Can I go to the pool at the thrush, the risk of infection

Caring attitude towards their health - a sign of a competent, civilized man. Since the spread of infections often occur in public places, it is necessary to understand the importance of compliance with specific security measures to prevent infection of others. Taking care of their own health should be complemented by thoughts of preserving the health of others. It is with this and associated fears of some women and their questions about whether it is possible to walk into the pool when a thrush.

woman is happy in the pool


  • Swimming pool and thrush
  • Can you get thrush in the pool
  • hygiene

Swimming pool and thrush

The development of fungal diseases contribute to the following factors:

  • immunosuppressed as a consequence of severe diseases, vitamin deficiency or hypothermia;
  • nervous exhaustion, lack of sleep or stress;
  • an active sex life, accompanied by a frequent change of partners;
  • the excess sugar in the blood and diabetes;
  • psychosomatic factors;
  • improper hygiene of genital organs;
  • hormonal disorders.

If a woman after swimming in the pool found symptoms resembling yeast, it does not guarantee that the infection happened in the water. Itching, burning, swelling may be caused by a low resistance to the immune system. The fungus, which may already exist in the body for some time, became active after the influence of negative factors. To facilitate the use status

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methods of the national treatment and drug therapy.

woman swimming in the pool

In a healthy person, even after visiting the pool in the form of thrush infection will not develop. First of all, candidiasis - is a signal of some irregularities in the body. However, if the disease is in the acute stage, going to the pool with thrush is not necessary.

Firstly, although with a low probability, but it can cause other human diseases. Second, not capable of the resistance body can not resists harmful factors: chlorinated water, duration of stay in the wet swimsuit. Doctors recommend during treatment to choose other sports. It is desirable that they were not associated with being in the water.

Can you get thrush in the pool

Thrush can be infected, but the percentage of probability is so low in the pool, that it does not pay much attention.

From Candida fungus infection not insured by any one person. The same can be said about the possibility of developing the disease, which is the causative agent was in the body for a long time. In a difficult time at the peak of the weakening of protective functions of the bacteria become active and provoke the development of thrush.

In addition to reducing the overall immunity, the activation of fungal diseases of the skin and nails result causes such as violation of the rules of hygiene or a change of partner, sex with whom he was not protected. Thus, water procedures - this is not the main cause of diseases transmitted, in general, in very different ways.

The water in the pool is treated well. For this purpose, a bleach solution, or a modern chemical drugs. In the course of their exposure to water occurs destroying harmful bacteria that may enter the body of another person. From this perspective, the implementation of water treatment in public places is allowed, since the risk of transmission is minimal.

He dived into the pool

There is a downside. So, part of the territory of swimming pools and baths cleaned well enough to ensure that decontamination was complete. The virus enters the vagina, where and starts to "act". It should again be noted that the decisive role in this situation is the state of immunity. If he is strong, then, even once in the body, the fungus Candida will not disturb the new owner.


To avoid infection, fungal infection, which can then cause the development of thrush, you must carefully observe good personal hygiene when visiting pool:

  • take a shower before and after the pool;
  • Use only personal hygiene;
  • body wash in the crotch area on the basis of front to back to avoid violation of the microflora of the vagina;
  • timely remove wet bathing suit after a visit to the pool, otherwise you can earn an inflammation;
  • visit the gynecologist and pass tests on the state of the microflora.

The more information that can catch thrush, exaggerated in the pool. it is almost not dangerous in terms of transmission of fungal infection. However, to avoid the development of thrush, from which no woman is immune, it is necessary to closely monitor the state of the organism and prevent reduction of immunity. Good health and hygiene - the best remedy for thrush.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 62
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