Cleaning after a miscarriage in early pregnancy: whether it is necessary, as it is doing, complications

Not always planning pregnancy and childbirth ends favorably. Sometimes a woman has to go through for various reasons miscarriage.

Cleaning after a miscarriage - unpleasant but necessary procedure, which is rarely possible to avoid. Some believe that the effects of scraping will be more deplorable than the miscarriage, and are afraid of curettage (removing the top layer of mucus). However, in most cases, it is compulsory.

He is sitting on the gynecological chair


  • Procedure miscarriage after curettage
  • Cleaning after a miscarriage in early pregnancy
  • Consequences of miscarriage after cleaning
  • Month after curettage
  • subsequent pregnancy
  • recovery

Procedure miscarriage after curettage

On manipulation is given 15-20 minutes. Pre given direction on coagulation and general blood tests, a study on the infection. Cleaning after a miscarriage in early pregnancy (before 12 weeks) is carried out, if fragments of the ovum in the uterus are found by ultrasound.

For 8-10 hours prior to surgery can not eat or drink. curettage procedure It passes on a gynecological chair: genitals decontaminated antiseptic extend cervix and scraped mucous layer or vacuum curette. This manipulation is quite painful and are performed under anesthesia - local or general. If possible, do a hysteroscopy (examination of the video camera) together with curettage: curettage after a miscarriage is considered the least dangerous when the doctor sees the uterine cavity.

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doctor holding tools

When abortion in early pregnancy the embryo can come out completely (it looks like a gray rounded bubble), then cleaning is not required. In other cases, fragments of the fetus would decay, which led to the spread of pathogens and destruction of the endometrium. Therefore, even if the miscarriage occurred outside the facility, and she is confident that the embryo was allocated in full, do not neglect a visit to the doctor.

Cleaning after a miscarriage in early pregnancy

Pregnancy and stopped at once - 5-8 weeks - not uncommon. The physician should determine the cause and make an audit of the uterus, so that the infection has not penetrated into the genital tract. At an early stage of spontaneous miscarriage can do without cleaning.

If an unexpected interruption of pregnancy, the fertilized egg is derived entirely, scraping the uterus is not necessary. The specialist decides on the basis of test results and ultrasound. uterine audit carried out and missed abortion.

Scrape the mucosa for prophylaxis for bleeding, accumulation of blood clots, not to leave pieces of the ovum.

If necessary, make curettage topsheet uterine mucosa and its neck. The samples were sent to histology to determine the causes of miscarriage.

Consequences of miscarriage after cleaning

As with any intervention, cleaning the uterus during an abortion is not always proceed without complications. If you have problems with blood clotting can be opened uterine bleeding. To stop him, prescribe oxytocin injections.

Abdominal pain and fever - signs began inflammatory process. Due to spasms of the cervical canal during curettage can accumulate blood clots in the uterus.

Violation of circulation called hemometra. Accumulating in the uterus, the blood can not get out, it causes painful attacks. If you ignore such a diagnosis can subsequently be deprived of the uterus and the possibility of procreation.

Hematometra complication is an infection of the blood, which may end fatally. Doctors as therapeutic methods prescribed medication and special procedures for removal from the uterus the accumulated blood.

After cleaning as a result of spontaneous abortion complications may appear as endometritis, wherein the inflamed mucosa. So it is sure to be appointed a course of antibiotics, which is important to pass according to the diagram.


Vacuum cleaning of the uterus after a miscarriage - the most effective and safest way to curettage. But in some cases, problems may arise:

  1. Not until the end of the embryo removed. Doctors often have to manipulate the blind, so there may be the remains of the fetus in the uterus.
  2. Mechanical damage to the cervical canal instruments, which happens during the opening of the uterus. Possible consequences - miscarriage following pregnancy.
  3. Bleeding provoked by injury or fibroids existing vessels. In some cases it is necessary to remove the uterus.
  4. Infection, observed non-compliance with hygiene recommendations for wine woman or doctor. It leads to infertility and inflammations.
  5. cervical weakness. In step may weaken the cervical canal and subsequently lead to miscarriages.

Should not delay the campaign to the hospital with the appearance of these signs:

  • temperature;
  • intensive spotting;
  • the absolute lack of discharge;
  • stomach ache.

Month after curettage

Menstruation after curettage the uterus usually begins in time, that is 26-29 days. the doctor may prescribe birth control pills already in the cleaning day or the next for the normalization of the cycle and prevent pregnancy.

Isolation during menstruation is generally scarce, because the endometrium has not yet recovered.

If there is excessive bleeding, it is possible to predict that the elimination of hyperplasia of the endometrium is not all removed. Confirm medical help guess the results of ultrasound. Secondary cleaning is not appointed, and help to reduce blood loss.

Pathology considered vaginal discharge, continued for too long (10 days or more), which have an unpleasant odor, which may indicate the beginning of the infection process. Should be alerted and the abrupt cessation of discharge, which is a sign of blood clots in the uterus.

subsequent pregnancy

Gynecologists advised to refrain from pregnancy after cleaning at least six months. The body is not recovered from the surgery, is not ready for childbearing. To prevent complications of prescribed antibiotics, oral contraceptives, provide medical supervision and commissioning tests.

Sexual rest should last at least three weeks after cleaning to prevent infection and bleeding. You need to limit physical activity, alcohol consumption, refuse to visit the baths and saunas, taking a bath (shower only).

Recommended physiotherapy:

  • EHF (for prophylaxis of endometritis);
  • ultrasound (from adhesions);
  • phototherapy (in the anti-inflammatory purposes).

For faster healing medical use sorption treatment: injected into the uterine cavity composite solution. Control the regeneration process taking aspiration biopsy.

Lower abdominal pain indicates the presence of disturbances as a result of scraping. If there is slight discomfort - this is the norm, do not worry, in a couple of days in the absence of other negative signs it will.

Alarm must cause severe pain, the causes of which - cervical laceration or puncture the body, inflammation, accumulation of blood. After removing all the negative factors, the doctor allows to plan a new pregnancy.


To quickly bounce back after the general concern of the cleaning process, should strictly follow the doctor's prescription, maintain a healthy lifestyle, hygiene, do not overwork, relax fully and correctly eat. In this case after curettage recovery It will take place much easier.

After an abortion, some women become depressed. The right decision would be an appeal to the therapist.

To plan a new pregnancy, it is necessary to fully restore health after cleaning, make sure that all parameters (urine, blood) is normal, no infection. The uterus, ovaries and cervix should be ready to conceive and nurturing. Such conditions will guarantee the birth of a healthy baby.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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