Thrush in the background of stress: the development of candidiasis in the nervous system

Often women thrush appears on the background of stress. The nervous system is the same part of the body as well as cardio-vascular, digestive, sexual, and others. Experiences and anxiety inevitably reduce the local immunity of various organs, it is confirmed by a variety of psychosomatic research. Therefore, among the causes of candidiasis symptoms it is worthwhile to consider the negative emotions.

tired and upset


  • Could it be thrush nerves
  • Stress and its effects on the woman's body
  • Treatment and prevention

Could it be thrush nerves

Thrush nerves happens once in your life each the fairer sex. It is particularly concerned about the dissatisfaction with the quality of their lives women prone to total control of ourselves and loved ones. There may be the main symptoms of fungal infections - itching and burning sensation in the intimate area, characteristic vaginal discharge with odor.

This phenomenon is substantiated physiologically. Stressful situations are accompanied by enhanced release of the hormone cortisol by the adrenal glands. His excessive amount causes an increase in blood sugar levels and blood pressure as well as reduces the overall immunity.

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adrenal glands

All these effects are considered to experience favorable conditions for breeding fungus candida albicansThat provokes the appearance of candidiasis in women. In normal comfortable conditions of life of these microorganisms live on all the mucous membranes of the organs, without causing discomfort.

Stress and its effects on the woman's body

Thrush stress can create a lot of problems. In addition to the unpleasant manifestations, it raises suspicions of infidelity sexual partner. But if you know the processes that occur in the body under the influence of negative emotions, difficulties in relationships can be avoided.

In a tense situation, the adrenal glands emit a large amount of fear hormone - cortisol. This increases blood sugar levels and activates muscle work. So nature intended man to better manage complexity. But chronic stress leads to constant development of cortisol. It wears out the body, manifested by drowsiness, increased appetite, deterioration of brain activity. In addition, the regular excess of this hormone in the blood can significantly worsen the condition of women's health and lead to various diseases:

  • digestive system: often there are problems with a chair, appetite increases, I want a bad calorie foods to stress, "seize", and if it is sweet, it further increases the level of sugar and disrupts the intestinal microflora, and it is considered a favorable condition for reproduction of fungi candida;
  • cardiovascular system, manifesting high blood pressure;
  • reproductive system: due to hormonal surges usually appears thrush.

Due to the fact that stress adversely affects the immune system, while it aggravated chronic diseases, and the body becomes more sensitive to infections.

In addition, permanent residence in the nervous tension has these consequences:

  • nervousness, irritability, aggression;
  • mood swings, tearfulness;
  • disturbed sleep mode: even with frequent sleepiness woman is not easy to sleep on time;
  • decreased libido, intimacy does not bring pleasure.

Treatment and prevention

Usually, the doctor prescribes treatment of both partners from yeast. It boils down to the use of local or domestic products, which assigns only a doctor. medications local action comes in the form of ointments, creams, sprays, Candles and quickly eliminate the symptoms. Oral necessary if local drugs have not helped.

Prevention of yeast infection is to:

  • reliable contraception;
  • leading healthy lifestyles;
  • exclusion of stress and strengthening your overall health;
  • personal hygiene.

The main problem of yeast infection in the nervous system is that it becomes chronic. It is therefore important to give due attention to mental health. Avoiding alcohol, cigarettes, excessive consumption of coffee, healthy sleep, relaxation and treatments positive emotions - the main factors contributing to the restoration and strengthening of the central nervous system.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 67
  • 135