Thrush as an indication of pregnancy to delay: if such can be

Candidiasis in women can occur for various reasons. This hormonal disorders, and a weakening of the body's defenses, which arise after conception the baby. That is why many wonder if the thrush can be regarded as a sign of pregnancy, because it often informs the future mother of his conception of unpleasant symptoms.

pregnant woman


  • Causes of thrush
  • Is thrush sign of pregnancy
  • Why is there more often during pregnancy thrush
  • Treatment

Causes of thrush

Thrush - is a fairly common phenomenon, which occurs in about 70% of women (once or more). Yeast-like fungus Candida, which is present in the body of each person is inactive. Upon the occurrence of favorable conditions he begins to actively proliferate, causing the development of the disease and contributing to the emergence of unpleasant symptoms.

Possible causes of candidiasis:

  • weakened immunity;
  • hormonal disorders.
woman holding her stomach

The emergence of these causes can have the effect of the following factors:

  • stressful situations;
  • candidiasis of antibiotics and other drugs;
  • unhealthy lifestyle;
  • chronic disease.
instagram viewer

All these factors can change the microflora of the vagina, which leads to the development of thrush. But the weakening of immunity and hormonal malfunction in the body can lead and has just become pregnant. Some women show signs of thrush after ovulationAnd they mistakenly believed to be the first sign of pregnancy.

In fact, conception can not occur without ovulation, and when a woman is not a long time get pregnant, she starts counting the days, in time to take advantage of favorable moment. Since this period, the body is always a jump of hormones varies microflora genital organs, they become breeding ground for the fungus Candida. It does not matter whether or not there was a conception - may develop candidiasis.

It is also worth knowing that the successful fertilization of a woman's body begins enhanced production of the hormone progesterone, which causes the formation of copious mucous discharge, as in kandioze. This is normal, but some women mistake this state for thrush.

For these reasons, it was felt that thrush - is a sign of early pregnancy.

Is thrush sign of pregnancy

The fact that a woman is pregnant, she can guess before the delay of the menstrual cycle, as some are beginning to emerge evidence:

  1. Implantation bleeding. This is one of the first signs that manifests itself within 10 days after conception, but not every woman pays attention to it. When implantation occurs attachment of the fertilized egg to the inner layer of the uterus. This process takes place with rarely seen spotting that occur no more than 24 hours.
  2. Changing tastes.
  3. Frequent urge to empty the bladder.
  4. Nausea in the early stages, passing in vomiting, aggravation of smell: these symptoms occur in the week 4-5 after fertilization, but a woman with a special sensitivity may notice these changes almost immediately.
  5. Increased sensitivity of mammary glands, the appearance of minor pain, which in the first few weeks are the same as during menstruation.
  6. Weak and fast passing pain in the lower abdomen.
  7. The increased amount of vaginal discharge.
  8. Development yeast infection in pregnant - This is quite unpleasant symptom in women sometimes considered the first sign of pregnancy.
woman sitting by the sink

Immediately after fertilization, the body having a hormonal failure and weakening of the immune system that can lead to the development of candidiasis. This condition is characterized by the following features:

  • vaginal dryness;
  • itching and swelling of the genitals;
  • curdled white discharge.

Even if Candida had not been observed, which occurred conception can provoke the appearance of the disease. This is why some women evaluate thrush as a symptom of pregnancy to delay.

Why is there more often during pregnancy thrush

Changes that occur in the female body during pregnancy causes hormonal disorders. After fertilization occurs jump progesterone hormone levels, whereby an expectant mother appear thick and opaque release. Despite the fact that they do not cause any trouble a woman and do not have cheesy consistency, some believe these feature extraction candidiasis. From here it was felt that thrush - is the first sign of pregnancy.

candida fungus

The fungus candida

However, sometimes the fungus Candida that cause candidiasis, thrush can provoke symptoms which occur in the first month of fertilization. At conception, from the first days it changed the microflora of the vagina, and on this background the mucous membrane begins to actively develop the disease.

In this case, the thrush is not associated with carrying a child, and the immunocompromised. After a sharp increase in the amount of progesterone as well as specific proteins, it has an inhibitory effect on immune cells, which contributes to lower the body's defenses.


If a woman has all the signs of pregnancy on the background of a rapidly growing yeast infection, should immediately contact your gynecologist who will prescribe drugs that can alleviate the condition.

Now there are different opinions about the treatment of candidiasis during pregnancy: some doctors insist on treatment, while others say that the symptoms disappear on their own after 3-7 days. But if the disease begins to manifest itself very strongly, bringing the woman a terrible discomfort, you should definitely start treatment, which often consists in the appointment of topical preparations.

and folk ways you can use at the same time with drug therapy, but it is necessary to resort to only after consultation with your doctor.

The great danger of yeast is not completely cured the disease often leaves traces. If at the beginning of pregnancy, it can not cause any harm to the fetus, at the end of third trimester significantly increases the risk of infection by a fungus of the newborn baby passes through the birth canal.

That is why shortly before delivery is recommended preventive treatment for future mother topical agents that will prevent contamination of the baby.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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