed above), and pathological. The latter include:

  • traumatic effect on the reproductive organs as a result of diagnostic procedures or abortion;
  • poorly stitched tears after childbirth;
  • Use of unsuitable size hygiene products (tampons);
  • urogenital diseases.

To clarify the reasons should contact an experienced specialist.

Effective painkillers

Many women are concerned about the answer to the question of what to do if a stomach ache before menses. In addition to general recommendations, there are a number of drugs to help cope with the pain. When pulling pains in the abdomen following drugs are used before menstruation:

  1. Analgin.
  2. Ibuprofen.
  3. Ketorol.

Be sure to consult with your gynecologist before use of these funds. Carefully read the instructions for use and follow dosage of medication.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 43
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