Candles livarol from yeast: instructions for use

Livarol - antifungal agent used for the purpose of treatment of candidiasis. When using pathogenic microorganisms are destroyed. This eliminates the symptoms of the disease, the normal microflora is restored. However, the maximum therapeutic effect is achieved only under the condition that strictly followed the instruction on the use of spark Livarol thrush. Therefore, it is necessary to read in advance.



  • The composition and properties of the drug
  • testimony
  • Contraindications
    • When should be used with caution
  • Dosage and Administration
  • Adverse reactions

The composition and properties of the drug

Active component of the drug ketoconazole acts. With this drug substance destroys fungal infections and is used for candidiasis in women. Also in the Livarola include auxiliary components:

  • butylhydroxyanisole;
  • polyethylene oxide.

Available means in the form of suppositories. After the introduction of the medicament gradually dissolves vaginal wall covered by the drug. Action Livarola thrush observed at the cellular level. Compound estrosterola broken, destroyed surface layer of cells and destruction of fungi occurs.

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It should be noted that ketoconazole has a detrimental effect only on pathogens. Part of the healthy cells ergosterol is intact.

Candles from yeast Livarol possess two basic characteristics:

  • fungastaticheskoe. Contribute to reproduction and suspension growth of pathogens;
  • funtsigidnoe. Completely destroy the causative agent of the disease.


Appointed Livarol thrush, occurs in acute and chronic forms. In addition to the treatment of candidiasis, the medicament is shown in the following cases:

  • violation of the microflora of the vagina;
  • presence of mixed infections (fungal or fungal-staphylococcal, streptococcal);
  • preventing the development of fungal diseases after application of antibacterial agents, transferred infectious pathologies.


Use of the drug is prohibited under the following contraindications:

  • hypersensitivity agent components;
  • first twelve weeks gestation period.

When should be used with caution

There are a number of relative contraindications to the use of Livarola. It is used with extreme caution in the following cases:

  • Use in Pregnancy (2-3 trimester). The risk of adverse effects on the fetus during this period quite small but frequent or prolonged use of the drug is fraught with the development of allergies, a number of other adverse reactions. This can affect the condition of the baby;
  • lactation. Not excluded allergic reactions, changes in the composition of breast milk. Short-term use of the funds for such a change results in extremely rare. Problems observed with excessively prolonged therapy;
  • age less than 12 years. Studies to determine the impact on the child's body is not performed;
  • open wounds on the walls of the vagina. The drug may be used only after the restoration of mucosal integrity. Otherwise there is a risk of infection when introduced, entry into the bloodstream increased amount of active ingredient.

Dosage and Administration

The duration of therapy and dosage of drugs is largely dependent on the nature of disease and the degree of its development. Apply candles Livarol need as follows:

  • Therapy of the acute form of thrush. Introduced into the vagina of one suppository a day for five days;
  • the treatment of recurrent and chronic candidiasis. Every night for the past ten days is administered once a suppository;
  • prevention of fungal disease. Use of the drug begin immediately after the end of menstruation. Administration is daily for five days. If necessary, the course may be repeated on a monthly basis.
suppositories livarol

The therapy should follow a series of recommendations:

  1. Suppository administered at bedtime. If you perform the procedure in the morning, walking, any active fluid movement candle can flow out of the vagina.
  2. Carry out manipulations need to lying on his back.
  3. The drug is injected deep into the pointed tip of the vagina.
  4. After the introduction of the means needed to lay at least one hour.
  5. Used suppository immediately after removal from the packaging.
  6. It is impossible for a long time to hold a candle in hand, bend and break it.
  7. You may not use the medication stored in damaged packaging, expired.

therapy should not be interrupted course. Treatment is required to bring to an end. After elimination of the unpleasant symptoms of the use of candles continue throughout the life of the gynecologist said. Thus it is able to prevent the transfer of disease into a chronic form, and to avoid recurrence.

Treatment must take place at the same time both partners. During the therapy, intimacy is excluded.

Adverse reactions

Medication into the bloodstream in a minimal amount. Therefore, there are usually only local side effects. In some cases there may be a manifestation of the following ones:

  • allergic reaction. Sometimes women have an increased susceptibility to ketoconazole or auxiliary components. As a result of this - pronounced immune response upon repeated administration means. An allergy is a different degree. Perhaps only redness, swelling of the vaginal mucosa. It is possible the emergence of itching, burning, pain. We need to discontinue therapy and take Allergy medicines. Very rarely observed anaphylactic shock;
  • the emergence of local reactions in the sexual partner. Unprotected intimacy can lead to reddening of the phallus. The risk of such changes is substantially increased if sexual intercourse occurs in the first few hours after administration of the suppository. This is one of the reasons for refusal of sexual intercourse during use of medicines;
  • recurrent thrush. If the therapy is of short duration, some pathogenic organisms can remain in the vagina. Upon termination of the treatment the disease progresses again. They are struck large areas of mucous. Therefore strictly prohibited to stop the course ahead of time;
  • profuse discharge. When administered medicament often marked active secretion allocated curd. Such symptoms were observed in half of the women using the suppository. During treatment, it is recommended to use sanitary napkins.
He thinks about the allocation

Livarol candles are often appointed by the detection of Candida. This is an effective drug that can eliminate the unpleasant symptoms and destroy pathogens. The main thing is to adhere strictly to the instructions and all the doctor's recommendations. Subject to all rules of recurrence of the disease will be observed.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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