Can there be a delay of menstruation due to thrush

The average menstrual cycle lasts 28 days, but the body of each woman is different, so the arrival of menstrual cyclicity can be set within 21-35 days, and is the norm. When you see any abnormalities, you can say that the body has occurred a failure.

First of all a woman should make sure that the reason for the delay is not in pregnancy. With a negative result of the test it is necessary to consult a doctor. If in this case there is a delay monthly for thrush, it can confirm the fact that health is not all right.



  • Do monthly delay possible for thrush
  • Effect of yeast and the delay on each other
  • The reasons for the delay menstruation
  • How to cure yeast infection and normalize the menstrual cycle
    • General recommendations for the treatment of thrush

Do monthly delay possible for thrush

By themselves, fungi genus Candida can not provoke the delay menstruation. However, this state indicates that the body occur adverse effects: hormonal failure, low immunity, chronic urogenital diseases.

If there is no menstruation, but there are signs of candidiasis, it can be triggered by severe stress and shocks, impaired thyroid operation, physical overexertion.

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Doctors do not agree that the cause of yeast infection can be delayed menstruation. It should be understood that it is not the disease itself causes a delay as candidiasis does not affect the ovaries work. Condition called thrush, is a common contributing factor of physiological disorders.

First of all when thrush delay and the negative test It may arise as a consequence of acute exacerbations of chronic disease course. Incorrect or incomplete treatment of diseases of the genitourinary areas - the root cause of such conditions. Sometimes a month may be delayed in women who have undergone antibiotic treatment of thrush due to lower immunity. If you follow all the doctor's recommendation, correct restore microflora after thrush delay menstruation should not be in the subsequent cycles.

holding belly

If Candida is not treated, and not to reveal the true cause of its appearance, there is a risk that the hidden chronic illness It continues its destructive effects on the body. Besides the fact that yeast itself - an unpleasant state (accompanied by inflammation of the mucous genital, burning, itching), the risk associated urogenital diseases facing women infertility early menopauseAnd the development of cancer cells. Of course, the delay can cause hypothermia or even the usual common cold, but in any case requires a visit to the antenatal clinic.

Effect of yeast and the delay on each other

Inflammatory disease of the mucous membrane of the vagina - yeast - Candida is a fungus. But this fungus causes inflammation of the vagina only when certain failures in the body or on the background of other reproductive tract infections. After all, to the pathogenic microflora it refers only if uncontrolled growth, which is most often at a reduced immunity.

Candidiasis as the reason for the delay menstruation usually occurs in such diseases and conditions:

  • in inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs;
  • in the presence of chronic diseases of the genital organs;
  • as a consequence of antibiotics;
  • using tablets for oral contraception;
  • infections, sexually transmitted;
  • when hormonal failures;
  • as a consequence of chronic allergy of any etiology;
  • diabetes.

Candidiasis also against the background of reduced immunity is often seen in pregnant women.

test negative

If menstrual day has come, and the month is not started on time, and a pregnancy test if this is negative, then it may be that the delay due to the yeast infection is the cause. Like it or not, prompt symptoms that point to the vaginal candidiasis:

  • burning, itching, redness of the genitals;
  • pain during urination, or during sex;
  • white vaginal discharge with the grains of curd.

Proper treatment of thrush is not the most, namely, its causes can quickly restore women's health, so that the menstrual cycle becomes constant. Thrush provokes delay menstruation only as a symptom of other adverse events occurring in the body.

The reasons for the delay menstruation

It is important to know what factors can influence the delay menstruation, make it clear whether the thrush be a symptom cycle disorders.

Known fact that the development of candidiasis due to pregnancy - a frequent case. Another thing, if a negative test, and pregnancy can be excluded. In this case, the delay in the month against thrush may indicate the following pathologies:

  • hormonal disorders in menopause or hormonal disruptions of other etiologies;
  • disease, sexually transmitted;
  • stress, fatigue, shock, psycho-emotional disorders;
  • excessive exercise;
  • amenorrhea (delay menses several consecutive cycles);
  • impaired metabolism, obesity;
  • Chronic diseases in the acute stage of inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • malfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • ovarian disease, uterine disease.

It is important to take into account cases where the cause of thrush becomes taking medicines. Antibiotics, oral hormonal contraceptives may disrupt the balance of microflora in the vagina and cause candidiasis. These same drugs in case of reception at other adverse factors (stress, illness, physical fatigue) and cause delay periods.

How to cure yeast infection and normalize the menstrual cycle

Thrush and the delay can have a close relationship, because their cause is damage to health. Can go monthly for thrush or not, the survey - an important step towards the complete cure of the disease, so the trip to the gynecologist is required in all cases.

Candidiasis treated with both topical agents (suppositories, ointments, douching) and drugs for internal therapy. Ease the condition when the first symptoms before the trip to the doctor, relieve burning and itching can such funds:

  • alkaline solution for irrigation (1 teaspoon baking soda water glass);
  • chamomile (infusion and topical irrigation);
  • Salvia officinalis (infusion for topical use and irrigation);
  • Frc (for irrigation) was added.
camomile tea

Once the doctor determines which was the root cause of yeast infection, it is appropriate treatment aimed at restoring menstrual cycle, as well as recommend appropriate bracing and immunostimulatory means that such cases are not reappears.

General recommendations for the treatment of thrush

  • eat right, increasing the amount of fiber and reducing the consumption of sugar and simple carbohydrates;
  • only wear natural linen, it is desirable to correct a cut (to eliminate the narrow and tight underwear);
  • use special cosmetics for care of intimal area, not to use agents with a high content artificial flavors, dyes, corrosive alkalis;
  • be treated together with a partner, because otherwise the disease can quickly return;
  • pursue a course restore vaginal microflora special probiotics;
  • take a multivitamin and mineral complexes immediately after treatment.

Candida fungi multiply very rapidly in a favorable environment for this, so the disease often returns if you do not follow all the doctor's recommendation. If a number of symptoms after treatment of thrush is still evident, and stayed again at the monthly amid signs of a yeast infection, it is necessary once again to do a pregnancy test to be tested and receive treatment repeatedly. The time of treatment and rehabilitation therapy may be increased.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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