Allocation girls, whites: what it is, what a slime

Beli girls appear immediately after birth and during adolescence. As a rule, they do not cause fear and are considered normal. Nevertheless, you need to know how to distinguish between physiological and pathological isolation, in time to seek help from a doctor and fix the problem quickly.

Girl at the gynecologist


  • Allocation of a physiological nature
    • The sexual crisis in newborns
    • Beli in adolescence
  • abnormal discharge
    • Causes of abnormal vaginal discharge
    • Symptoms of abnormal discharge
  • Defining the problem of color and smell
    • White discharge in girls
    • Selection of green and yellow
    • Red and brown discharge
    • purulent
  • Prevention of abnormal discharge

Allocation of a physiological nature

Mucous discharge from the vagina in girls are the norm. Their appearance is due to certain physiological processes in the body. They do not cause trouble and do not need treatment. Typically, such white discharge, the girl observed during the first month of life, and with the onset of puberty.

The sexual crisis in newborns

Allocation in young girls up to the year due to a higher concentration of hormones in the blood, enter the body through breast milk. This symptom is one of the symptoms of sexual crisis, when the newborn is experiencing a period of adaptation.

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Beli girls are not considered a cause for concern, if there are no signs of inflammation, rash, swelling and redness. But this applies only to infants, after which the secret of the vagina is not released before the start of the process of puberty.

Beli in adolescence

Allocation among teenagers appear due to hormonal changes that often occur before the first menstruation. Process puberty begins about 9 years and continues to 18 at that time and start first period. The time frame is very conditional, because the development of a teenager all proceeds differently.

allocation to the laundry

Beli that appear before menstruation, odorless, are transparent, white and yellowish. Their appearance is due to physiological causes, so no therapeutic action is not taken. If the character of the secret is changed, then you need to seek help from a doctor.

abnormal discharge

Abnormal discharge from the genital slit are more common in girls aged from one year to eight years, but can also occur at other times. This is due to peculiarities of the vaginal microflora, wherein the acidic environment is created, which prevents the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria. The oppression of the immune system, non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene or allergies number of bacteria increases significantly - and noted the appearance of heavy discharge in adolescent girls.

Signs of inflammatory disease are considered unpleasant sensations in the vagina and the secret of a greenish color. It could also mark the admixture of pus and blood. Even white discharge from the girls that appeared during the period of hormonal rest (ages 1 to 8 years), should be an occasion to visit the gynecologist.

Girl thinking about separation

Causes of abnormal vaginal discharge

Not in all cases, the mucous leucorrhoea girls provoked by physiological causes. Often they are caused by the occurrence of pathological processes that develop under the influence of several factors:

  1. Immune system suppression. If the body is not able to fully perform the safety function, there are beginning to develop pathogens. Often this takes place under the influence of stress, exposure to cold or with the wrong organization diet.
  2. Violation of the microflora in the vagina. It is necessary to pay attention to personal hygiene means, which are used in the process of cleaning the.
  3. Frequent reception of antibiotic agents. Drugs in this group have a negative effect on the microflora of the vagina, as a result of this increased number of pathogens triggering the beginning of the pathological process.
  4. Infection. Pathogenic secretion often appears due to infectious diseases of the genitourinary system. It is possible the presence of trichomonas infection or other disorders, sexually transmitted diseases, which the child could become infected in the womb or during childbirth.
  5. Allergy. For this reason, often develop atopic vulvovaginitis, clinical manifestations are observed only during exacerbations of the disease.
  6. Diabetes. Doctors say that this disease is often observed bacterial vulvovaginitis.
  7. Foreign body. It is possible that the child through negligence has brought in the vaginal area of ​​some foreign object. This can be toilet paper, string or small balls.
  8. Worm infestation. Pathogenic bacteria can penetrate from the intestine into the vagina and cause the appearance of discharge.
doctor examining a child

Symptoms of abnormal discharge

Signs indicating the pathological changes in the body are as follows:

  • there are additional symptoms that accompany separation (itching, redness in the genital area);
  • mucus appears, from which emanates an unpleasant odor;
  • foamy whites, accompanied by redness of the skin in the genital area, are observed in the development of Trichomonas infection;
  • cheesy secret and itching characteristic of vulvovaginal fungal origin;
  • scanty secretion, in which a marked redness of skin and itching appears in the defeat of the body's intestinal worms;
  • vesicles and ulcers in the genital area, pain and leukorrhea considered a sign of herpes infection;
  • yellow discharge in girls who have a smell rotten fish, suggest the development of bacterial vaginosis.

To clarify the cause of uncharacteristic mucus, it is necessary to consult a physician and to conduct a comprehensive inspection.

Defining the problem of color and smell

Not in all cases, the disease occurs with a pronounced clinical picture. The symptomatology may manifest itself only in acute periods. To trace unwanted changes at the same time manages the nature of discharge.

girl and allocation

White discharge in girls

With the onset of puberty in girls is allocated all white liquid, which is considered a variant of the norm. In some cases, the secretion may indicate the development of fungal diseases that can be transmitted by the mother to the baby even during birth or develop on the background immunosuppression or receiving antibiotic funds.

Found on the panties white discharge, having curd consistency and are accompanied by itching and burning of the external genital organs of the system point to the development of Candidiasis in girls. This pathology in need of treatment.

Selection of green and yellow

Yellow and green discharge is often observed in girls due to the development of bacterial vaginosis. It is noted additional symptoms: itching, burning and an unpleasant fishy odor.

Yellow secret rules can be considered for this solely in puberty and in the absence of other clinical manifestations. Most of these changes were observed for the following reasons:

  • vagina hit the dirt;
  • incorrectly matched intimate hygiene products;
  • irritation from synthetic materials;
  • intertrigo.

The presence of green slime is a reason for treatment to the gynecologist and the diagnosis of high-grade, regardless of the age at which she appeared.

a doctor baby

Red and brown discharge

First of all, make sure that the girl brown discharge is not menstruation. Brownish bleach can be observed from the presence of a foreign object into the vagina. In this case it is also possible the unpleasant, fetid odor.

Often these symptoms are noted at the beginning of the inflammatory process, indicating the development of gynecological diseases.

Often a small amount of blood in belyah indicates the imminent appearance of the first controller and hormonal changes in the body.

Irregular periods in adolescents It can be considered the norm, but it is worth to read additional information on this topic.


Pus can not be considered a normal option. When they occur you should immediately contact a gynecologist and to begin treatment. The most common causes of such changes are the following:

  • coleitis;
  • inflammation of the appendages, or cervix;
  • development of infectious diseases.
infection of the genital tract

Prevention of abnormal discharge

Adhering to the specific recommendations will reduce the risk of pathological leucorrhoea to a minimum:

  1. Follow the rules of personal hygiene and wash twice a day.
  2. Use only personal towel.
  3. Hygienic procedures performed using boiled water.
  4. To correctly choose the means by which to wash genitals.
  5. Avoid mechanical damage to the genitals.
  6. Purchase underwear made from natural fabrics.

Beli girls normally appear at puberty and can be observed in the first month of life. If they appear in a different age, or accompanied by additional symptoms that indicate pathological changes. In this case, it is necessary to consult with your doctor.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 28
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