Flucostat thrush: instructions for use for women

There are a number of drugs that can eliminate the main clinical manifestations of candidiasis and destroy a fungal infection. Often prescribed in the treatment of diseases Flucostat. Instructions for use of this medication for thrush in women will not cause difficulties, but deserves attention.



  • Composition preparation and pharmacological effect
  • After many passes after receiving thrush fljukostat
  • How to take Flucostat thrush
  • Contraindications
  • special instructions
  • analogs Flucostat
  • Why not pass thrush

Composition preparation and pharmacological effect

As the active ingredient of the drug fluconazole protrudes. Among the auxiliary components are fljukostat silica, corn starch, magnesium stearate and sodium lauryl sulphate.

Thanks to a sufficient amount of fluconazole in the composition of the drug is possible to suppress the work of enzymes, which highlights the fungus and affect their reproduction process. The permeability of the cell walls exposed active substance increases.

Effective preparation and in relation to the fungus Candida, provokes the development of candidiasis. For this reason Flucostat thrush in women administered as a primary antifungal drug.

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After many passes after receiving thrush fljukostat

Flucostat thrush becomes effective after three to four hours after a single application. The woman is relieved, are itching and burning in the vagina. The active ingredient is substantially completely penetrates the body and stored therein to 72 hours.

Clinical manifestations of candidiasis disappear completely one day after application of the drug. In this case, the assertion that for the destruction of the fungal infection is enough to take the medication once, is erroneous. Given the form of the disease and the extent of its manifestations, the doctor selects the regimen individually.

woman with a glass of water and medicine

How to take Flucostat thrush

Depending on the form of yeast fljukostat disease treatment is carried out on the following scheme:

  • in mild disease Flucostat thrush taken once. Help solve the problem is capable of only one capsule;
  • in chronic or complications associated with chronic diseases other organs reception rate begins with 1 capsule. After 72 hours the woman to drink the medicine again;
  • with recurrent candidiasis current mode of application differs insignificantly. The drug is taken thrice in intervals of 72 hours.

Therapy can be started immediately after a visit to a specialist and diagnosis. When the main course of treatment is passed, continue to take the medication for six months. You need to drink one capsule per week. Thus possible to fix the result and avoiding relapses.

fljukostat 7 capsules


Flucostat thrush is contraindicated in:

  • during pregnancy. In exceptional cases, when a fungal infection is life threatening, the doctor may prescribe this drug;
  • individual intolerance of lactose;
  • breastfeeding mothers. When lactation is recommended to refrain from using fljukostat;
  • children aged less than three years.

special instructions

Flucostat from yeast rarely provokes the appearance of side effects, but only provided that the dosage is observed in accordance with the doctor's prescription. Uncontrolled use can cause a number of undesirable complications.

It is worth noting that when taking certain drugs are not eliminated side effects. The simultaneous use of warfarin and antimycotic agent increases the duration of blood clotting. The use in combination with medication saharoponizhayuschimi provokes the development of hypoglycemia. The combination with antihistamines drugs promotes display psychomotor effects.

If a woman has been diagnosed with liver disease, the use of an antifungal agent can cause toxic changes in the body. The process is reversible and disappears after completion of the therapeutic course.

analogs Flucostat

Tablets from yeast have Flucostat number of analoguesDiffers very little from the original. Replace the drug only a doctor can others. The cost of these drugs directly from the country of origin of envy.

fljukostat, fluconazole, diflucan

Among the drugs from yeast, similar in composition and properties from fljukostat, are the following:

  1. Diflucan tablets. An effective pharmaceutical agent in dealing with all variations of yeast and fungal infections. Can quickly eliminate the clinical manifestations of the disease.
  2. Mikosist. Used in the treatment of candidiasis, flowing in different forms. In the acute stage of recovery within a week after the start of therapy. The chronic form of the disease requires a comprehensive approach. Applied medicine and as a preventive measure.
  3. Fluconazole capsules. It acts on the fungus and prevent its development in the body. The course of treatment is one week. We need to take 1 piece. in a day. In rare cases, the dosage is doubled.

The main active ingredient in all of these medications in favor of fluconazole. In structure there are additional components pertaining to the category of biologically inert, not causing harm to the body. The preparations contain dyes that may cause allergic reaction due to individual intolerance.

Similarities of these medicines with the original larger than the differences. The principle of operation, particularly the distribution of the drug, contraindications, side effects, and they have the same testimony.

Doctors often compare Diflucan and Flucostat. On the similarities and differences of these funds is further recommended to read our article on the site.

Why not pass thrush

There are times when Flucostat for candidiasis does not help. This is due to the presence of other infections in the body. A woman needs to pass a comprehensive examination, pass tests in order to identify comorbidities. In this case, the doctor prescribes other drugs that you need to drink, strictly following prescription by a specialist, to the point until it is fully cured.

Flucostat - is an effective antimycotic agent that can eliminate the thrush symptoms after a single application. The drug has a minimum of contraindications and rarely causes side effects. For this reason, the medication has popularity among women and is used in the fight against candidiasis often. To cope with the disease he is able, without use of additional means.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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