The wash with thrush: getting rid of the itching at home

Thrush - one of the most common and unpleasant gynecological diseases. Fungal infection is treated, but has one bad feature: with stress and weakened immunity she returns. Relapse can be provoked by poor quality and body hygiene. Genitals and struck Candida vagina require careful care. A woman should know how to wash with thrush and how to perform the procedure.

woman in towel


  • Features intimate hygiene during thrush
  • What can wash thrush
    • Folk remedies

Features intimate hygiene during thrush

The first to appear itching and burning thrushAs well as a selection. Finding at these symptoms, see your doctor and consult, what is better to use for cleaning the. Options and means a lot.

Whatever the choice, it is important to follow the general rules of feminine hygiene:

  1. You need to wash with clean hands.
  2. The procedure is performed at least twice a day.
  3. During treatment is not recommended to take a hot bath.
  4. Choosing pharmaceutical agents for the intimate zone and hygiene should be carefully study the composition. Flavors and colors enhance the itching and burning.
  5. instagram viewer
  6. After cleaning the genitals wipe with a clean towel. To avoid infection, each family member should be personal hygiene items.
  7. The duration of the treatment course should not exceed 7 days.
  8. In the treatment of candidiasis folk remedies need to comply with the dosage and use only boiled water.

A complete and competent health thrush - is one of the main components of comprehensive treatmentWhich allows to eliminate the fungi Candida and speed up recovery. Do not neglect water treatments. Cleaning the help to relieve the annoying symptoms and improve the condition. The main thing - to choose the right tool and use it correctly.

Water in palms

What can wash thrush

In the treatment of yeast infection at home is not recommended to use ordinary soap with antibacterial properties. It desiccate the mucosa and washes out the nutrients from the vagina. Procedures for a better fit special gels for intimate hygiene.

Among pharmacy means for cleaning the most effective are those which contain lactic acid. This material eliminates the manifestations of candidiasis and does not violate the vaginal microflora. The presence of acid increases the number of lactobacilli, detrimental impact on the environment in which live and breed fungi.

When hygienic purposes candidiasis often prescribe drugs Lactacyd Femina, glyceric acid gel Epigenes Intimacy, Nivea soothing agents, Laktatsid, Vagisil, Ginokomfort, Compliment Intimate et al.

Pharmacy assistants for personal hygiene for thrush should be of high quality and proven. Should not completely trust the advertising information and the advice of friends who are familiar with this problem. Medical advice - the perfect option for recovery without complications and sequelae.

Epigenes and laktatsid

Folk remedies

Candidiasis can be treated at home. Known and successfully employed dozens of useful solutions available cooking recipes. We select the most popular among women:

  1. A solution of soda. It is used for cleaning the irrigation and in the home. The recipe is simple: 1 tbsp. l. soda in 1 liter of water. Tool neutralizes the acidity of the vagina, but abuse it is not recommended - it can provoke an aggravation of candidiasis. Twice-daily application is sufficient.
  2. Oak bark. The means is particularly effective when used in conjunction with the herbal based chamomile, nettle, juniper, lavender and succession. The successful combination of the beneficial properties of herbs thus relieving the inflammation and swelling. Oak bark in fitosbory should be at least 3 tbsp. l, the remaining herbs -. 1 st. l. The ingredients were mixed, poured boiling water (200 ml) and insist 2 hour.
  3. cleaning the potassium permanganate. For cleaning the thrush is used for a long time. The solution should have a light pink color. Not too far: excessive concentration and undissolved crystals cause burns mucosa. Application solution restores the acid-alkaline balance and eliminates toxins released by the fungi.
  4. Honey water. Antiseptic inflammatory, healing and anti-edematous action. To prepare the honey solution is diluted with warm water in a ratio of 1:10.
  5. Cleaning the chamomile. It is a welcome addition to the basic treatment. Broth with this plant restore vaginal microflora and have a restorative effect. For washing away can be connected camomile (2 tbsp. l.) with tea tree oil (3-5 drops) and marigold (1 tbsp. l.). Components are mixed, then poured boiling water (1 liter).

In some cases, it is recommended the use of tar soap thrush. For more on this, see our separate article on this site.

Application only folk remedies will not cure thrush. Natural helpers relieve some symptoms, but they can not destroy parasitic fungi in the vagina. Proper treatment of candidiasis is only possible with a combination of traditional therapy and traditional medicine.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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