The thrush dangerous if not treated: the consequences and complications of candidiasis

Thrush - is a common disease faced by almost every woman. That is why patients often do not even think about what would happen if left untreated yeast and let it go. Indeed, candidiasis at first glance it seems harmless and the problem is not serious. When time begun treatment to eliminate the fungus is possible in a short time. But we need to know what is dangerous in severe thrush and what the consequences might be in the future, to prevent the development of complications.

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  • Is thrush dangerous
  • What happens if not treated
  • thrush treatment

Is thrush dangerous

The cause of candidiasis - a fungal infection. This fungus can penetrate into the human body at any age. The lesions may be even children and pregnant women. When immunity decreases or reduces the population of beneficial microflora begins active reproduction process fungus and disease development.

There have been such manifestations of pathology:

  • burning and itching in the genital area;
  • pain during urination;
  • discomfort during intercourse;
  • a white discharge.
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Symptoms of yeast infection disappear only when the protective function of the body are activated and increases the number of beneficial bacteria in the mucosa. This is due to the fact that vaginal microflora recovers and resists fungal infection. It is possible only when this process is timely initiated therapy with antifungal medication, personal hygiene and strengthening the immune system.


The disease is dangerous due to the high risk of complications. They arise only when the woman's health was not fully restored due to lack of proper treatment, or non-compliance with medical recommendations.

Candidiasis dangerous only when the patient ignores the symptoms and does not take any measures. In the advanced form of the disease are not only impressed by the cervix, but also different parts of the body and internal organs.

In pregnancy, special attention should be paid to the future health of the mother to bear a child. In the case of the onset of symptoms fungal disease in pregnant she should consult a doctor as soon as possible. Thrush is dangerous not only for herself, but also to the fetus.

What happens if not treated

Among the primary and most common medical complications yeast secrete inflammatory process in the genitourinary system. Against this background, in the future, there are more serious problems:

  1. Cystitis. The defeat of the fungus Candida bladder leads to cystitis. It is noted symptoms such as pain during urination, and frequent urge. Over time, the admixture of blood in the urine is observed.
  2. Urethritis. It causes pain and burning sensation when urinating. Appear and characteristic white mucus from the urinary canal.
  3. Bacterial vaginosis. Under the influence of the bacteria there is an inflammation of the vaginal mucosa. Characterized by allocating a sharp, unpleasant smell.
  4. Candida sepsis. In the absence of treatment of thrush progress can bring it in generalized form, which is characterized by muscle weakness, fever and abscesses.

Under the influence of fungal microflora is disturbed reproductive function. Diagnose problems with the fallopian tubes, cervix and infertility.

Thrush also threatens the development of girls of cervical erosion. Wounds and ulcers may appear in the vaginal mucosa in the oral cavity. The appearance of such erosions further threatens the development of cancer.

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Serious consequences resulting yeast infection during pregnancy. Under the influence of this disease are not excluded such complications:

  • birth prematurely or miscarriage;
  • exchange processes between mother and fetus organisms violated;
  • diseased child in the womb or during passage through the birth canal;
  • developmental disorders due to internal organ.

Consequences of yeast infections in women who bears a child, is still in a loss of elasticity of the vaginal tissue. As a result of this - the gaps in the process of labor.

thrush treatment

Thrush dangerous only when it passed into the chronic stage. If timely treatment started this process can be avoided. The treatment involves administering a complex of drugs with which to achieve such results is obtained:

  • destroy pathogens;
  • strengthen immunosuppression;
  • fully restore the useful flora.

Cure yeast infection you need to use drugs that can not only eliminate the symptoms of the disease, but also to create a barrier colony growth of the fungus, to get rid of the inflammatory process. For this purpose, used antifungal preparations of systemic and local effects.

When acute course of the disease specialists have resorted to the appointment medication from candidaIn which the active substance acts fluconazole, or ketoconazole. The most popular among them - Diflucan, Flucostat, Mikozoral and Fluconazole. If the infection is spread on, and the disease becomes chronic phase additionally resorting to the use of more and antifungal suppositories (Terzhinan, clotrimazole or Livarol).


Treatment of fungal infections in men also involves receiving antifungal drugs inside. Additionally appointed and antifungal ointment, such as Pumafutsin and clotrimazole.

In the diagnosis of fungal origin stomatitis in children with medication local impact. This can be ointments and solutions based nystatin. In the most severe cases, resorted to the use of Fluconazole. And conducted further antiseptic. To this end, the mouth rinse after each feeding broth chamomile or weak soda solution.

Regardless of the age of the patient, prescribe mandatory appointment of probiotics and vitamin complexes. They bring back to normal the immune system and help to cope with thrush in the shortest possible time.

Candidiasis - a common disease, which does not pose a threat when time begun treatment. Complications of thrush are possible only when the infection began to spread throughout the body and hit the other organs and tissues. Deal with the consequences become very difficult. That is why it is important to seek professional help immediately after the appearance of the first symptoms of the disease. At an early stage it is good to treat and get rid of the fungus is possible with the shortest possible time.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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